
HEBR 1100. Elementary Hebrew I. 4 Credits.

The spoken language of everyday use with oral, aural, and written practice in speaking, reading, and comprehension. Catamount Core: GC2, OC.

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HEBR 1200. Elementary Hebrew II. 4 Credits.

The spoken language of everyday use with oral, aural, and written practice in speaking, reading, and comprehension. Prerequisite: HEBR 1100 or equivalent. Catamount Core: GC2, OC.

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HEBR 1990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

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HEBR 2100. Intermediate Hebrew I. 3 Credits.

Reading, translation, and discussion in Hebrew of texts selected to show the development of Hebrew culture from Biblical times to the present. Prerequisite: HEBR 1200 or equivalent. Catamount Core: GC2, OC.

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HEBR 2200. Intermediate Hebrew II. 3 Credits.

Reading, translation, and discussion in Hebrew of texts selected to show the development of Hebrew culture from Biblical times to the present. Prerequisite: HEBR 2100 or equivalent. Catamount Core: GC2, OC.

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HEBR 2990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

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HEBR 3150. Topics in Advanced Hebrew. 3 Credits.

Opportunity to further develop communication skills in Hebrew. May be repeated for credit with different content. Topics vary by offering; periodic offering at intervals that may exceed four years. Prerequisite: HEBR 2100.

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HEBR 3990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

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HEBR 3991. Internship. 1-18 Credits.

On-site supervised work experience combined with a structured academic learning plan directed by a faculty member or a faculty-staff team in which a faculty member is the instructor of record, for which academic credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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HEBR 3993. Independent Study. 1-18 Credits.

A course which is tailored to fit the interests of a specific student, which occurs outside the traditional classroom/laboratory setting under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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HEBR 3995. Undergraduate Research. 1-18 Credits.

Undergraduate student work on individual or small team research projects under the supervision of a faculty member, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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HEBR 4990. Special Topics. 1-18 Credits.

See Schedule of Courses for specific titles.

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HEBR 4994. Teaching Assistantship. 1-3 Credits.

Undergraduate student service as a teaching assistant, usually in an introductory-level course in the discipline, for which credit is awarded. Offered at department discretion.

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