Accessible documents benefit everyone.

Accessible materials are an important element of inclusive pedagogy. While accessibility features are necessary for readers with some disabilities, the practice of creating accessible documents benefits everyone. Creating an inclusive classroom environment is an ongoing process that is greatly helped by the clarity, structure, and format of accessible documents. When documents are built to be accessible, it actually improves usability for everyone, not just those with disabilities. Consider accessibility efforts as an act of generous welcoming that invites all students to connect with the course.

As with so many other dimensions of teaching, welcoming via accessibility is easiest if you plan for it from the start, when you’re creating class materials. As you’ll see below, there are easy ways to get started!  Taking steps to make your materials accessible will save you time in the future, should you be in a position when specific accessibility features may be required for a particular class.

Tips for Making Accessible Documents

We’re not the tech experts on this subject, but we’ve compiled a list of tips that will aid you in making accessible documents from scratch. In general, using the formatting styles built into word processors and ensuring that scanned documents use optical character recognition (OCR) goes a long way to make documents more accessible. OCR is what allows text-to-speech, magnification, and dictation programs to access and interact with the scanned documents. In addition, providing alt-text for any images is a relatively simple task. Alt-text allows screen-reader users to hear a text description of images.

  • Use the built in “Check Accessibility” tools in Word and PowerPoint. Always make sure that the source file has been checked before converting it to a PDF. This helps to improve the accessibility of the PDF after it has been converted.
  • Use easily readable font types like Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial. Avoid excessive use of italics and select a readable font size no less than 12 pt.
  • Use built-in style headings which allow access to those using screen readers and provide structure to your document. Built-in style headings are available through many programs including Microsoft Word and Google Docs.
  • Take special care of your links by underlining them and using clear language to indicate if the link will start a download or open an external page.Make sure links have meaningful text and describe specifically what is being linked. Screen reader users rely on this for navigation. When navigating, they will only hear the text that is linked, so if a link just reads “click here”, they won’t have the information needed to know what is linked.
  • When possible, use high contrast color schemes like black and white, which assist those who are visually impaired. A can be helpful.
  • Use shapes or other visual indicators rather than color coding. This makes your document accessible for those who are colorblind or have difficulty differentiating between shades of color.
  • Break up your text to provide visual structure to your document. Consider using columns, breaking up your paragraphs, justifying your document, and being aware of overcrowded text.
  • Provide alternative file types. A Word document may be more beneficial to some and a PDF may work better for others.
  • Provide alt-text for all non-text elements such as images, icons, and figures.Alt-text needs to provide a meaningful description of the image that reflects the context and intent of the image.
  • If using tables, learn about making your tables accessible. Learn how to tag tables appropriately and breakdown complex tables into smaller, simpler tables when possible. Tagging allows assistive technology tools to find their way around the table and allow the user to understand when they are in headings, rows, columns and content. Don’t use tables for formatting; save tables for when you need table functionality for data presentation.

This is not an exhaustive list; you can learn more via the additional resources below.

̽̽ Resources

  • The ̽̽ Knowledge Base Accessible Course Materials page provides insight about creating accessible Word documents, Microsoft PowerPoints, PDFs, and images. It also contains information about Brightspace accessibility features including Accessibility Checker and Ally, which can help you ensure that your Brightspace course and its materials are accessible.
  • The ̽̽ Drupal web guide has an excellent section on web accessibility.
  • The ̽̽ Center on Disability and Community Inclusion’s basic accessible design guidelines provide a great basic overview, an accessibility checklist, information on digital accessibility, and information on fonts and readability.
  • The College of Education and Social Services Accessibility page  offers guidance for creating accessible documents as well as accessible web pages in Drupal. Their home page offers a video on plain language and inclusivity.
  • Do you need your image-based document converted to text?  The Center for Academic Success at ̽̽ offers an OCR Conversion Request service that will convert your image-based document, like a PDF of a scanned book, to a text-based one. This allows users to search for text in your document or manipulate text size, if needed.

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