April 10, Tuesday, 2-5 pm, Killdeer Farm, Norwich
This is the 20th season that Jake and Liz Guest have been growing crops at Killdeer Farm. They have 9 greenhouses and high tunnels for the production of their own vegetable transplants, as well as bedding plants, hanging baskets and greenhouse tomatoes for retail sale at their farm stand. Jake has long been experimenting with biological controls and cultural practices to manage pests like thrips. Maragaret Skinner and Michael Brownbridge from the ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Entomology Lab will join us in a discussion of greenhouse IPM strategies, including scouting procedures, pest identification, and use of bio-rational pesticides. Directions: Take exit 13 (Norwich) off I-91 onto route 5 north. Stay on route 5 for about 2 ½ miles. Just after the vet clinic on left, turn left onto Butternut Rd. The farm is at end of road.
Adapted from an article by Hugh W. Fraser, K. Helen Fisher & Ian
Frensch, OMFRA
Bird damage to tender fruit is a serious problem for many growers.
Some birds that cause problems in fruit crops include: robin, starling,
grackle, gull, blackbird, grackle, gull, finch, oriole, cedar waxwing and
mockingbird. It is important to know how birds behave in order to control
them. Here are some facts about bird behavior: Large flocks of birds are
easier to scare than small ones. Bird damage patterns can vary considerably
from year to year and from farm to farm. Bird damage is usually localized
and not uniformly distributed throughout an area. Birds are opportunists,
feeding on whatever is available. It is difficult to break birds of the
habit of feeding in a particular area once they are established. Birds
establish their home territory in late April and May and often remain in
the area until the crop ripens. Crops near roosting or nesting areas, woodlots
or ponds are more vulnerable than those in the open. Birds acclimate quickly
to uniform movements or noise patterns. Different species of birds respond
differently to various repellent methods. Birds can be diverted to other
nearby feeding areas. Birds will endure significant hardship to feed. Birds
often follow the same flight patterns to feed. Birds usually feed early
in the morning around sunrise and late in the afternoon around sunset.
Birds like to drink water when they feed. Some birds travel in migratory
flocks, while others fly in from local woods. Birds feeding on your crop
will attract other birds, compounding the problem. The sweeter and earlier
the variety, the more attractive it is to the birds. Even if crops
are protected with netting, birds may perch on the nets and feed through
them or find small holes.
There are four types of bird repellent methods currently available
to growers: acoustical repellents, visual repellents, physical exclusion,
biochemical repellents. An integrated approach, using a variety of these
repellent methods is needed.
Acoustical repellents rely on sound to scare birds away. Birds have
a hearing range similar to humans, so if people can hear it, birds can
hear it. Unlike rodents, birds cannot hear ultrasonic sounds. The most
familiar acoustical bird repellent equipment is the propane-fired cannon
that produces loud, unexpected blasts. These vary from mechanical single-shot
units, to fully electronic, randomized, rotating multi-shot units. The
latter are the most effective over the long term, since the timing and
direction of the blast is truly random and the birds do not know when or
where the next blast will occur. Although the loudness of the blast is
important, it is the unexpected nature of the blast that keeps birds nervous.
Birds quickly get accustomed to units that are stationary, shoot at regular
intervals, or fire very rapidly. More blasts are not better. Unfortunately,
neighbors never get used to propane-fired cannons. Guidelines on the use
of propane-fired cannons are: Set at intervals greater than 3 minutes.
Use between sunrise and sunset when birds feed. Operate no more than one
unit per 5 acres, unless it is absolutely necessary. Ensure that propane
tank valves do not leak, as this can cause units to blast unintentionally,
even when they are shut off. Move the units around to keep the birds off-guard.
Use electronic clock timers that automatically shut off the units.
Electronic sound devices can be less irritating to neighbors than propane
cannons. There are two types used to broadcast electronic synthetic sounds
to repel birds: random noises, irritating to birds (traditional), and distress
calls that mimic individual bird species. The traditional electronic sound
device is often referred to as the AV Alarm, a trade name that has been
familiar in the industry for 30 years. This makes an electronic, warbling
sound that interferes with the bird's sensory system, making birds uncomfortable
and insecure. In some cases, the birds are unable to communicate with each
other and will leave the area. These units work well when used in a combination
with propane-fired cannons. The electronic sound device keeps the birds
irritated and edgy, while the cannon provides the stimulus to drive them
away. A new generation of electronic sound devices uses digital technology
to produce distress calls of specific birds. They are only effective against
the bird species whose distress calls are encoded on the microchip. However,
some residual repellent effect may be noticed on species that normally
travel together with the target birds. Some farmers report that digital
units also attract birds of prey, such as hawks, who misinterpret the electronic
distress calls for the real thing. Hawks circling the farm will also scare
away birds. Even though these units produce electronic bird distress calls,
they sound to us like real birds, and are usually not as objectionable
to neighbors. These devices also produce a lower decibel sound level than
the more traditional units. Both types of electronic sound devices can
be used to discourage birds from nesting in nearby trees in the spring.
