ࡱ> k >WbjbjZ Z A8cb8cbO-X X 8 eHGGGGGGG$JM* H HHH FG G nT=(@Bv6F\> G5H0eH|>M|M@(@(@XMAP  H H.eHMX B :  Research Agreement [Sponsor Number or use ̽̽Click AWD Number] by and between University of Vermont and State Agricultural College and [SPONSOR NAME] THIS RESEARCH AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made by and between ̽̽ and State Agricultural College, a non-profit, public land grant university of the state of Vermont, with offices at Sponsored Project Administration, 85 South Prospect Street, 340 Waterman Building, Burlington, VT 05405 (̽̽), and [SPONSOR NAME] with offices located at [ADDRESS] (Sponsor), collectively referred to as the Parties. Sponsor and ̽̽ agree to the following. WHEREAS, the research project contemplated by this Agreement is of mutual interest to both Parties; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties agree as follows; Article 1. Research Work 1.1 Statement of Work. ̽̽ agrees to undertake and perform the research project as described in Appendix A (the Project). 1.2 Period of Performance. The Project may begin on [DATE] with spending and activities ending on [DATE], unless extended by mutual written agreement by authorized representatives of the parties. 1.3 ̽̽ Principal Investigator. The Principal Investigator is [name] of ̽̽s Department of [NAME] and is considered essential to the work being performed hereunder. The Principal Investigator will have the responsibility of monitoring the technical, scientific, and programmatic aspects of the Project. In the event of a need for a substitution or replacement of the above named individual, ̽̽ shall promptly notify Sponsor and ̽̽ and Sponsor shall use good faith efforts to identify a mutually acceptable replacement within sixty (60) days, failing which University or Sponsor may terminate the Agreement. 1.4 Sponsor Technical Representative. The Sponsor Technical Representative is [name], who is Sponsors principal representative for consultation and communications with ̽̽ and the Principal Investigator regarding technical matters that are involved with the Project. Sponsor may change its Sponsor Technical Representative upon thirty (30) days written notice to ̽̽. Article 2. Funding, BILLING, PAYMENT 2.1 Funding. [SELECT either Cost Reimbursement or Fixed Price. Delete the other language] This is a Cost Reimbursement Agreement. Sponsor is providing ̽̽ funding an amount not to exceed $[AMOUNT], which will be used to pay for cost necessary for the performance of the Project, as anticipated by the agreed to budget set forth in Appendix B, as well as any unanticipated costs that are reasonable and necessary for the performance of the Project. ̽̽ shall invoice sponsor on a monthly basis for costs incurred. A final invoice is due no later than 45 days after expiration Agreement. or This is a Fixed Price Agreement. Sponsor will pay ̽̽, $[AMOUNT], which will be used to pay the costs necessary to complete the performance of the Project. Fixed Price Payments. Sponsor shall pay ̽̽ in accordance with the following schedule after receipt of ̽̽ invoice. AmountDate or Event $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________  Upon execution of the Agreement and invoice [date OR EVENT] and invoice [date OR EVENT] and invoice [date OR EVENT] and invoice  2.2 Billing Address. ̽̽ shall send invoices to: [SPONSOR BILLING ADDRESS or by email] Sponsor shall remit payments to: University of Vermont Sponsored Project Administration 85 South Prospect Street 217 Waterman Building Burlington, VT 05405 Article 3. RECORDS, TECHNICAL Reports 3.1 Consultation. The Sponsor Technical Representative may consult informally with the Principal Investigator in person, by telephone, or by electronic means regarding the Project. ̽̽ shall provide Sponsor Technical Representative with reasonable access to ̽̽ facilities where the Project is being conducted, but the Principal Investigator determines the exact time and manner of access. 3.2 Records. The Principal Investigator shall maintain records containing Project results, including laboratory notebooks, in accordance with customary practice. For the duration of this Agreement at the convenience of the Principal Investigator, the Principal Investigator shall provide the Sponsor Technical Representative with reasonable access to research records. 3.3 Technical Reports. The Principal Investigator shall deliver written progress reports to the Sponsor Technical Representative that provide an assessment of what has been accomplished during the reporting period, as follows; Report Type [modify as appropriate] Quarterly Report Annual Report Final Report Due Date [DUE date] or N/A [Due date] or N/A 45 days after expiration or termination of the Agreement, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Sponsor Technical Representative.  