February 1, 2019

RPO Staffing News

We wanted to inform the research community that the RPO office lost a friend and co-worker just prior to the holidays. Kari Bierbaum, most of you would recognize as the person who was answering our main phone line, passed away just before the break. Kari leaves behind her husband and college-aged son. Kari often expressed how much she loved her job and enjoyed helping researchers with their important work. Kari also enjoyed watching her son play football and was extremely proud when he received a football scholarship. She loved sailing and biked to work every day.  It is unbelievable that such a vibrant person could be here one day and gone the next. Kari is dearly missed.

̽̽Click – IRB Emails

In follow up to some requests regarding where the ̽̽Click emails are sent, we have been able to adjust the ̽̽Click – IRB feed to automatically send Click generated emails to a uvm.edu email address versus the uvmhealth.org email. This will help to keep research email separate from clinical email.  Also, for those dual appointees who submit grants, Sponsored Project Administration will be transitioning to the ̽̽Click system within the next year.  Use of your ̽̽ email address is required for grant submissions.   


Please be sure when you submit a modification that the summary on the modification SMARTForm reflects any materials that are modified and uploaded within the protocol record.  RPO staff use the “View Differences” tab as part of our process and must confirm that what is changed matches the summary.  We suggest that you have the same process just before you submit to the IRB.  By doing this you can double-check the differences and ensure that the modification description is accurate.  It is very important that approved modifications are documented correctly.

̽̽Click – IRB Patch

A patch was applied to the system on January 30th. The patch addresses a few reported bugs and makes small changes to some screens, such as the workspace now has a link to the parent, and we have removed some unnecessary columns on the training page. Further information about the training page is below.

Training Page Explained 

  • CITI training completions are listed for each PI or study team member, this includes Human Subjects, IBC, IACUC, Responsible Conduct in Research, etc.
  • The Date Report Expired is the date you should retake the training to stay in compliance. You will receive a reminder from CITI when the expiration nears.
  • The Curriculum and Group Name columns will help you determine which trainings are complete.
  • You may find that some expiration dates are missing. This is because there is no expiration date for that particular training. See example below.
  • “No training on file” means that this person has not completed any training within CITI. If you are certain that you are in compliance with training, it is possible that you completed the original Limesurvey (see below) and not CITI, signed into CITI without using your NetID, or did not complete all the modules in the required course. 

Use these instructions to associate your NetID (opens in a new window) so that your training will transfer into the system. 

Non-CITI Training Section of the Tab

The non-CITI Training section is a place for RPO to document training that has been completed by non-̽̽, non-̽̽MC personnel listed as key personnel on local protocols. In this case, training certificates must be uploaded to a key personnel roster request. Though all study team members’ names show in this area, it applies to less than 2% of our protocols.

LimeSurvey Human Subjects Training

Before ̽̽Click go-live several notices were sent to encourage those researchers with valid LimeSurvey training certificates to complete CITI training prior to ̽̽Click rollout. There were two specific reasons for this request:

  1. the new certification would be captured in ̽̽Click, and
  2. the expiration reminder system for Limesurvey would cease to exist once we moved to the ̽̽Click system. 

On the training page, approximately 430 investigators appear as though there is “no training on file” for them.  This will be confusing, because they really are in compliance but from the older Limesurvey system. While this information is not in Click it can be found in the , which will remain active on our website just for this purpose.  

Additionally, those investigators will no longer receive training reminders. Researchers in this situation will need to develop a plan to track the expiration date of the training, so that they will stay in compliance with this requirement. 

As we discover expired training, personnel will be required to complete CITI training prior to approval of a submission.  However, you may be proactive and complete this training at any time to avoid becoming noncompliant. Visit our CITI resource page (opens in a new window) for instructions.

CITI Training Reminders

Refresher training for both Human Subjects in Research and Good Clinical Practice is every three years. The reminders will be coming from CITI going forward 90, 60, and 30 days in advance of the expiration. Expiration reminders will be generated and sent from the email address noreply@citiprogram.org with a subject line reading: "CITI Program – Course Completion for {Member Name} Will Expire Soon". Please do not ignore these messages.