Outcomes and Products
The Northern Forest region of Vermont and New York is home to an estimated 1,200 commercial maple producers who rely on maple production as a source of income and as the basis for longstanding family and community traditions. Declines in maple production are projected due to climate change and its potential impacts on forest type and tree health and vigor.
The study was an assessment of maple producers' knowledge of and intent to implement strategies to respond to climate change. Findings will help to engage maple producers in the development of strategies to plan for and adapt to the potential impacts of climate change, help businesses transition over time, and sustain the maple syrup industry for as long as climatic conditions allow.
- Diane Kuehn of SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
- Lisa Chase of University of Vermont Extension
Learn More
Report, Summary and Fact Sheet 2016
- Fact Sheet: Survey of Maple Producers About Climate Change (PDF)
- Final Report: Perceptions of Maple Producers Towards Climate Change (PDF)
- Northeastern States Research Cooperative Project Summary:
Journal Article (Open Access)
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Funding for this project was provided in part by the , a partnership of the Northern Forest states in coordination with the USDA Forest Service.