Article 4. Publications; Data; Use OF Names 4.1 Publications. Policy. Sponsor recognizes that ̽̽ Investigators must have the ability to publish research findings, results or other information gained in the course of the performing the Project in scholarly journals, student dissertations, or other professional forums of their own choosing. Opportunity to Review. University researchers shall provide Sponsor copies of any proposed publication or presentation at least thirty (30) days in advance of submission to a journal, editor, or other third party to allow Sponsor to identify any patentable subject matter or to identify any inadvertent disclosure of Sponsors Confidential Information (defined in Subsection 4.2(a)). Sponsor recognizes time is of the essence and shall complete such reviews within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the planned publication or presentation. ̽̽ agrees to delete any identified Sponsor Confidential Information from any proposed publication or presentation, unless Sponsor agrees to allow its release. If Sponsor does not respond within the thirty (30) days, ̽̽ will have the right to publish without further notification or obligation to Sponsor. Patentable Subject Matter. If necessary to permit the preparation and filing of a patent application, the Principal Investigator and ̽̽ may agree to delay publication or presentation of the materials submitted up to a total of ninety (90) days. 4.2. Use of Data. Subject to Section 5 below, each Party may retain and use data resulting from this Project for its own research purposes. 4.3 Publicity/Use of Name. Neither Party may use the name of the other Party, its logos, nor the name of any member of a Partys Project staff in any publicity, advertising, or news release without the prior written consent of the other Party. Article 5. PATENTS AND INVENTIONS 5.1 Definitions. (a) Definition of Intellectual Property. For purposes of this Agreement, Intellectual Property shall mean any discoveries, inventions, know-how, modifications, improvements, or other rights (whether or not protectable under state, federal, or foreign intellectual property laws) that are conceived, made or reduced to practice in the performance of the Project. (b) Definition of Background Intellectual Property. For purposes of this Agreement, Background Intellectual Property means any intellectual property owned or controlled by a Party prior to the start date or conceived outside of the Project. 5.2 Ownership. ̽̽ owns Intellectual Property that is exclusively conceived or made by employees of ̽̽ (hereinafter ̽̽ Invention). Sponsor owns Intellectual Property that is exclusively conceived or made by employees of Sponsor. ̽̽ and Sponsor shall jointly own Intellectual Property that is conceived or made by employees of both ̽̽ and Sponsor (hereinafter Joint Inventions). 5.3 Disclosure. ̽̽ shall provide Sponsor with a written disclosure of any ̽̽ or Joint Invention, promptly after it is submitted to ̽̽ Innovations. Sponsor shall provide ̽̽, through ̽̽ Innovations, with a written disclosure of any Joint Invention promptly after it is disclosed to Sponsor. Each Party shall retain all Intellectual Property disclosures submitted by the other Party in confidence, per the terms of Article 6. 5.4 Filing of Inventions. (a) Responsibility. ̽̽ (i) may file a patent application at its own discretion or (ii) shall do so at the request of Sponsor and at Sponsors expense. If Sponsor directs that a patent application for a ̽̽ Invention or Joint Invention be filed, ̽̽ shall promptly prepare, file, and prosecute, at the expense of Sponsor, using patent counsel reasonably acceptable to Sponsor. Sponsor and ̽̽ shall cooperate to assure that patent applications cover, to the best of Sponsors knowledge, all items of commercial interest and importance. While ̽̽ is responsible for making decisions regarding scope and content of the patent applications, Sponsor may review and provide input. ̽̽ shall keep Sponsor reasonably informed of any developments with respect to the patent applications and shall promptly supply to Sponsor copies of all papers received and filed in connection with the prosecution. If Sponsor decides to discontinue the financial support of the patent applications, ̽̽ may file or continue prosecution and maintain any protection in the United States and any foreign countries at ̽̽s sole expense with no further obligation to Sponsor. (b) Cooperation. If Sponsor directs that a patent application shall be filed, ̽̽ and Sponsor shall cooperate in the preparation, filing, prosecution, and maintenance of all patent rights for ̽̽ Inventions and Joint Inventions. Cooperation includes (i) promptly executing or requiring employees to execute papers and instruments as reasonable and appropriate; and (ii) promptly informing the other Party of matters that may affect the preparation, filing, prosecution, or maintenance of those patent rights. (c) Payment of Expenses. Within thirty (30) days after ̽̽ invoices Sponsor, Sponsor shall reimburse ̽̽ for all reasonable patent-related expenses incurred by ̽̽. Sponsor may elect, upon sixty (60) days advance written notice to ̽̽, to cease payment of the expenses associated with obtaining or maintaining patent protection for one or more patent rights in one or more countries. In the event, where Sponsor ceases paying patent expenses, Sponsor loses all rights under this Agreement with respect to patent rights in those countries. 