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Funding is for non-credit bearing activities. Eligibility: Must be a part-time or full-time undergraduate student within CALS. Must be pursuing a major in CALS. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Have at least a 100% match by the department and/or the principle investigator. Conditions: Those students who have not received a FUSE grant will be given priority consideration over those who have already received one. A student may receive only one FUSE grant in any one given year while pursuing his/her undergraduate degree. The same project will not be funded more than once. Requirements: FUSE grant must be used before completion of the undergraduate degree program; Grant recipients must agree to provide a written summary of the learning outcomes upon completion of the FUSE funded activity to the Deans Office. Required Documents: Application Form Written summary upon completion of activity Deadlines and Disbursement: Grant applications are received on a rolling basis. All receipts must be submitted within 30 days of the completion of FUSE funded activities. Students should expect to hear from the Deans Office within 10 business days of submitting their application. Fund for Undergraduate Student Excellence (FUSE) Grant Application Please type your application, if you must print, do so neatly and legibly. DATE _____________ UNAME __ Student ID # CLASS_______ Last First LOCAL ADDRESS__________________________________ _____________ PHONE _______________ __ E-MAIL_____________ _________ _ __ MAJOR _ RESIDENCY: IN-STATE______ OUT-OF-STATE______ Cumulative grade point average ____________ Expected graduation date ______________ Have you ever received a FUSE Grant?___________ If so, when? _______________________ Date of activity you are requesting funding for ______________________________________ Amount requested for FUSE grant?________________________ (maximum grant amount $250.00) 1. Provide a detailed explanation of how the grant will be used including related budget information. Note if you are receiving other scholarships, grants or loans for this project. List your projected learning outcomes of this activity. How will this grant help further your goals for your undergraduate degree program or career aspirations? Please obtain the signature of your undergraduate advisor or the chair of the department. Undergraduate Advisor or Dept. Chair ___________________________________________ The Deans Office and the Scholarship Committee request your signature below verifying that the information provided on the application is truthful and accurate to the best of your knowledge. Student Signature Date ____ I agree to provide a written summary within 30 days of using the grant. initial SUBMIT TO: CALS Deans Office, 106 Morrill Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 or email to calsstudentservices@uvm.edu Fund for Undergraduate Student Excellence Post-grant Written Summary Please type your written summary. If you must print, do so neatly and legibly. DATE _________ Provide a short one-page summary of the learning outcomes. i.e.: What did you get out of the activity? __ Yes ___ No I agree to have my name and excerpts from my summary used in reference to this grant in publications and / or to share with donors. SUBMIT TO: CALS Deans Office, 106 Morrill Hall, Burlington, VT 05405 or email to calsstudentservices@uvm.edu     1YZ[}    P X _ g h u ʿʩʴʴʞ{sh]RhAhvOJQJhAhFOJQJhAhOJQJh.OJQJhAhPE5OJQJhAh 5OJQJhAh"OOJQJhAh OJQJhAhROJQJhAhOJQJhAhOnOJQJhAh8@OJQJhAhsOJQJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhs5CJOJQJaJ Z[] j L X G { ligdOn & FgdOn & F gd< & F gdR & F gd gd  & F gdPE & F gdRgdgdm$ $a$gdsm$ _ h o t    $ . \ ] j s t x } ߽߲ȜߎxmmbmbbmhAh8@OJQJhAh OJQJhAh.OJQJhAhOJQJhAh8@56OJQJhAhFOJQJhAh|OJQJhAhOJQJhAhA0OJQJhAhROJQJhAhA05OJQJhAho"OJQJhAh"OOJQJhAhqOJQJ$ K L X G { MUjkl~Ƹܟџє~s~eWLhAhsOJQJhAhs56OJQJhAhA056OJQJhAhYOJQJhAh|OJQJhAhROJQJhAhA0OJQJhAhOJQJhAh56OJQJhAh8@56OJQJhAhOJQJhAh OJQJhAh 56OJQJhPEhPEOJQJhAhPEOJQJhin ߻ߌߢqaQAhAh5CJOJQJaJhAh?5CJOJQJaJhAhs5CJOJQJaJhAhA05CJOJQJaJhAhsOJQJhAh|OJQJhAh OJQJhAhPEOJQJhAh|56OJQJhAhOn56OJQJhAhOJQJhAhOJQJhAhA0OJQJhAhOnOJQJhAho"OJQJn (.DF^dhiu+вq^вNNhAhs>*CJOJQJaJ%hAhs5>*CJOJQJ\aJhAh?>*CJOJQJaJhAhOn>*CJOJQJaJhAhs>*CJOJQJaJ hAh)CJOJQJ^JaJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhA0CJOJQJaJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhs5CJOJQJaJhAh0\5CJOJQJaJi(EF9: gdv & F gdfgd h^h`gd 8dh^8gdsgd;q7$gd;qgdsgdPE+/12689:Fux  07K\`߿߰ߒteeVeVehAhqCJOJQJaJhAh;qCJOJQJaJhAh<CJOJQJaJhAhOnCJOJQJaJhAhfCJOJQJaJhAhA0CJOJQJaJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhs>*CJOJQJaJhAhOn>*CJOJQJaJhAhs>*CJOJQJaJhAhA0>*CJOJQJaJ!  } FKĸ~o`Q`Q`o`o`o`~`hAhsCJOJQJaJhAhfCJOJQJaJhAhvCJOJQJaJhAhOnCJOJQJaJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhs>*CJOJQJaJhAhPE6OJQJhAhq6OJQJhAhqCJOJQJaJhAh;qCJOJQJaJhAhCJOJQJaJhAhA0CJOJQJaJKxy5.yz)?@MĵӥӥwgwXhAhBCJOJQJaJhAhf6CJOJQJaJhAhfCJOJQJaJhAh?CJOJQJaJhAhv>*CJOJQJaJhAhs>*CJOJQJaJhAhNoCJOJQJaJhAhvCJOJQJaJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhOnCJOJQJaJhAhCJOJQJaJz{345.igdf$a$gdf$a$gd0\gdNo :gdvgdvgds & F gdMhij()PRST78²£vgXXPLh.5Mjh.5MUhAhfxCJOJQJaJhAh0\CJOJQJaJhAhCJOJQJaJhAhNoCJOJQJaJhAhCJOJQJaJhAhfCJOJQJaJhAh5CJOJQJaJhAhf5CJOJQJaJhAhmE5CJOJQJaJhAhsCJOJQJaJhAhCJOJQJaJ}~gdf8gd'L 0^`0gd p6^p`6gdfxgdfhAhCJOJQJaJh.5Mjh.5MU21h:p/ =!"#$% s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@PJ_HmH nH sH tH D`D ;BNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH ^^ >) Heading 1$<@&"5CJ KH OJPJQJ\^JaJ `` ?) 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