̽̽ Career Center information on Internships
Why do an internship?
- Experiential Learning - Take what you’ve learned in the classroom and test it in the real world.
- Self-Directed Learning - In collaboration with your host and advisor, you decide what, when and how to learn.
- Earn Money and Credit - Internship hosts may pay a wage or stipend or offer free room and board. Students may also earn up to 3 credits for internship hours.
Student Role and Responsibilities
Students are responsible for identifying suitable internship hosts with the internship coordinator, providing the internship coordinator with weekly updates via E-mail, and giving a presentation to PSS faculty and peers about their experience at the conclusion of the internship.
Students should be enrolled in PSS 158 (1 credit) which is graded on a pass/no pass basis. However, students may earn up to 3 credits depending upon whether or not their internship involves more extensive research activities.
Talk to our faculty internship coordinators to learn more about internship opportunities with Plant & Soil Science:
Terry Bradshaw
Email: Terence.Bradshaw@uvm.edu
Mark Starrett
Yolanda Chen