Monday, February 26, 2007, Capital Plaza Hotel, 100 State Street,
(802) 223-5252 .
Sponsored in part by USDA Risk Management
8:30 Registration, Trade Show, Refreshments
9:30 President’s Remarks. David Marchant, River Berry Farm, Fairfax
9:45 Slide Tour of Vermont Vegetable and Berry Farms. Vern Grubinger, University of Vermont Extension
10:15 Starting a Community Supported Agriculture Farm in Vermont. Mimi Arnstein, Wellspring Farm, Marshfield
10:45 How I Get the Government to Pay Me for Good Farming Practices. Bob Pomykala, Pomykala Farm, Grand Isle, Amanda Gervais, Savage Gardens, North Hero
11:15 Recordkeeping that Works for Highly Diversified Farms. Dan Kaplan, Brookfield Farm, Amherst MA
11:45 Luncheon and Trade Show
1:15 Business Meeting: Election of Officers, Public Relations, etc.
1:30 Production and Marketing Small Fruit at Norris Berry Farm. Norma Norris, Norris Berry Farm, Monkton
2:00 Creating a Farm Web Site for Fun and Profit. Jack Manix, Walker Farm, Dummerston
2:30 My Experience Using Clear Plastic Mulch and Row Covers. Jake Guest, Killdeer Farm, Norwich
3:00 Agriculture in Lesotho, South Africa. Ben Pomykala, Peace Corps / Pomykala Farm
3:45 Adjourn - Trade Show
PRE-REGISTRATIONS must be received by Feb. 23rd (Add $5 for at-the-door registrations.) $25 Members or $35 Non-Members, includes lunch and morning coffee.
Membership dues for 2007 are $35. Benefits include: A 2006-2007 New
England Vegetable or Small Fruit Management Guide, or a book ‘Managing
Cover Crops’ or ‘Building Soils’
or a ¶¶Òõ̽̽ horticulture video, and a subscription to the Agriview
newsletter (which contains the VT Vegetable and Berry News.
Mail your check to: VVBGA, c/o Doug Johnstone, P.O, Box 701, Springfield, VT 05156
For additional information or to request special accommodations, call ¶¶Òõ̽̽ Extension 802-257-7967 (ext. 13) or E-mail:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007. DoubleTree Hotel, Burlington, Vermont.
From I-89 take Exit 14E onto Route 2 East. Go straight through traffic
light, the hotel is approximately 1/10 of a mile on the right.
Overnight rate is $93. Call 802-658-0250.
Sponsored in part by USDA Risk Management.
8:30 Registration and Coffee
9:00 Update on greenhouse tomato production practices in Quebec. Andre Carrier, Horticulture Specialist, Quebec Ministry of Agriculture
10:30 Break
10:45 Best management practices for biocontrol of greenhouse tomato pests. Les Shipp, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
11:30 Grafting tomatoes, hands-on session. Experienced grafters mentor beginners with live plants (provided).
12:00 Lunch – included in registration fee
1:00 Greenhouse tomato diseases and their management. Ann Hazelrigg, University of Vermont Extension
1:45 Bees, a new way to deliver microbes for pest control and disease suppression. Les Shipp, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2:15 Grower Panel: innovative greenhouse practices.
Skip Paul, Wishingstone Farm, Little Compton RI
Mike Collins, Old Athens Farm, Westminster VT
Dave Colson, New Leaf Farm, Durham, ME
3:00 Questions, answers, discussion
3:30 Adjourn
$30 pre-registration per person includes lunch (registration will
be $40 at the door).
Send check to ‘¶¶Òõ̽̽ Extension’ c/o Vern Grubinger, 11 University
Way, Brattleboro VT 05301-3669.
For more info 802-257-7967 ext. 13, or
(for details see,
click on meetings.
Direct Marketing Conference. S. Royalton, VT. Jan. 13, 2007
New Jersey Vegetable Growers Meeting. Atlantic City, NJ. Jan. 16-18, 2007
NOFA-MA Winter Conference. Worcester, MA. Jan. 20, 2007
Mid-Atlantic Vegetable and Fruit Convention. Hershey, PA. Jan. 30 - Feb. 1, 2007
NH Farm and Forest Expo. Manchester, NH. Feb. 2-3, 2007
New England Vegetable and Berry Grower Meeting. Waltham, MA. Feb. 3, 2007
North American Berry Conference. Ventura, CA. Feb. 9-12, 2007
NOFA-VT Winter Conference. Randolph Center, VT. Feb 10, 2007
Empire State Fruit and Vegetable Expo. Syracuse, NY. Feb. 14-17, 2007
Perennial Plant Conference. Storrs, CT. March 8, 2007