Scott Lewins

Scott is the Entomology Extension Educator working with both ̽̽ Extension Northwest Crops & Soils Program and the Plant and Soil Science Department. He works with a multitude of growers within the region in various agricultural systems, with a focus on sustainable pest management, particularly, the development of appropriate IPM tactics for Northeastern organic growers. Scott teaches undergraduate courses in entomology and agricultural production as an Instructor in the Plant and Soil Science Department. He is the Extension Coordinator on the Leadership Team of the Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative at ̽̽, a transdisciplinary community of practice dedicated to using Participatory Action Research methods to better understand and seek out solutions to the issues facing our food systems. Scott has been instrumental to the formation of AgroTek Innovation and the Agroecology Extension Summer Research Fellowship, experiential learning opportunities representing alignment across ̽̽’s land-grant mission of research, education, and extension. Scott provides leadership as Lead of ̽̽ Extension’s Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Forests Result Area, identifying collaborative opportunities across the Result Area, connecting colleagues with resources within and outside of Extension, and recognizing gaps and needs for additional programming and funding. As a member of ̽̽ Extension’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and ̽̽ Extension representative on the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, Scott works with his colleagues to meaningful change around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice affecting all members of the community, particularly those who have historically and systematically been marginalized.


Research and/or Creative Works

Research and Education Grant Program (Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education), 2020-2023. “Biological and Cultural Tactics for the Control of Wireworms in Root Crops.” Co-PI with Victor Izzo,

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, USDA), 2020-2021. “Understanding the Risk Benefit of Brassica Cover Crops on Vegetable Farms in the Northeast.”

Research and Education Grant Program (Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education), 2019-2022. “Pre- and Post-Harvest Strategies for Leek Moth Control on Diversified Vegetable Farms.” Co-PI with Victor Izzo

Research and Education Grant Program (Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education), 2019-2022. “Biological Control of Corn Rootworm in Conventional and Organic Corn Production.” PI: Elson Shields.


Lewins, S.A. and P. Barbosa. Does Identity of Species in a Predator Assemblage Influence the Relationship Between Predator Species Richness and Prey Mortality? Biological Control. (In Review)

Moreno, C.R., S.A. Lewins, P. Barbosa. Identifying and assessing the major arthropod predators of Pieris rapae L. in Maryland collards (Brassica Oleraceae Var. Acephala). (In Prep).

Scott Lewins

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Entomology, Biological Control, Insect Agroecology, Sustainable Agriculture


  • M.S. Entomology, University of Marlyand, College Park, 2006
  • B.S. Environmental and Forest Biology, State University of NY College, Syracuse NY, 2000


  • 656-0552
Office Location:

202 Jeffords Hall

Office Hours:

By appointment

Courses Taught

PSS 028 A Bugs Life

PSS 195 Introduction to Hemp Production