5.5 Option Rights. ̽̽ grants Sponsor a first right to negotiate a worldwide, royalty-bearing, exclusive license to ̽̽ Inventions or to ̽̽s rights in Joint Inventions (the Option Right). Sponsors right commences when ̽̽ notifies Sponsor pursuant to Section 5.3 and expires ninety (90) days later (the Option Period). Sponsor may exercise the Option Right by written notice to ̽̽ Innovations at any point during the Option Period. If Sponsor does not exercise the Option Right during the Option Period, ̽̽ may license its rights under the relevant Intellectual Property to any third parties. If Sponsor exercises the Option Right, ̽̽ Innovations and Sponsor shall negotiate in good faith a license agreement with commercially reasonable terms. If the Parties fail to execute a license to a ̽̽ Invention or to ̽̽s rights in Joint Inventions within six (6) months after Sponsors exercise of the Option Right, ̽̽ has no further obligation to Sponsor for that Invention. 5.6 Licenses. In any license ̽̽ grants to Sponsor for a ̽̽ Invention or for ̽̽s rights in Joint Inventions, among other customary commercial monetary license terms, the Parties shall include terms to obligate Sponsor to (a) develop the Intellectual Property diligently for practical application and (b) pay all patent costs. 5.7 Background Intellectual Property. Neither Party shall have any claims to or rights in Background Intellectual Property of the other Party. ARTICLE 6. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 6.1 Confidential Information. During the term of this Agreement, the Parties may disclose certain proprietary information (Confidential Information) to each other. All such Confidential Information shall be clearly designated as CONFIDENTIAL at the time of disclosure. The recipient Party agrees that during the term of this Agreement and for a period of three (3) years thereafter, the recipient Party will not use or disclose the Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party. Notwithstanding the above, the recipient Party shall have no obligation with respect to any Confidential Information that: is or later becomes generally available to the public by use, publication or the like, through no fault of the recipient Party; is obtained from a third party with the legal right to disclose same to the recipient Party; the recipient Party already possessed such information prior to disclosure by the disclosing Party, as shown by written records; is independently developed by the recipient Party; is required by law or regulation to be disclosed. If the Confidential Information is required to be disclosed pursuant to section 6.1 (e), the Party required to make that disclosure shall notify the other to allow that Party to assert whatever exclusions or exemptions maybe available to it. Article 7. TERMINATION 7.1 Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other Party. 7.2 Termination for Breach. If either Party commits a material breach of this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice from the other Party, the Party giving notice may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other Party, effective upon receipt. 7.3 Surviving Terms. Expiration or termination of this Agreement by either Party does not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties that accrued prior to the effective date of termination, except that Sponsors rights under Article 5 do not survive termination for non-payment of any amounts due under this agreement or any other material breach by Sponsor. Except in the case of material breach by Sponsor, expiration or termination of this Agreement does not affect the Parties rights and obligations under Articles 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. 7.4 Payments on Termination. For any termination, Sponsor shall reimburse ̽̽ for all unreimbursed expenses and non-cancellable encumbrances reasonably or necessarily made prior to the effective date of termination, such reimbursement, in combination with prior payments, not to exceed the total specified in Section 3 above. Conversely, ̽̽ shall refund any amount paid by Sponsor in excess of all expenses and non-cancellable encumbrances reasonably or necessarily made prior to the effective date of termination. In the event of termination, ̽̽ shall provide Sponsor with copies of work in progress under this Agreement. Article 8. Notices The Parties shall provide notices for this Agreement in writing, by email, recognized national overnight courier or registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: If to Sponsor Administrative: [SPONSOR CONTACT] [Line 2] [Line 3] [Line 4] [Line 5] Technical Matters: [SPONSOR TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE] [Address] [Phone Number] [Email]If to ̽̽: Administrative: Lana Metayer, Director Sponsored Project Administration University of Vermont 217 Waterman Building 85 South Prospect Street Burlington, VT 05405 spa@uvm.edu Technical Matters: [PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR] [Address] [Phone Number] [Email]  Article 9. miscellaneous 9.1 Independent Contractor. ̽̽ and Sponsor are independent contractors. Neither Party may act as agent for the other or enter into any contract, warranty, or representation on behalf of the other. 