ࡱ> pro  bjbjR!R! 4x0K_0K_y P PPPPPddd8T<d*,,(TTTT*V*V*V*V*V*V*$,9/z*P"z*PPTT*XXX^PTPTT*XT*XXr&T'0~?_Zj'@**0*$'//''&/P'XXz*z**/ X : Annual CMB GRADUATE STUDENT Progress Report Form Student's Name: Date: Sections I to VII (Completed by the Student) Sections VIII to X (Completed by the Advisor and Chair of Dissertation Committee) I. General Information. Date of Enrollment: Advisor's Name: Cumulative GPA: Dates of Dissertation Committee meetings (please include all dates): Members of Dissertation Committee: Note: Minimum of 4 members of the Graduate Faculty (including the Students Advisor). The Chair of the Dissertation Committee must come from a Department that is distinct from the advisors primary or secondary Departmental appointment(s). II. Lab Rotations. Rotation Title of Rotation ProjectDatesAdvisor123 III. Coursework. Course Requirements are complete (Check if Yes) Core Required Courses Course NumberCourse TitleGradeCreditsYearBIOC 301General Biochemistry I3BIOC 496Critical Reading & Analysis3CLBI 301Cell Biology 3CLBI 394Science Communication3CLBI 401Critical Reading & Analysis2CLBI 402Practical Statistics & Data Presentation in CMB2MMG 211 or MMG 312 or MMG 233Prokaryotic Molecular Genetics OR Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics 3NSCI 327 or MMG/PBIO 295Responsible Conduct in Biomedical Research OR Ethics in Graduate Research1MPBP 330Biomedical Grantsmanship2B. Elective Courses (8 credits or more) Must be level 200 or above to receive graduate credit. Course NumberCourse TitleGradeCreditsYear C. Total Credits (75 required by ̽̽, minimal allowable credits for GTA/GRA: 23/year) A minimum of 30 credits must be obtained from coursework and 20 credits from dissertation research. The remaining credits can come from either coursework or research. Course Credits: _____ Research Credits: _____ Total Credits: _____ IV. Teaching. Two semesters of teaching are required. Course Number Course TitleSemesterYear Teaching Evaluation Summary: V. Annual CMB Student Seminar. Date Seminar Title VI. Qualifying Examinations. Phase I (oral, general application of first year curriculum) Date Completed _______________ Phase II (written, on-topic grant proposal with stretch aim) Date Completed _______________ VII. Dissertation Research Project. Attach written progress report (1-3 pages) summarizing specific aims, results achieved, and plans for the upcoming year. Include citations for accepted peer-reviewed publications and abstracts presented at scientific meetings. VIII. Estimation of Percent Completion of Dissertation Research Project. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Anticipated graduation date _______________________ IX. Comment(s) of Advisor: X. Comments of Dissertation Committee Chair: Signatures: ______________________________ Date __________________________ Chair, Dissertation Committee ______________________________ Date __________________________ Advisor ______________________________ Date __________________________ Student     PAGE 1  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4/3 Revised: June 17, 2022 23BOPQ]^dequv}~    $ % ) 6 7 G ÿ؁}yh~qhhh khT hVy'>*hVy'hShOOh` hv6 hI6 hS6 hP 6 hu6huhu6hu hu5hShS5hSh55h5h'hV 5;CJh'hlI*5;CJh'h55;CJ/23PQ~ e { $ `a$gdT `^gdOO `gdT$dh^a$gdOO$a$gd gd`$a$gdu$a$$a$gdILG c d e l y z : > ] ^ j u x z { μ輷 h/KhS hShSh/K hv5hihS5 hS5hOOhT h56 hVy'6hVy'h6 hh6 hZ\6hVy'h~q6hVy'h56hVy'h556hVy'hVy'6hVy'h`h5h k4 ?kd$$IfTl\P!&N t0644 layt/KT $$Ifa$gdS $ `a$gdT NB $$Ifa$gdSkd$$IfTl\P!&N t0644 layt/KT $IfgdS  & 1 2 4 5 : C J K L Z a g m u z { ༷yy hK@hQhihQ5>*hih{x5hihQ5hQh]hV h@Mh$lh$l>* hVy'>* h5>*4Of`<jhICJUmHnHuh5 hShSh/KhihS5>* h/KhS/ NB $$Ifa$gdSkdZ$$IfTl\P!&N t0644 layt/KT $IfgdS 2 5 WF222$ `0^`0a$gd$l$ `0^`0a$kd$$IfTl\P!&N t0644 layt/KT5 K L Z g m u z $$Ifa$gdi$ `8^8a$gdQ$ & F `a$gd5z { G>>2 $$Ifa$gdt $IfgdK@kd$$IfTlr) !%  t0644 laytiT         . / 0 2 3 4 = m n o p q r y z ٽٮ赣hQ hAhQ hAh'?Qh<9h<0hAhih'?Q5>* hQh'?Q h/Kh'?Qh'?QhY hK@hQhihQ5>* hQhQ h/KhQ? 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