students on campus

Majoring in German or Russian (sometimes combined with a double-major in political science, economics, history, business or global studies) gives our students a global perspective and the ability to communicate internationally with linguistic and cultural understanding.

German and Russian majors and minors can move on to successful careers in government (Foreign Service, State Department), business, international law, journalism, international financial institutions, the travel industry, international non-profits or translation work. Many ̽̽ students go on to earn advanced degrees (M.A. and Ph.D.) and have become German or Russian teachers at the high school or university level.Because of the broad interdisciplinary focus of the College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate program, students in both majors are equipped with a broad range of transferable skills, enabling them to succeed in any profession.
  • Kayle Baczewski

    Combining language and business abroad

    Kayla Baczewski was interested in attending New York University largely for the international vibe and the breadth of the university’s study abroad programs. As valedictorian of her class at Bellows Free Academy in Fairfax, Vt., she was also awarded a Green & Gold scholarship to ̽̽. She took a closer look and discovered a rich array of study abroad opportunities available at the school practically located in her back yard. “I was able to study abroad in Dublin the summer before I started at ̽̽, went to China the next summer, and then studied abroad for a full year in Vienna,” she said. A business major with minors in German and European studies, she worked with advisors across two colleges at ̽̽ to develop an ideal educational experience for a career in international development or diplomacy.

    Read more of Kayla's story.

    Her life travels and natural sense of adventure came into play as well. “I lived in South Korea for three years as a young child and enjoyed every minute of it—my mom still makes Korean food as our type of ‘home-cooked comfort food.’” Her interest in modern German history led to her taking German as a minor, though she first considered studying Russian. The clincher came when her father took an overseas assignment in Germany the summer before her sophomore year at ̽̽. “I was looking into the exchange program in Vienna at the time, so it just seemed like a good idea!” Baczewski believes the combination of language skills and cultural experience abroad will be a big key to her success. “It's the small experiences and details of living in a foreign country that help you pick up the nuances of a different culture.”

    She just completed a European studies from the University of Applied Science in Bremen, Germany, with the help of a German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) Graduate Scholarship. Professor Schreckenberger and her faculty colleagues in the ̽̽ German department supported Baczewski in her efforts to study abroad at the undergraduate level, and then enroll at a German university for graduate school. “I first met professor Schreckenberger as a sophomore in her Honors College seminar. Before she even knew me well, she was helping me with my German minor requirements (I started a year late, so I really had to plan well to get all my credits in) and even helped me fill out my Austrian visa forms. I really think it was her commitment to my studies and future that helped me succeed. Even now, I know I can still count on her for advice whenever I need it.”

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“I studied political science and Russian area studies at ̽̽. After graduation, I completed a master’s program in international relations, with a regional focus on Europe and Eurasia at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. My ̽̽ education has helped me in the pursuit of my future goals, namely to join the Foreign Service. I have had the opportunity to intern at the U.S. Embassies in Astana, Kazakhstan and Moscow, Russia.”

Renée Lariviere
Foreign Service Officer at U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.

“While attending ̽̽, I was given approval by the German and Russian department to study abroad at Chelyabinsk State University for two academic semesters, and was provided a scholarship. I have gone on to participate in the 2008-2009 ACTR (American Council of Teachers of Russian) Domestic Flagship program at the University of Maryland, as well as the ACTR academic year program in Moscow, Russia."

Brittany Seraphin
Administrative & Production Assistant, Adventist Development Relief Agency, Silver Spring, Maryland