The Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Association
invites you to a
5:00 PM, SEPTEMBER 15, 1998
Tim Sanford and Suzanne Long have been farming
organically for a decade at several locations in NH and VT. Five years
ago they purchased Luna Blue farm in South Royalton and have been making
the improvements to this 'hill farm' necessary for their enterprise, which
* Integrating 5 acres of vegetables with small-scale
diversified livestock production of dairy and beef cows, pigs, and chickens.
* Direct marketing to farmers markets, restaurants,
food coops and an 8-year old CSA that currently has 60 member families.
* A system for planting, harvesting, processing
and distributing an average of 150 pounds of mesclun per week.
* Coping with the scale issue: "We're looking
at how to become more efficient and perhaps more mechanized without necessarily
getting bigger."
Directions: Get on I-89. From the north take exit 3, from the south take exit 2 onto route 14 toward S. Royalton. Get on Route 110 in S. Royalton. Go north one-third mile, turn left (look for meeting sign), go across bridge. Turn right after bridge and go 1.1 mile on dirt road, turn left (at meeting sign). Farm is second drive on right.
Japanese beetles first appeared in this country
in 1916, and are now widespread, feeding on more than 175 kinds of plants.
Adults are severely damaging a number of crops now, including brambles,
and grapes. Among the insecticides that are effective against Japanese
beetles are Sevin, Penncap?M, and malathion (check product labels to assure
registration on specific crops and to follow preharvest intervals). Rotenone
and Pyrellin (pyrethrins plus rotenone) are options for organic growers.
The key to controlling Japanese beetles with any insecticide is to get
thorough spray coverage and to resample treated crops beginning 2 to 3
days after treatment. Adult Japanese beetles may migrate back into and
reinfest treated crops in a short time. Traps are generally not very effective
for Japanese beetle control, but if you choose to use them, use plenty
of traps and place them outside or along the border of a crop planting,
not within the field or next to fruiting plants. (Adapted from Illinois
Keep an eye out for this disease on pumpkins
and other cucurbit crops, which appeared about this time last year to a
limited extent in Vermont. It can cause significant rotting of fruit, vines,
and crowns. On the vines a water?soaked dark green to brown lesion forms,
and the tissue becomes very soft and easy to pull apart. Lesions on the
vines near the crown may girdled the vine, resulting in the total vine
wilt. On the fruit, symptoms first appear as depressed, water?soaked spots.
These often form on the under?side of the fruit, where it is in contact
with the soil. However, lesions also can form on the upper?side of the
fruit following rain or overhead irrigation. The fungal growth that develops
on the fruit is initially white and somewhat slimy. Later the fruit becomes
covered with a grayish fuzz.
This disease is often associated with higher temperatures, heavy and/or frequent rainfall, over?irrigation, and poorly drained soils. I have seen it start in low spots in the field where irrigation water accumulates. The fungus that causes this disease, Phytophthora capsici, survives in the soil, and infection usually takes place when soil moisture levels are at or near field capacity. Once the disease is initiated it can easily spread with splashing water.
Phytophthora capsici also is a pathogen on pepper, tomato, and eggplant, so these crops should not be planted immediately before or after a cucurbit crop in a crop rotation sequence. The fungus can survive in soil for at least two years without a susceptible host crop being present. Fungicide applications have not been found to be very effective for controlling Phytophthora on cucurbits. Water management, site selection, and proper crop rotation sequences are the best strategies for control at present. (Adapted from Illinois extension)
Based on information supplied by the BASF company,
stone fruits and strawberries are to be
removed from the Ronilan fungicide label. After
this summer, new labels will no longer list these fruits. Effective, June
30, 1999, growers will no longer be able to purchase Ronilan for these
fruit uses, and use of Ronilan on these crops will not be allowed after
January 30, 2000. In the meantime, it is still legal to use Ronilan on
stone fruits and strawberries for the next 18 months; thus there will be
no product recalls.
Growers have used Ronilan for control of strawberry
gray mold. Growers should plan to use their
remaining stocks next year. The company emphasizes
that Ronilan is still safe and effective
when used according to the label. This action
is being taken in response to the new requirements of the Food Quality
Protection Act (FQPA). For other crops, the company is also changing the
formulation of this fungicide from a flowable Ronilan FL to a solid formulation,
Ronilan EG. (Alan Gotleib)
This new fungicide contains 85% potassium bicarbonate
and 15% food-grade surfactant. It's made by Church and Dwight, the same
company that makes baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Supply is limited
in the northeast but Mike Brinkman of Ag Chem Services has a few bags on
hand and can get more upon request. The label covers powdery mildew, downy
mildew, alternaria, botrytis, septoria, cercospora etc. on beets, cucurbits,
hops, lettuce, peas, peppers, tomatoes as well as strawberries, grapes,
some small grains and many ornamentals. (Sounds too good to be true..?).
There is good evidence that the material will control powdery mildew on
pumpkins and squash if applied preventatively. Permissibility under organic
certification is still not clear, NOFA is working on that..
Leonard Perry, University of Vermont Extension
Professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, has authored a
new book titled "Herbaceous Perennials Production: A Guide from Propagation
to Marketing". This 220-page book covers taxonomy and nomenclature, plant
hardiness, the physical needs of crops, types of irrigation systems, and
information on propagation and production. The focus is on nursery and
greenhouse production of field or container perennials, but the greenhouse
plug and bedding plant methods of production are covered as well. A 51-page
appendix details propagation methods and requirements for hundreds of species.
The book is available for $27 per copy plus $5 shipping and handling from
NRAES, 152 Rile Robb Hall, Ithaca NY 14853-5701. Phone: (607) 255-7654.Quantity
discounts are available.
The North American Strawberry Growers Association
has produced a book called "Strawberry Eats and Treats: The Guide to Enjoying
Strawberries". This 112-page book has information on picking, handling,
freezing and cooking strawberries. There are 86 recipes for both fresh
and frozen berries in a variety of dishes including breads, dips and desserts.
Available for $16.45 including shipping and handling from: Amherst press,
318 North main St., Amherst WI 54406. Phone 800-333-8122. Quantity discounts
A new edition of USDA's Sustainable Agriculture
Network book "Managing Cover Crops Profitably" is available for $19 including
postage from SARE Publications, Hills Building, Burlington VT 05405. This
212-page book covers all regions of the US, with specific management recommendations
for 14 different bioregions, and comprehensive chapters on 18 of the most
promising cover crops. Seven pages of charts make it easy to compare cover