A Wave of Summer Humanities Research

young woman in green turtleneck with shoulder-length brown hair smiling and standing in front of blurred forest background

When planning fun things to do on summer break, surfing may come to mind, but research? It doesn’t usually make the cut, but this past summer some ambitious students studying the humanities in ̽̽’s College of Arts and Sciences learned a way to do both, so to speak.

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man in blue jacket and red cap with video equipment works on a shoot in the forest

Spotlight on CAS Alums!

The alumni of ̽̽’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) are a hugely diverse group to be sure, but, as you’ll see below, there’s a common thread running through many of their stories: how a broad-based, liberal arts education provided a potent recipe for both professional success and personal fulfillment.

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̽̽ Art + AI installation featured in international exhibition

The ̽̽ Art + AI Research Group’s installation “Team Picks” is featured in the international exhibition Aberrant Creativity: Unusual Partnerships Between Humans and Machines, an exhibition at Texas A&M exploring the boundaries between our machines and ourselves. Work in the show challenges AI, seduces AI into creative partnership, or leads it astray into play and joy.

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