ࡱ> =?<a =!jbjb11 $.[[=.......` ` ` ` |  .   ,= Rx, . , .. A  . . B4v".... .. ` W 0   .||PUBLICATIONS Books Kearey, P., Klepeis, K.A. & Vine, F. , 2007, Global Tectonics, third edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford, in press. Projected publication January, 2008. Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Klepeis, K.A., King, D.S., De Paoli, M., Clarke, G.L., and Gehrels, G., 2007, Interaction of strong lower and weak middle crust during lithospheric extension in western New Zealand. Tectonics, in press. Klepeis, K.A. and King, D.S., 2007, Evolution of the middle and lower crust during the transition from contraction to extension in Fiordland, New Zealand. In Crustal Cross sections (Miller, R., Snoke, A. eds.), Geological Society of America Special Paper, in press. Crawford, M.L., Klepeis, K.A., Gehrels, G.E., Lindline, J., 2007, Mid-Cretaceous-Recent crustal evolution in the central Coast Orogen, British Columbia and southeastern Alaska. In Crustal Cross sections (Miller, R., Snoke, A. eds.), Geological Society of America Special Paper, accepted pending revisions. *Marcotte, S.B., Klepeis, K.A., Clarke, G.L., Gehrels, G. & Hollis, J.A., 2005, Intra-arc transpression in the lower crust and its relationship to magmatism in a Mesozoic magmatic arc. Tectonophysics, 407, 135-163. Clarke, G.L., Daczko, N.R., Klepeis, K.A., Rushmer, T. 2005, Roles for fluid and/or melt advection in forming high-P mafic migmatites, Fiordland, New Zealand, J. of Metamorphic Geology, 23, 557567. Flowers, R.M., Bowring, S.A., Tulloch, A.J., Klepeis, K.A., 2005, Tempo of burial and exhumation within the deep roots of a magmatic arc, Fiordland, New Zealand, Geology, 33(1), 1720. Stevenson, J., Daczko, N., Clarke, G., Pearson, N., & Klepeis, K., 2005, Direct observation of adakite melts generated in the lower continental crust, Fiordland, New Zealand, Terra Nova, 17, 73-79. Klepeis, K.A., G. L. Clarke, G. Gehrels, J. Vervoort, 2004, Processes controlling vertical coupling and decoupling between the upper and lower crust of orogens: results from Fiordland, New Zealand, J. of Structural Geology, 26(4), 765-791. Klepeis, K.A. and Clarke, G.L., 2004, Evolution of an exposed lower crustal attachment zone in Fiordland, New Zealand, In: Vertical coupling and decoupling in the lithosphere, Grocott, J., McCaffrey, K., Taylor, G., Tikoff, B. (eds), Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 227, 197-229. Schrter, F.C., J. A. Stevenson, N. R. Daczko, G. L. Clarke, N. J. Pearson, & K.A. Klepeis, 2004, Trace element partitioning during high-P partial melting and melt-rock interaction; an example from northern Fiordland, New Zealand, J. of Metamorphic Geology,22, 443-457. Hollis, J.A., Clarke, G.L., Klepeis, K.A., Daczko, N.R., and Ireland, T.R., 2004, The regional significance of Cretaceous magmatism and metamorphism in Fiordland, New Zealand, from U-Pb zircon geochronology, J. of Metamorphic Geology,22, 607-627. Klepeis, K.A, Clarke, G.L., Rushmer, T., 2003, Magma transport and coupling between deformation and magmatism in the continental lithosphere, GSA Today, 13(1), 4-11. Hollis, J.A., Clarke, G.L., Klepeis, K.A., Daczko, D.A., Ireland, T.R., 2003, Geochronology and Geochemistry of high-pressure granulites of the Arthur River Complex, Fiordland, New Zealand: Cretaceous Magmatism and Metamorphism on the Palaeo-Pacific Margin. