(W. Rutland) Two frosts this week, squash and flowers got blackened
but beans, corn and tomatoes were spared. That is nice, but seeing that
I ain't picked a tomato all year I would have preferred the tomatoes got
killed. Winter rye is planted in all early fields and corn chopping continues.
Good pumpkin and winter squash harvest under way. Demand for pumpkins
best I've had this early in the year.
(Starksboro) It's hard to pay much attention to the fine tuning when the big picture has such gaping holes in it. Too wet, spotty frost on Sept. 5, shortage of help. We were lucky, and suffered very little from the frost. Other than browning of basil, no outright kills. Help was very short there for the week before Labor Day, but it was a serene respite from the mad panic of a dozen employees. Then just like clockwork, the day after Labor Day a pair of Phish Kids (as they term themselves) turned up fresh from the tour circuit ready and eager to help with harvest.
(Plainfield) Hooray for hot weather in September! Some winter squash and pumpkins ripe but there will be a reduced yield. Oriental brassicas, broccoli, kale and cabbage responding well to Dipel and Topcop with sulfur. Fish and seaweed in every spray. Top-dressing with an organic 5-3-4 has kept crops coming on quickly while it was cool. Hinder on carrots keeping the deer away (for now at least.) Nice red salad bowl lettuce to go with the fall foliage. May-planted greenhouse tomatoes finally ripening. Great hot and sweet peppers. No ripe melons yet. Interns have worked out well for the season. Demand for our produce strong, seems like all we do is harvest and deliver.
(Pittsford) Frost on Sept. 5 and 6 killed cukes, corn, and a lot of pumpkins. It's dry, irrigating berries regularly.
(Wilmington) Just finished picking blueberries it was a wonderful first PYO year for our farm. The mum and ornamental kale and cabbage crops look great. We have had one light frost but all of the unopened flowers in the PYO fields have survived and are now opening. We should be advertising for wreath makers soon I have a feeling it is going to be difficult to get workers this year. Looking to buy pumpkins for re-sale; if you have wreaths or balsam products including brush to sell wholesale please phone 802-464-5618 or e-mail Lets hope for a long fall!
(Amherst MA) Drier and slightly warmer conditions have helped to soften the rot of this season. We are harvesting lots of corn and tomatoes. Winter squash not quite ripe (another week) and onions just won't die (we need to break their tops this week). Everything is still 1 to 2 weeks later than last year. Leeks and potatoes look moderate, root crops look average. Fall leaf crops are small but starting to grow well. All will depend on a small fall hurricane season. Nitrogen needs are apparent all over the farm. Still have flea beetles in the field necessitating row covers for fall greens. Lots of corn earworms (being controlled beautifully by the "zea-later" oil applicator).
The 2000-2002 New England Small Fruit Pest Management Guide has finally
been printed! In addition to general information on soils, pesticides and
nutrients, there are sections on management of diseases, insects and weeds
in: strawberries, highbush blueberries, brambles and grapes. Copies will
be mailed out this week to members of the VT Vegetable and Berry Growers
that ordered them (months ago). To order the 108-page booklet, send a check
payable to ¶¶Òõ̽̽ for $8.50 to: ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Extension, 157 Old Guilford Rd., Brattleboro
VT 05301.
ONION WOES (from Pete Everson, Applied Agricultural Technologies)
Carol Korey, sales rep for Stokes Seeds in Orange County, NY told me
that late season rains have caused serious storage problems with the "home
grown early" onion varieties. Buyers are refusing to purchase any of these
selections because they fear neck rot and other bacterial soft rot conditions.
Carol tells me that several growers have already thrown away many thousands
of bags of onions. This so far only affects the "home grown earlies". There
is no word yet on how the commercial hybrid storage onions are curing.
Rich Maloney, sales person for Asgrow processor in New York, informs me
that some 8500 acres of AgriLink sweet corn is in frost danger, this due
to slow growth from the cold wet spring and summer in upstate New York.
If your potatoes are beginning to go down, dig up some plants and check
your yield; if it appears to be sufficient consider killing the tops early
to avoid the chance of late blight coming in and infecting your crop. Late
blight is being reported in many locations in the northeast; the longer
your crop is exposed, the greater chance of getting this disease, which
can wreak havoc with spuds in storage. Potatoes can be harvested any time
for eating. As the plants begin to mature at the end of the growing season,
the vines will begin to yellow and die. If the potatoes are going to be
stored instead of consumed immediately, it is important that the tubers
be allowed to "harden" in the soil before digging. Hardening allows the
skin to thicken, preventing storage diseases and shrinkage due to water
loss. Vines should be killed or removed two weeks before digging the potatoes.
