Carrigan Wing

NFS Department Office Mailing Address
University of Vermont
Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences
109 Carrigan Drive
256 MLS Carrigan Wing
Burlington, VT 05405-0086

Telephone: 802-656-5485
Email: Ann Martin

Faculty Advisor for Potential Undergraduate Students
Todd Pritchard, PhD
352 MLS Carrigan Wing

Faculty Advisor for Potential Graduate Students
Amy Trubek, PhD
354 MLS Carrigan Wing

Faculty Advisor for a Minor in Nutrition and Food Sciences
Todd Pritchard, PhD
352 MLS Carrigan Wing

Director of the Undergraduate Didactic Program in Dietetics
Lizzy Pope, PhD, RD
254 MLS Carrigan Wing

Director of the Master in Dietetics (MSD) Program
Farryl Bertmann, PhD, RDN
255 MLS Carrigan Wing

Director of the Undergraduate Dietetics Practicum Program
Kelsey Rose, MPH, RD
253 MLS Carrigan Wing

Director of the Undergraduate NFS Internship and Research Experience

Amy Finley, MS
225C MLS