How do I sign up for a parking permit?

New employees who haven’t had a ̽̽ parking permit in the past must arrange for their first parking permit through the ̽̽ Transportation & Parking Services office. This should be done on, or prior to, your first day on campus. We can make these arrangements via email, but if the employee prefers to discuss their parking arrangements in-person they can visit our office (see location information below). The best place to start exploring is the Employee Parking webpage where you can find information on what will work best for you.

There are full-time parking permits which are payable through a payroll deduction, and Occasional Use placards which allow you to purchase a placard with six days of parking which may be used intermittently. Alternatively, once your “parking zone” is established (after we've processed your application) you may also be able to order daily virtual permits intermittently as needed. See Occasional Use Permits below for more information.

The Faculty/Staff Parking Permit Application can be sent to to get the process started.

Where will I be able to park?

Parking Services determines parking zone eligibility based on an employee’s work address, in accordance with ̽̽ Human Resource Services records. There are three employee parking zones: Brown, White and Green.

New employees are not eligible to park in the Green zone (Core Campus areas).

For White Zone eligibility, an employee’s work address needs to be near the white zone parking lot, based on the work address listed in HR.

Why won’t I be able to park on Core Campus?

Parking for Core Campus areas (Faculty/Staff Green) is very limited and will be allocated to faculty and staff based on a waitlist. Employees must request to be placed on the Zone Green Waitlist (there is a place to do this on the application) and will be notified by e-mail when space becomes available. It can take up to 10 years to move to the top of the Zone Green Waitlist. There is no waitlist for White Zone parking.

License Plate Recognition is being used to evaluate data and compare to Telework requests. Analysis of the lot usage and the permits issued is then conducted to determine when people can be moved off the Green waiting list.

I see empty spaces on campus, why can’t I park there?

Permits for the Green zone are issued at the industry standard of 120% capacity. Many employees do have telework agreements however, faculty are not required to provide telework agreements. Despite the spaces being empty, it does not mean that the permit associated with said space has not been sold. Due to a large number of telework arrangements, on Fridays, for instance, we have many empty lots.

The university is also subject to a capacity regulation of no more than 83% full on campus on a given day. This is connected with zoning permits related to the construction of the LCOM addition. TPS Is actively seeking a change to this requirement.

Are there other ways to get to campus where I won’t need to worry about parking?

For more information regarding our services please visit the Transportation and Parking website, which includes information about the campus shuttle, complimentary rides on public transportation (Green Mountain Transit), carpooling, electric vehicle parking, employee parking, walking to campus, biking to campus, etc.

What if I prefer to make arrangements in person?

You may visit our office during office hours, Monday-Thursday, 7:30 am to 4 pm and Friday 7:30 am to 3 pm at 31 Marsh Hall, Suite 6, Burlington, VT 05405.

I heard parking permits were “going virtual”. What does this mean, and how will an enforcement officer know about my permit?

As of late summer 2021, our department has been using License Plate Recognition for enforcement. Parking permits are affiliated to license plates, and for this reason license plate information must be accurate and current. It is very important that you update your permit affiliation to any vehicle you wish to park on campus. This can be accomplished by visiting the customer portal once your initial permit is set up by our office.

How do I get added on the Green Waitlist?

Email and ask to be added to the Green Waitlist. We will send you a confirmation email when you have been added to the list. You can also call our office at 802-656-8686 or stop by our office in Marsh Hall, 31 Spear St., Suite #6.

Nobody is added to the Green Waitlist automatically, it must be requested. There is a place on the employee application to request to be added to the Green Waitlist. If this was not completed, you must follow the process listed above to be added.

How can I see if I am on the Green Waitlist?

Log in to with your netID. Go to the View Account Permits page and your position on the Green Waitlist will be listed in the section below your active permits. If you don't see your position listed on the Permits page then you are not currently on the Zone Green Waitlist.

Do I need to buy a pass in order to join the waitlist for a green pass?

No. You do not need to buy a permit to be on the waitlist, but you do need to request be added to the waitlist. (See above)

Are certain employees given special treatment on the Green Waitlist?

No, the Green Waitlist is ordered chronologically. Position #1 is the person with the oldest date of request to be added to the list. Any new permits that become available are issued to whomever is at the top of the waitlist, then they are removed, and everyone else moves up accordingly.

Are any employees given green permits without being on the waitlist?

Director level positions (or equivalent i.e., Dean, Provost, etc.) and higher are given access to green permits due to their position/responsibilities on campus. This is based on HR data, not necessarily the name of the position.

What are the current plans for creating additional parking structures?

TPS has plans to expand parking surface lots outside of core campus, and design and permitting are under way, however due to regulations from the city of Burlington and the State, the location of and the scope of an expansion is complex.

Due to the high cost of creating parking lots and more so for covered parking, parking structures are not planned at this time.

What are the current plans for increasing the frequency of the Campus Row shuttle?

Qualified and licensed shuttle drivers are in short supply nationwide, this is no different here at ̽̽. TPS has recently hired 2 new full-time drivers. Despite this, we are still short staffed (with 3 open positions). Efforts continue to hire additional shuttle drivers, but this shortage limits our ability to offer additional shuttle services at this time.

Have you considered offering free parking for people who make less than “x”?

No, benefit-eligible employees pay an income-sensitive rate based upon the zone in which their permit is located. The rates are:

  • EB (Employee Brown): 0.32% of base salary
  • EW (Employee White): 0.48% of base salary
  • EG (Employee Green): 0.64% of base salary

For example: an employee who makes 50,000 annually and has an Employee Brown Permit pays approximately $13.33 per month (depending on payroll frequency)

How is the money that is collected from staff fees used within TPS?

TPS is an Income/Expense-based department. All revenue that is generated is used to fund special programs (Green Mountain Transit Unlimited Access, CarShareVT, Bikeshare, etc.). Revenue is also used for staff salaries, lot maintenance, snow removal, and other equipment and supplies to maintain the resource for the community, and to help support the campus transit system.

Can the 2-hour time limit to Pay-to-Park be increased, or at least have an option to add additional time?

Challenges exist with extended duration pay-by-app spaces as these spaces are intended for short-term needs and visitor parking. See Occasional Use Permits for other alternatives.

Occasional Use Permits

Occasional Use permits are designed to accommodate those who may commute to campus, but only have an intermittent need to park in campus lots. Each permit has six individual days of parking; the permit holder fills out one day of parking when needed and displays the permit on their dash. Failure to display a completed permit may result in a citation. Permits can be purchased by the full card (six days). Based on permit previously held, or work address for white or brown.

Brown Zone: $2 per day/$12 per six-day card*

White Zone: $3 per day/$18 per six-day card*

Green Zone: $4 per day/$24 per six-day card*

Purchasing a Green Zone Occasional Use Permit does not guarantee a parking spot in a specific lot.

Intermittent Daily Permits are also available once your application has been processes and you’ve been assigned a zone.