Please see below our policies and resources for those with our funding or those who plan to apply for our funding. If you have any questions, please reach out.

FSRC Policies and Info

No Cost Extensions

No-cost extensions (NCEs) can be requested on FSRC funded projects and are at the discretion of the FSRC leadership team.Ìý Criteria for consideration of a NCE will include the progress on the grant made to date with a drawdown plan, the demonstrated need for additional time on the grant, and the amount of time remaining in the funding source from ARS (i.e., cooperative agreement). NCE’s must be made at least 45 days in advance of the grant end date, in writing to the Director/Associate Director and the Grants Administrator of the FSRC. If the NCE is granted, the PI will work with post award staff and the FSRC Grants Administrator to submit a NCE request form to change their grant end date.
Faculty Funding for Post-docs: For any faculty advising a post-doctorate, they are entitled to 5% academic year salary time, and 2 weeks summer salary.

Post-doctorate extensions

ARS post-doctoral fellowships can, on occasion, be extended if there is sufficient funding and space available, and if the post-doctorate can continue to contribute to ARS projects.Ìý This decision will be made by the PI/director in consultation with other ARS staff and leadership.Ìý The longest duration a post-doctoral fellowship will be paid for in totality by ARS will be four years.

Post-doctorate and graduate student additional funding and extensions

ARS funded post-doctorates and graduate students who receive additional funding while funded on an ARS award may, upon written request and approval, be able to extend their ARS appointment for up to one year at the discretion of the FSRC leadership team.Ìý Consideration for an extension will be based on the ARS funding mechanism, and good standing of the post-doctorate or graduate student.Ìý Should a graduate student’s funding be extended, tuition will be the responsibility of their major advisor.Ìý ARS will fund graduate students or post-doctorates for a maximum of four years total from all internal ARS funding sources.


The FSRC via the ARS agreement funding does not allow tuition or fees.ÌýÌýÌý Specific funding details, including details about who will cover the tuition and fees will be included in any offer letters to ARS funded graduate students.
These policies are subject to semi-annual review and revision.

Open Access Fund

Eligibility and Conditions:
• Previously or currently funded FSRC projects and people are eligible (funded either under the CA 59-8062-9-009 AWD 34853 or the NACA 58-8090-2-002 AWD1102).
• Open access charges will be available for fully open access journals (i.e. where the entire journal is open access).Ìý An exemption may be requested for open access charge for hybrid journals, but require additional information (see below).
• The FSRC will fund a maximum amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000) per request.Ìý An individual cannot request more than six thousand dollars ($6,000) total from the fund, as first or corresponding author.
• Any funding received should be acknowledged in the funding section of your publication.Ìý This information will be provided to you if your publication is provided funding.
• All funding is first come/first serve until the funds have been fully expended.