Three Ways to start your job search while honoring your identity:

You'll find resources below about networking, mentorship, and assessing prospective employers below.

1) Find a Mentor

Mentors can help you grow personally and professionally by sharing their experiences, advice and giving you the support, you need. Mentors should be someone whom you feel comfortable with and who is supportive of you.ÌýCheck outÌýÌýtoday, to help you find someone right for you.

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2) Develop a Network

A network is a group of people who you are connected to either formally or informally. They can be family, friends, alums, mentors, and peers. If you don’t feel like you have a strong network, useÌý¶¶Òõ̽̽ Connect and LinkedIn to find people willing to help you. By building a network, you’ll access the "hidden job market" within a job search. If you need assistance, stop by the Career Center for a Drop-In and speak with a peer leader who can help you get started.ÌýÌý

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3) Assess an Organization's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

While it may be difficult to accurately determine how inclusive an employer really is, there are some key indicators to look for that will help you understand their values, their compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity laws, and the overall climate of an organization.

Organizational Values

When reviewing a company's website or recruitment materials, look for some of the following:

  • A statement of their commitment to diversity and non-discrimination policies
  • In-house employee support, mentorship, or social networks for people from marginalized groups (i.e. employees of color, LGBTQ employees, veteran employees, etc.). These are commonly called Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).Ìý
  • Diversity rankings from industry organizations
  • Recruitment efforts in diversity-oriented publications, networks, and events
  • Membership in professional organizations for people from marginalized backgrounds
  • Diversity amongst the senior management, leadership, and Board of Directors

Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance

In the United States, all employers are required to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity laws, which means that they cannot discriminate against applicants or employees based on their race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability. To find out if an organization has violated EEO laws, you can:

  • Search for the employer's name along with an identifying term such as "civil rights violation" or "lawsuit"
  • Check on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's website for lawsuits related to the employer

Sometimes, charges of discrimination can lead to an employer introducing new policies and attempting to change the culture of their organization. So, if an employer does have a civil rights violation, check to see if they have made public statements about changes to their organization's inclusion efforts and be sure to speak with current employees about their experiences during your interview.

Inclusive Workplace

An inclusive workplace is an organization that recruits, hires, and retains a diverse workforce, and creates a place where people feel a sense of belonging and respect. People feel valued, seen, and heard, and it results in a high performing environment. Speak to employees either before or during your interview to learn more about the reality of a prospective workplace to better assess their inclusive practices. Ask about:ÌýÌý

  • What is it like to work there?ÌýÌý
  • Can they describe the organization’s culture?
  • Can you give me an example of the organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion?Ìý
  • Do you feel a sense of belonging and support as an employee of this organization?


Identity-Specific Career Resources


Drop-In Hours


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