What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, VT?
The Kirby family had a long history on Chase Street with several family members moving in and out of the area. The 1890 C. M. Hopkins map listed an A. Kirby at the home at 89 Chase Street. An Andrew Kirby is listed in the 1867-1868 Burlington City Directory as an employee of the Winooski Mill Co. with a Home near Winooski. Sometime in 1871-1872 Andrew Kirby begins work at the Burlington Cotton Mill and the location of the home is clarified further in the 1877-1878 directory by listing his home as being on Chase Street.[1]
In 1881 Andrew was joined by Charles Kirby who is a teamster by trade. Sometime within the next two years Andrew moved to 75 Barrett. Charles remained the sole Kirby in the residence for a number of years, changing his job description in 1888 to drayman, the driver of a heavy cart. Charles was joined in 1891 by Charles A. Kirby, a laborer, and Miss Lizzie Kirby. Lizzie didn't stay long though, and moved to 76 Chase a year later. Another year after that Charles A. moved to 55 Chase, and Andrew Kirby (assumed to be the same Andrew listed previously) is living back at 75 Chase. However, in 1894 Charles A. was at 89 Chase again, along with Charles E. and two new Kirbys, John E., a teamster, and Lottie P. Kirby.[2]
These four remained together until 1896 when Charles A. moved to 11 Barrett and Lottie P. was no longer mentioned. Two years later Charles A. moved back in, and they were then joined by a Miss Estrella M. Kirby. Only a year later and John E. moved off to 11 Barrett, which appears to be another family house, and Miss Estrella disappears from directory listings. Charles A. and Charles E. stay at the house until 1903, at which point Charles A. moved again, this time to 14 East. In 1904 Charles E. is joined by Frank Kirby.[3]
1905 brought the death of Charles E. Kirby on December 18 and the first mention of his wife, Eliza Kirby, who had also been living at 89 Chase. Eliza didn't last long after the death of her husband, herself passing away on May 10, 1907. The house was then occupied by Frank and George Kirby. The final Kirby family members to be listed as living at 89 Chase Street are George Kirby, John Kirby teamster, and Walter Kirby. John was listed with the property as his home while George and Walter were boarding. [4]
[1] Burlington City Directories 1867-1878
[2] Burlington City Directories 1881-1894
[3] Burlington City Directories 1896-1904
[4] Burlington City Directories 1905-1907