Stephanie E. Hurley

My research and teaching span disciplines within the fields of landscape architecture, ecological design, restoration, and planning to facilitate healthy, sustainable societal and ecological interactions through design. I teach landscape and ecological design courses that highlight principles, practices, and precedents encouraging students to design projects that benefit both humans and natural systems. My work ranges from the site scale to the community scale, including design of streets, parks, and other public places, as well as private properties.


Hurley Lab, Ecological Design


Braconnier, M., Morse, C., and Hurley, S. 2022. “Using Photovisualizations to Gain Perspectives on River Conservation over Time” Land 11,534.

Ament, M., Roy, E., Yuan, Y., and Hurley, S. 2022. “Phosphorus removal, metals dynamics, and hydraulics in stormwater bioretention systems amended with drinking water treatment residuals.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment.

Sparacino, H., Stepenuck, K., Gould, R. and Hurley, S. 2021. “Review of Reduced Salt, Snow, and Ice Management Practices for Commercial Businesses.” Transportation Research Record.

Ament, M., Hurley, S., Voorhees, M., Perkins, E., Yuan, Y. Faulkner, J, Roy, E. 2021. “Balancing Hydraulic Control and Phosphorus Removal in Bioretention Media Amended with Drinking Water Treatment Residuals.” ES&T Water.

Associations and Affiliations

State of Vermont Green Infrastructure Roundtable

Campus Master Planning Committee and Landscape Advisory Subcommittee ̽̽

Stephanie Hurley

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Landscape Design & Planning; Ecological Design; Green Stormwater Infrastructure; Land Use and Watershed Management; Urban Ecology; Landscape Visualization


  • DDes (Doctor of Design), Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2009
  • Masters of Landscape Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle WA, 2004
  • B.S. Conservation and Resource Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 1999


  • (802) 656-9501
Office Location:

221 Jeffords Hall

Office Hours:

By appointment

Courses Taught

PSS 137 Landscape Design Fundamentals

PSS 238 Ecological Landscape Design

PSS 381 Agricultural Runoff Treatment Eco Design