
Privacy Matters Newsletter
Unemployment Insurance Fraud

Reports of fraud targeted at state unemployment programs are on the rise both nationally and here in Vermont. We have been able to identify some of these fraudulent claims on our own and have also received reports from employees that they received letters from the VT Department of Labor regarding unemployment claims that they didn't file. It is important that you be on the lookout for fraudulent claims that may have been opened under your name. If you have received one of these letters, there is a chance that your social security number and other personal information may have been compromised.

What Should I Do?
If you have received a letter regarding an unemployment claim that you did not file, do not ignore it. Do not think it must be a mistake. If you receive a letter for a claim you didn't file, you could be the victim of identity theft. Here are some steps you can take:
  1. Notify Human Resources
  2. File a report with the
  3. Contact your local police department
  4. File a report with the
The Federal Trade Commission also has a that provides additional information and tips on what to do if you think you've been the victim of identity theft.

If you have any questions about this PRIVACYMATTERS, contact Human Resources Services at hrs-info@uvm.edu or contact the Chief Privacy Officer at privacy@uvm.edu.