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 21, 299-313. *Claypool, A, Klepeis, K., *Dockrill, B., Clarke, G., Zwingmann, H., 2002, Structure and kinematics of oblique continental convergence in Northern Fiordland, New Zealand, Tectonophysics, 359(3-4), 329-358. *Daczko, N., K.A. Klepeis, and G.L. Clarke, 2002a, Thermomechanical evolution of the crust during convergence and deep crustal pluton emplacement in the Western Province of Fiordland, New Zealand, Tectonics, 21, 1-18. * Daczko, N.R., Stevenson, J.A., Clarke, G.L. & Klepeis, K.A., 2002b. Successive hydration and dehydration of high-P mafic granofels involving clinopyroxene-kyanite symplectites, Mt. Daniel, Fiordland, New Zealand, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 669-682. *Daczko, N., K.A. Klepeis, and G.L. Clarke, 2002c. Kyanite-paragonite-bearing assemblages, northern Fiordland, New Zealand: rapid cooling of the lower crustal root to a Cretaceous magmatic arc, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20, 887-902. *Daczko, N., K.A. Klepeis, and G.L. Clarke, 2001a, Evidence of early Cretaceous collisional-style orogenesis in northern Fiordland, New Zealand and its effects on the evolution of the lower crust, J. of Structural Geology, 23, 693-713. *Daczko, N., G.L. Clarke, K.A. Klepeis, 2001b, The transformation of two-pyroxene-amphibole granulite to garnet granulite; simultaneous melting and fracturing of the lower crust. Fiordland, New Zealand, J. of Metamorphic Geology, 19, 547-560. Clarke, G.L., Klepeis, K.A., and Daczko, N., 2000, Cretaceous high-P granulites at Milford Sound, New Zealand; metamorphic history and emplacement in a convergent margin setting, J. of Metamorphic Geology; 18 (4), 359-374. Klepeis, K.A., Daczko, N. R., and Clarke, G.L., 1999, Kinematic vorticity and tectonic significance of superposed mylonites in a major lower crustal shear zone, northern Fiordland, New Zealand, J. of Structural Geology, 21(10), 1385-1405. Crawford, M.L., K. A. Klepeis, G. Gehrels, and C. Isachsen, 1999, Batholith emplacement at mid-crustal levels and its exhumation within an obliquely convergent margin, Tectonophysics, 312, 57-78. Klepeis, K.A. and M.L. Crawford, 1999, High temperature, arc-parallel normal faulting at the roots of an obliquely convergent orogen, Geology, 27 (1), 7-10. Klepeis, K.A., M.L. Crawford, and G. Gehrels, 1998, Structural history of the crustal-scale Coast shear zone near Portland Canal, Coast Mountains orogen, southeast Alaska and British Columbia, J. of Structural Geology, 20(7), 883-904. Klepeis, K.A., and J.A. Austin, 1997, Contrasting styles of superposed deformation in the southernmost Andes, Tectonics, 16(5), 755-776. Klepeis, K.A., and L.A. Lawver, 1996, Tectonics of the Antarctic-Scotia plate boundary near Elephant and Clarence islands, West Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 101(B9), 20,211-20,231. Goldstein, A. J. Pickens, K. Klepeis, and F. Linn, 1995, Finite strain heterogeneity and volume loss in slates of the Taconic allochthon, Vermont, U.S.A., J. of Structural Geology, 17(9), 1207-1216. Klepeis, K.A., 1994, Relationship between uplift of the metamorphic core of the southernmost Andes and shortening in the Magallanes foreland fold and thrust belt, Tierra del Fuego, Chile, Tectonics, 13, 882-904. Klepeis, K.A., 1994, The Magallanes and Deseado Fault Zones: Major segments of the South American-Scotia transform plate boundary in southernmost South America, Tierra del Fuego, J. Geophys. Res., 99(B11), 22,001-22,014. Cunningham, D., K.A. Klepeis, I.W.D. Dalziel, and W.A. Gose, 1991, The Patagonian Orocline: New Paleomagnetic Data From the Andean Magmatic Arc in Tierra del Fuego, Chile, J. Geophys. Res., 96(B10), 16,061-16,067. * Student authored papers  BR8:pX Z P i k m v x  ! # % e bovй蓮﹦歷h,Nh@Z>*B*phh,Nh@Z6B*phh,Nh@ZB*phh,Nh@Z5h,Nh@Z5B*phh,Nh@Z6aJh,Nh@ZaJh,Nh@Z6h,Nh@Z5>*B*ph h,Nh@Zh,Nh@Z5:7 x 1 "w h^h`gd@Zgd@Z h^h`$-D 1$M a$=!!   ./m\z|~NfhjBHT[^`m 9;=>AK*_{gQZ\^h,Nh@Z6h,Nh@ZH* h,Nh@Zh,Nh@Z5B*phh,Nh@ZB*phh,Nh@Z6B*phMwmL;kK !!"!^`> h^h`^ - 0 2 K ! ! !!!"!=!h,Nh@Z6 h,Nh@Zh,Nh@Z6B*phh,Nh@ZB*ph ":p@Z/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List=. z z z =x1 "  wmL;kK!"<?0p0p0p0p00p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ0pƀ000000000x1 "  wmL;kK!"<?0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p^=!w=!=! 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