Please take a moment to help me document whether or not this publication
is useful. Thank-you!
Over the past 2 years, has reading the Vermont Vegetable and Berry Page....
1) caused you to do anything new or different? Yes No
If yes, please describe what you did (attach a page if needed):
2) had an impact on your farm's profitability? Yes No
If yes, please explain, and estimate dollar-value if possible:
3) improved management on your farm of:
pests (insects, weeds, diseases, etc)? Yes No
soil (nutrients, cover crops, manure, etc)? Yes No
business (markets, labor, finances)? Yes No
Please describe one managment change you made as a result of this
4) The Vermont Vegetable and Berry page should continue next year.
Yes No
If yes, suggestions for improvement and/or topics:
Please return to:
Vern Grubinger
University of Vermont Extension
157 Old Guilford Rd.
Brattleboro VT 05301
Mike Collins of Old Athens Farm in Westminster is considering putting
together a fuel buying club for next winter to reduce heating costs for
Vermont (and nearby) greenhouse growers.
Please fill out this survey to help him identify the level of interest and how much fuel would be needed. Send it in with the above evaluation. If you have questions call Mike at 802-722-9047.
Are you interested in the club if it can get fuel for less than you currrently pay? Yes No
How much fuel do you use typically use each year? propane: ____ gal. oil: ____ gal.
what do you currently pay per gallon? propane $______ oil $_______
do you pre-buy your fuel? Yes No
who is your current fuel supplier? ___________________
what is your approximate greenhouse area? __________ sq. ft.
what town are your greenhouses located in? _____________
The new edition of Cornell's "Integrated Pest Management for
Bedding Plants: A Scouting and Pest Management Guide" for is available
from the Cornell Resource Center, 7 Business and Technology Park, Ithaca
NY 14850 for $14.50 postpaid. (607-255-2080). It covers greenhouse pest
management on annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetable transplants, foliage
and flowering potted plants that are commonly produced in the greenhouse
from January to July.
Dec. 12 Management of Soil Dwelling Pests of Strawberry. Connecticut Ag. Experiment Station, Windsor CT. Rich Cowles 860-683-4983.
Jan. 5 New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Meeting. Chicopee
Dom Marini 508-378-2546
Jan 11 Tri-State Greenhouse IPM program, Burlington (also Jan 9, Augusta ME and Jan 10, Durham NH). Biocontrols, biopesticides, aand more. Margaret Skinner. 802-656-5440
Jan. 16-18 New Jersey Vegetable Growers Conference and Trade Show,
Atlantic City NJ.
Phil Traino (856) 985-4382
Jan. 19-21 Winter Vegetable Production Workshop, Saratoga Springs,
Featuring growers as instructors. (518) 427-6537.
Jan. 24 Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Farm Show Meeting, Barre
Feb. 3 New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Meeting.
Waltham MA.
Dom Marini 508-378-2546
Feb. 12-13 Ontario Horticultural Crops Conference and Trade Show,
Hamilton ON.
Deborah Milito 519-763-6604
Feb. 13 Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Annual Meeting, Rutland
Feb. 13-15 New York State Vegetable Conference, Liverpool NY. Jean Warholic 607-539-7648.
Feb. 14-17 North American Small Fruit Conference (Strawberry, Bramble and Ribes Grower Associations). Primm, Nevada. Erin Griebe 517-548-4990
Feb 17 NOFA-VT Winter Conference, Randolph Center. 802-434-4122
Feb. 22-24 Mid-Atlantic Direct Marketing Conference and Trade Show, Virginia Beach, VA. Complete details of the program and registration at www.madmc.com.
Mar. 6 VT-NH Small Fruit School. White River Jct VT area. Details forthcoming.
Dec. 11-13 2001 New England Vegetable and Berry Conference, Sturbridge MA. Stay tuned.