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New Agreement Offers Qualified ̽̽ Undergrads Guaranteed College of Medicine Admissions Interview

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̽̽ College of Medicine acceptance letter
<p>With roughly 6,000 applicants, 500 interviews granted, and 114 students enrolled each year, ̽̽ College of Medicine does not offer any “gimmes” for entrance into the school. Now, however, there’sanagreement that offers ̽̽ undergraduates interested in pursuing a medical education who meet certain criteria and apply for admission a guaranteed interviewat the College.</p>

Blood Mystery Solved

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Bryan Ballif
<p>You probably know your blood type: A, B, AB or O. You may even know if you’re Rhesus positive or negative. But how about the Langereis blood type? Or the Junior blood type? Positive or negative? Most people have never even heard of these. Yet this knowledge could be “a matter of life and death,” says University of Vermont biologist Bryan Ballif.</p>


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