
Overview | Department of Economics | ̽̽(title)

We encourage ̽̽ economics students to build on their coursework by taking advantage of additional opportunities tailored to their specific skills, interests, and goals. You’ll have the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on work experience in real-world settings before you graduate—most economics majors do an internship or a study abroad opportunity during their four years. 

Student spotlight

Economics major headed to Harvard Law


Growing up as one of few—if not the only—students of color in her Shelburne, Vermont, school, Shania Bunbury '19 is well-versed in the realities of racial discrimination today. Having persisted through a traumatic, racially-charged experience herself in middle school, she is passionate about being an advocate for the marginalized. She had her choice of top law schools, but they all paled in comparison to Harvard. Bunbury will soon take a pivotal step on her long-planned journey to combat marginalization issues as a lawyer. “These are the really big goals, but ones that I think are so important because the people that need the legal system most don’t have the resources for it. It’s really important to me that I use this degree to be the person that I would have wanted when I was going through the education system,” she says.

Grad School-Bound Courtney Brady Combines Language and Finance


Courtney Brady '20, a native of Blakeslee, Penn., came to ̽̽ to study environmental engineering. After taking a principles of macroeconomics class from Professor Jane Knodell, she quickly decided to change her major to economics. “She was a very dynamic professor, and I really loved the course material,” she recalls. “It was a large lecture-style class but she knew all the students by name, so it felt like a really intimate seminar.” Brady also had a background in speaking French—her grandmother is from Sherbrooke, Quebec. “One of my goals was to be able to speak fluently with her in French, but she passed away the year I went off to college. But I kept at it because I feel it’s part of my family legacy.” A business administration minor, Brady served as vice-president of the ̽̽ Economics Club and a leader of the ̽̽ Fed Challenge team, a group that competes each year in fiscal policy competition in Boston.

She worked as a peer mentor in economics in The Peer Mentor Program, an initiative designed to help first-year students transition to college life in the Honors College. Peer mentors share their own experience, listen, give advice, and ultimately serve as the resource students need during their first semester.

Brady also has an outdoorsy side—she skied in Vermont as a youngster and enjoys yoga, hiking, biking and snowboarding. ̽̽’s reputation as a school with strong environmental ethos was another factor in drawing her to ̽̽ and she’s decided to pursue an M.S. in commerce with a track in finance at the University of Virginia.

She’s passionate about socially responsible investing (SRI) which encourages supporting companies that demonstrate sustainable “green” business practices.

“It’s where we need to head as a country,” she said. “SRI principles help us find a balance between making a profit while putting people and the planet first.”

The long-term dream? To combine her skills in language and finance.

“I’d love to work in Quebec or France—I think the combination of a language and my economics background will provide a more opportunities than I would have had if I had concentrated on one major.”

Economic Educator


Will LaCroix '20 immersed himself in economic theory and athletics at ̽̽. In addition to his studies, the Burlington native was a standout on the ̽̽ cross-country and track teams. As his academic career unfolded, he found himself observing the classroom styles of his favorite professors including Professor of Economics Marc Law and Lecturer Jennifer Prue “I love economics but I’m not as interested in finance or banking as I am with teaching,” said LaCroix. As a student at Rice High School, he volunteered at the King Street Center in Burlington, a non-profit organization serving local children and families. At ̽̽, LaCroix volunteered with the College for Every Student Program, mentoring a local elementary school student. After finishing requirements for his B.A. in economics, he returned to ̽̽ in 2019 to pick up an additional degree in secondary education. “I’ve been struck by how little students are exposed to economics in school,” LaCroix observed. “I think giving students more background in economics is great preparation for the future, and helps them in other subjects.”

Academic opportunities

Readings and Research

Students have the opportunity to pursue independent studies not covered by the department's regular course offerings through special Readings and Research courses (). With a sponsoring faculty member, you’ll develop a plan of work to guide your studies.

Academic Programs for Learning and Engagement (APLE)

Students have the opportunity to engage deeply with economics through research projects. In each case, students can work on individual projects, or with other students in group projects. The College of Arts and Sciences offers some funding opportunities for such research.

National Awards for Economics Students

Students who are excelling in their studies and who want to be change makers in society may want to apply for these awards. They range from undergraduate merit scholarships to postgraduate research opportunities to graduate school fellows. Find  awards that best fit your intellectual track and personal aspirations at the .

Research Opportunities

Students with high academic achievement can pursue independent research projects with faculty as a capstone to their economics major. Often this is done as part of the , or the Honors College.

Recent examples of individually conducted student research projects include:

  • An analysis of how information technology affects investment behavior in the U.S. economy.
  • A study of how governance reforms would affect the ability of Mexico's economy to respond to financial crises.

There are also opportunities for students to conduct research projects as a group. For example, in a recent Environmental Economics class, students wrote a comprehensive analysis of a proposed wind power project off the coast of Cape Cod. You can look at their Cape Wind Project report (PDF).

Omicron Delta Epsilon

Omicron Delta Epsilon, an international honors society for economics, is one of the world's largest academic honor societies. As a major or minor in economics, you are eligible to join ̽̽'s chapter if you have completed 18 credit hours in economics, have an economics GPA of 3.33 or higher, and an overall GPA of at least 3.0. The economics department chair invites applicants in the spring of each year. The objectives of Omicron Delta Epsilon are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities; the publication of its official journal, The American Economist, and sponsoring of panels at professional meetings as well as the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig competitions.