Whistling and/or pyrotechnic cartridges are launched from a hand-held
pistol and produce a loud, whistling sound throughout their flight. There
is also a delayed reaction banger cartridge that travels through the air
in silence, then explodes high in the air near flocks of birds as they
are flying with the same sound level as a propane-fired cannon. Shooting
these ear-piercing sounds into a flock of birds works well as a repellent,
and can quickly clear a field, woodlot or transmission line before the
flock lands on the crop. They may be the most effective manual scaring
device available. Shotguns are often used to repel birds, but they are
not as effective as launching the sound directly into the flock like the
pyrotechnic units. Although shotguns might provide a frustrated grower
with a form of stress relief, even an excellent marksman will never seriously
reduce the bird population. Many other sound producing devices or strategies
have had only limited success, including air horns, clanging aluminum pie
plates, shiny flashing metal objects, firecrackers and Mylar humming lines.
These devices generally work only for a few days before the birds start
to ignore them again. They might be most effectively used in the days just
before harvest when bird pressure is the greatest.
Visual Repellents are usually add-ons to acoustical systems, and are
rarely sufficient by themselves. Birds generally have very good eyesight
and react to both movement and things that resemble their enemies. However,
birds do not react nearly as much to visual deterrents as they do to acoustical
ones. Scare-eye balloons with their graphics depicting the gaping mouth
of a hawk have proven themselves worldwide. They are manufactured in white,
black and yellow. For Ontario, the best bird scaring results have been
with yellow scare-eye balloons. Blackbirds do not like the color yellow.
Sparrows and finches are repelled to a lesser extent, while robins and
cedar waxwings are hardly repelled at all. Scare-eye balloons must be suspended
above the crop and must move freely with the wind to look more realistic.
Streamers and flashtape are strips of shiny plastic tape which are
strung over crops. They move with even the slightest breath of wind and
also reflect sunlight. From above, the birds view an entire vineyard or
orchard that appears to be in motion. Flashtape is available in yellow
for blackbird species and in a red/silver combination for repelling a broad
range of species. It is especially effective to string streamers and flashtape
along perimeter rows where the most severe damage occurs, or in other areas
that need additional protection. Some bird species, notably starlings,
are repelled by flashing lights and mirrors. Flashing lights are only effective
at dawn or dusk when the natural light is dim, and mirrors are only effective
when the sun is shining. Some growers have mounted mirrors on top of rotating
propane-fired cannons and from above, the mirrors appear to be moving.
Farmers have reported a repelling effect on sunny days. Hawk silhouettes,
stuffed owls and snakes have only a limited effect for a short period of
time. Some farmers report they have seen birds nesting right on these devices.
Netting is the best way to ensure crop protection. Unfortunately, it
is usually the most expensive option, although the cost of netting material
has been dropping over the years and the systems for applying the nets
are improving. Nets offer virtually 100% bird protection and help maximize
yields. Bird netting is available in a lightweight one-use formulation
or heavier multi-use ultraviolet protected materials. There are rigid or
stretch materials and different widths and mesh sizes. Draping the net
directly over the crop is best suited for crops which do not require multiple
pickings, such as grapes. It is labor intensive to both install and remove
netting that tangles with the plant. Overhead netting systems are
most effective for blueberries, dwarf sweet cherries or high value
wine grapes in heavy bird-pressure areas. Nets must be removed or at least
retracted at the end of the season to protect them from ultraviolet degradation
and snow loads.
Chemical repellents have come and gone over the years, partly due to
lack of effectiveness, but also because of adverse health side-effects.
At present, there are no effective, food grade chemical bird repellents
registered for use.
Many growers hope that there is a single magic solution to their bird control problems. Other than netting, using only one deterrent system will not work. However, using existing bird control methods more effectively may be all that is needed; use an integrated approach, start early with a control program, and avoid predictable control patterns. Consider the following when planning a control strategy: Use scaring methods in combinations that disrupt the bird's sense of sight, sound, and instill fear. New and unfamiliar control methods work well initially, but decline in effectiveness over time. Devices with different scaring techniques complement each other. Random, unexpected noise is always better than predictable, patterned noise. Position more scaring devices along the perimeter of fields, near trees/ponds, and at flight pattern entry areas. Farms along hill faces benefit from the echoing effect of propane-fired cannons and electronic sound devices. Use prevailing winds to your advantage to maximize sound dispersal. Electronic sound devices and propane-fired cannons should be installed to direct sounds as close to the fruiting zones as possible. Once birds have a taste of your delicious crop, it is difficult to break their habits. Therefore, you must stop the birds from getting an initial foothold on the farm. During the nesting season, some birds can be convinced to settle elsewhere by using electronic bird scarers in the nesting area. Come harvest time, growers often start their bird control program too late, after the birds have already tasted the crop. Bird control equipment must be in place at least 10 days before the crop is attractive to the birds.