Here's what past participants had to say about their job shadowing experience:

From Students

“[My shadowing host] explained why she fell in love with the industry and how she ended up at ̽̽. After telling me a little bit about the variety of factors that influence life policies, we sat down with her team to have lunch and discuss strategies for the new year. I am so glad I took this opportunity to not only learn about a potential career field, but also get advice from a successful ̽̽ alumni.”

“I got the opportunity to job shadow at Beacon Hill Staffing in NYC. This opportunity gave me a great insight into the life as a recruiter, the day to day responsibilities, different ways of connecting clients to the right candidates, and most importantly what it's like working at Beacon Hill Staffing. I really enjoyed shadowing various people with different styles of communicating and from different departments. The most interesting part of job shadowing was witnessing the company's culture and layout of the office.”

“My time shadowing deepened my appreciation for good rapport between provider and patient. [My shadowing host] had back-to-back appointments that lasted 45 to 60 minutes, and she maintained upbeat conversation throughout the day, remembering unique details about each patient. I had never before seriously considered PT, but I soon realized the direct relationship between rehabilitation and the nervous system. This sparked an interest that led me to organize a shadow of occupational therapy at the ̽̽ Medical Center’s Fanny Allen campus.”

“My time shadowing exposed me to a slice of the vast diversity of healthcare occupations. In addition to other RNs, I observed various individuals pass through SICU: OTs, PTs, PAs, LNAs, MDs (residents, attendings, surgeons, anesthesiologists, etc.), SLPs, respiratory therapists, dietitians, orderlies, and even some medical students. The experience emphasized the reality that healthcare is a team effort. I gained insight into how exhausting the long shifts (up to 12 hours) of close monitoring of patients in SICU can be, and I observed what some might consider the less glamorous aspects of patient care such as helping a patient use the toilet and cleaning up after a patient.”

“I found both of my shadowing experiences enjoyable and eye-opening. I am grateful for the Career Center’s ability to tap into the ̽̽ alumni network and provide such a great opportunity for students.”

“My job shadowing experience with the Vermont Department of Labor was really inspiring. I had a chance to know how people work behind the data sheet, which we use a lot in our classes, and daily discussions. I feel grateful to the director of the department for sharing his experience and inviting me to join their brainstorming meeting in the morning. I spent time with different people working at the department to get to know their specific tasks, and how do they handle the problems. All in all, it was a great experience for me!”

“I would say that I thoroughly enjoyed shadowing the principal at Hyde Park Elementary. It was an empowering experience to see such a woman have such a powerful impact on the education of an entire school. I would say that attending meetings gave me a lot of perspective on the different skill sets you need in education besides administrative ability. I would recommend this internship for anyone who would like to see a different side of education besides within the walls of a classroom.”

“I went to BSC Group in Boston, MA for a job shadow day. [My shadowing host] is one of the most kind and informative ̽̽ alums I have met. She gave me a tour of her office, introduced me to many of her colleagues, took me out to lunch and brought me on a site visit to show me a day in her shoes. It was a great experience and she had me learning something new from 9am until 4pm. She made the experience wonderful and her company should be proud to have an employee as hardworking as her. I look forward to using the job shadowing program again through ̽̽ and I am glad [my shadowing host] has become a new addition to my alumni network."

From Alums

“It was a delight to get to know [my student shadower]. I hope she stays in touch so I can support her as she moves along. I am proud to be an alum with students like her at my alma mater!”

“All three students were a joy to be with. They were personable, engaged and fit in perfectly with the team.”

“[My student shadower] was extremely professional, a delight to be with and I enjoyed the day thoroughly. I hope she also had a great time. I have some great pictures of her here at our Main Interior Building. Although the government was shut down, she got to meet some high levels here in the Department. A really great day!”

“The experience for [my student shadower] was so good... she applied for a Summer Internship here at Global Foundries. The manager deciding on the hiring stopped by my office to ask about her. I think GF made her an offer. Not sure if she accepted. But clearly a side benefit of the job shadowing program.... you might get hired!”

“[My student shadower] was very flexible and came prepared. I had to change the date due to a death, and she was very accommodating. I really enjoyed spending time with her. It made me miss ̽̽.”

“The student that I worked with was very well prepared, dressed professionally, was punctual and very attentive throughout the day. She came with a very clear focus of her interests and what she wanted to get out of the day.  I found her to be exceptional and I was very impressed with her determination and interest. It made me feel like this was a good investment of my time to do this.”

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