

The Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Vermont is a member of the Cadence Design Systems' university program which grants access of Cadence electronic design automation (EDA) tools to undergraduate and graduate students in engineering courses and in academic research.

Courses Using Cadence Tools

EE221 Digital VLSI Circuit Design

Design of digital VLSI circuits using a modular approach including schematic capture; circuit design languages (HDL); full-custom layouts; mixed signals simulations and synthesis.

EE222 Analog VLSI Circuit Design

The design, layout, and simulation of VLSI analog circuits. Emphasis on small signal models and circuits used in operational amplifiers.

EE226 RF Circuit Design

An introduction to the design and analysis of active and passive radio frequency and microwave circuits. Topics include radio frequency and microwave circuit analysis, measurement methods, transmission line structures, matching networks, computer-aided analysis and design.

EE231 Digital Computer Design

Hardware organization and realization, hard-wired and microprogrammed control units, interrupt and I/O systems. Hardware design language introduced and used for computer design.

EE266 Integrated Circuit Fabrication

Science and technology of integrated circuit fabrication. Integration of processing with material properties, electrical performance, economy, and manufacturability.

Cadence is a registered trademark of:

Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

2655 Seely Avenue

San Jose, CA 95134.

This site is maintained by Tian Xia, txia@uvm.edu

Last updated August 2021.