A longer period of hardening should be avoided as it may increase the amount
of black scurf (Rhizoctonia) which develops on the tubers. Vines may be
killed by normal maturity or frost, or by flaming, mowing, beating or vine-killing
chemicals (see the Vegetable Management Guide). On a small scale the vines
may be hand-pulled or cut off at the soil line. During harvest, avoid bruises
and injury, as these provide entry sites for storage diseases. After harvest,
store potatoes for the first two weeks at about 65F to allow injuries to
heal. For best results, tubers should then be stored at 35-40F in the dark
for the remainder of storage. Two diseases are common in storage - soft
rot and dry rot. Soft rot is a wet, mushy decay and dry rot is a dry, crumbly
decay. Tubers which decay in storage should be removed to prevent the decay
from spreading to the other potatoes. Once spuds are out of the field thoroughly
chop and incorporate potato debris to promote decomposition and thus minimize
over-wintering of diseases.
There seems to be a high population of squash bug in pumpkin fields
this year. This light- to dark-gray insect attacks all vine crops, preferring
squash and pumpkin. When feeding the squash bug injects a toxin into the
vines that causes wilting that resembles bacterial wilt, sometimes the
leaves turn light-colored. Eventually the vines and leaves turn black and
crisp. Early in the season, small plants may be killed because they cannot
support root development. Later, larger plants may have several runners
affected and when the leaves die back, especially after light frosts, the
squash bugs may congregate in dense clusters on fruits, and cause them
to be unmarketable due to feeding scars.
The immature stages (nymphs) do not survive the winter. Adults hibernate under dead vines, leaves, clods, stones, piles of boards, and outbuildings. In spring the adults emerge during the first extended warm spell. By the time vines begin to run the adults will be flying into the fields, mating and laying masses of a dozen or more orange-yellow elliptical shaped eggs on the leaf undersides. The eggs turn bronze-brown just before they hatch, usually in 10 to 14 days. The nymphs pass through 5 instars, reaching maturity in 4 to 6 weeks. The overwintering adults continue laying eggs until about midsummer. New adults do not mate or lay eggs until the following year. There is only one generation per year.
Control strategies include keeping the margins of fields as free as possible of rubbish, piles of leaves, trash, and other winter shelter for the bugs. It is especially critical to reduce the overwintering population of squash bugs by working the soil and/or removing foliage and fruit immediately after harvest. This deprives nymphs of the necessary food source to complete their development. Also, recently-matured adults are denied a food source with which to build up enough food reserves required to see them through winter. Next year, rotate pumpkins and squash as far away as possible from this year's fields. Starting about mid-June, frequently scout plantings for the presence of adult bugs and for egg masses on the undersides of leaves. In larger plantings, effective control of squash bugs is contingent upon timely insecticide sprays coupled with thorough coverage. Treat with pyrethroids or carbaryl when most eggs have hatched and when nymphs are still small to medium in size. Organic growers can use pyrethrins. Adult squash bugs have a hard, protective shell which is impervious to insecticide treatments. Use high pressure when applying insecticides to ensure penetration of the dense plant foliage and thorough coverage to the nymphs which often are on the undersides of leaves. Subsequent treatments are usually required due to the continual presence of egg-laying squash bugs. In small plantings, boards and shingles may be placed among the plants and the bugs that collect under them at night may be killed the next morning.
RASPBERRY MANAGEMENT IN FALL (Adapted from UMass Extension)
Avoid use of nitrogen fertilizer, mowing of lush alleyway growth and
supplemental watering in order to encourage hardening off of primocanes.
Do not remove spent floricanes until later in the winter unless they are
significantly infected with disease. Fall-bearing raspberries can still
benefit from irrigation in dry weather to help maintain fruit size. Based
on soil and tissue test results, apply non-nitrogen containing fertilizers
and lime as needed. For example, phosphorus, sul-po-mag or epsom
salts can be applied now so that fall rains wash them into the root zone.
Fall is a good time to do a weed survey and identify problem species and
their locations, which will help you develop an effective management plan
next spring. Check plantings for crown borer and Phytophthora root rot
if you have some wilting canes. Dig up several plants and check the roots
for brick red discoloration in the core of the roots (Phytophthora) or
the presence of a crown borer larvae in the crown. Rogue out infested crowns
and eliminate wild brambles near the planting, since they will harbor more
of this pest. See the New England Small Fruit Pest Management Guide for
fungicide and insecticide options. Consider installing windbreaks on exposed
sites to protect plantings from cold dry winds this winter. Windbreaks
should be somewhat porous to slow wind but still allow air movement - snow
fence is one possibility. A windbreak should run with not across a slope
so that drainage of cold air will not be reduced in spring. Generally a
windbreak provides some shelter for a distance of 8 times its height on
the leeward side.