9.2 Insurance. Each Party certifies that it shall maintain, for the duration of this Agreement, insurance, or a program of self-insurance, in an amount that will be adequate to cover its respective obligations and/or risks hereunder, and, upon request, will provide the other Party proof of insurance showing that such insurance is in place. 9.3 Liability: In the performance of all services hereunder, each Party to this Agreement assumes responsibility for any liabilities, damages, or claims (including attorneys' fees) payable to third parties which may arise from the actions of that Party, its employees, or agents pursuant to this Agreement, except, unless prohibited by law, to the extent that such liability, damage, or claim is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the other Party, its employees, or agents or breach of this Agreement. 9.4 Warranty Disclaimer. ̽̽ MAKES NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO ANY MATTER RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, THE PERFORMANCE OR RESULTS OF THE PROJECT; THE AVAILABILITY OF LEGAL PROTECTION FOR RESEARCH RESULTS, INVENTIONS, OR ANY OTHER WORK PRODUCT OF THE PROJECT; OR THE VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION THAT MAY BE OBTAINED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. UNIVERSITY PROVIDES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR ANY RESEARCH RESULTS OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. UNIVERSITY MAKES NO ASSURANCES THAT THE USE OF RESEARCH RESULTS OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENT RIGHTS OR OTHER PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. 9.5 Transfer and Subcontracting. ̽̽ shall not transfer or subcontract any portion of the Project pursuant to this Agreement without prior written approval from Sponsor. 9.6 Purchase Orders. A Sponsor purchase order that is used to encumber the funding to this Agreement is for billing purposes only and does not modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 9.7 Force Majeure. Neither Party is responsible for delays resulting from causes reasonably beyond its control, including fire, explosion, flood, storms, hurricane, war, strike, or riot, provided that the nonperforming Party uses reasonable efforts to avoid or remove causes of nonperformance and continues performance under this Agreement with reasonable dispatch after the causes are removed. 9.8 Export Controls. The Parties shall comply with United States export control laws and regulations that apply to information and materials that are exchanged under this Agreement. Sponsor shall notify ̽̽ before providing ̽̽ with any export controlled information or materials. 9.9 Dispute Resolution. For any dispute concerning performance of the Agreement shall be decided by the appropriate administrative officials of each Party, who shall reduce any decision to writing. 9.10 Assignment and Delegation. Neither party may assign this Agreement nor assign any of its rights under this Agreement, except with the prior written consent of the other party. 9.11 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Vermont without regard to its conflict of laws principles, and Sponsor and ̽̽ agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Vermont. 9.12 Agreement Modifications. The Parties may only modify this Agreement by mutual agreement of the Parties. 9.13 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements or understandings between the Parties relating to its subject matter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives. [SPONSOR NAME] Signature by:University of Vermont and State Agricultural College Signature by: Name:Name:Title:Title:Date:Date: ̽̽ Principal Investigator Certification: I acknowledge that I have read this Agreement in its entirety and will use all reasonable efforts to uphold my obligations and responsibilities under this Agreement. Signature. ___________________________ [name of principal investigator] Principal Investigator APPENDIX A PROJECT APPENDIX B (use if Cost reimbursement) BUDGET     Template version date 6/1/2022 09BQRîjP62hI*hS5CJOJPJQJ^JaJhnHtH2hI*ha5CJOJPJQJ^JaJhnHtH2hI*hy/5CJOJPJQJ^JaJhnHtH/hI*hzCJOJPJQJ^JaJhnHtH#hNKB*CJOJQJ^JaJph.t)hzhzB*CJOJQJ^JaJph.t h\jsh\js hz;CJOJQJ^JaJh&hzhz;CJOJQJ^JaJh h0L_;CJOJQJ^JaJh BQm n J K e $1$@&a$gd  $1$a$gdS $1$a$gd'$a$gd' xgd\js$dh7$8$H$a$gda$dh7$8$H$a$gd $dha$gdzgd\js$a$gd\jsǪvgVE7E&E hI*hy/CJOJQJ^JaJh'CJOJQJ^JaJ hI*h{CCJOJQJ^JaJ h /h'CJOJQJ^JaJh'5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh'5CJOJQJ^JaJ hI*hnCJOJQJ^JaJ hI*hxCJOJQJ^JaJ9hS;B*CJKHOJPJQJ^JaJhnHph[tH?hI*hS;B*CJKHOJPJQJ^JaJhnHph[tH/hI*haCJOJPJQJ^JaJhnHtH  U f       9 : A 񹡹xfxfxTBfB#h'ch:YCJOJQJ^JaJh#h'ch{CCJOJQJ^JaJh#h'ch!CJOJQJ^JaJh#h'chlCJOJQJ^JaJh,h'ch>B* CJOJQJ^JaJhphp/h'chz>*B* CJOJQJ^JaJhphp h'ch:YCJOJQJ^JaJh'chy/CJOJQJaJhCJOJQJaJhNKCJOJQJaJh'ch{CCJOJQJaJA B C E Q T k m n o u v 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