ࡱ> FHEa bjbjjj <7?b?b % 8$d\\\\\DFFFFFF$M!jj\\4R\\DD\`= 00!p0!!jj ! B N: UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCE ANNUAL REPORT OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (include in-load assignments, not assignments for supplemental compensation) Name _____________________________________ Reporting period: July 1, 20__ through June 30, 20__ I. TEACHING A. Scheduled Courses: Credit hours are course credit hours; contact hours are the actual number of hours you meet your class each week, e.g., 106. 4 credit hours. 6 contact hours. Fall Semester 2____)Spring semester (2___)Summer semester (2____)CourseNo of hoursCourseNo. of hoursCourseNo. of hoursNo.CreditContactNo.CreditContactNo.CreditContact    B. Advising: Graduate __________ No. of Advisees __________ Undergraduate __________ No. of Advisees __________ C. Other Teaching Activities that you Coordinated or Developed: Work with Honors students; direction of independent readings and/or research; direction of theses and dissertations; development of new courses; extension workshops; extension conferences; field days, etc. Briefly describe your role. II. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY: A. Publications: Distinguish among books, articles, book reviews, abstracts, regular press releases, newsletters, etc. List complete citation or DOI including names of co-authors, date and complete pagination. Indicate whether journals are refereed (R). Attach copies of letters of acceptance. Please indicate whether any of the listings below have been previously reported (PR) in another category either in this or a previous reporting year. 1. Submitted: 2. Accepted or In Press 3. Published: B. Presentations at Professional Meetings: Provide complete citation. Specify the nature of the association (State, Regional, National, or International) and designated papers as (C) competitively selected, (I) invited, or (V) volunteered. C. Other Current Research and Scholarly Activity: List research in progress; grants received (include name of granting agency, grant duration and if new or renewal); grant proposals submitted. Briefly describe how progress has been made since last annual report. D. Websites, Hotlines, Radio or TV appearances, and Other Endeavors: List episodic or independent events with place, date and include URLs etc. III. SERVICE: A. Department, College, and University Service: List specific committees. Provide evidence of level of effort and participation. B. Participation in Organizing or Running Professional Meetings: Indicate role. C. Extension Representative on State and Regional Committees, Boards or Panels: indicate role. D. Other Professional Activities: Offices held in professional and honorary societies, reviewing and refereeing of articles and grant proposals, editorship and membership on editorial boards, etc. E. Guest Lectures in Courses or Workshops: List dates, places and other circumstances. F. Unpaid Consulting Assignments of a Professional Nature: List nature, dates and other circumstances. 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