

111-113 St. Paul Street

Built circa 1820

By Michael Goebel Bain

111-113 St. Paul Street is a brick four-story storefront constructed c. 1820. Ebenezer Englesby originally built it as a three and one-half story parapet gabled Federal style building for use as a store.(1) It was built as a part of a two building complex with a common brick wall dividing the two store fronts. The fourth floor and the Italianate detailing were added in c. 1870.(2) Between 1910 and 1912 this building, its northern half, and the building to the north on the corner of College and St. Paul were all combined to create the Burlington Steam Laundry.(3) The laundry, excluding Englesby's store, was torn down to build a gas station sometime between 1942 and 1960.(4) The northern exterior wall now exposed was the old party between the circa 1820's pair of buildings. After being used as a store by Ebenezer Englesby, the building was used as an Express Office from 1862 until the 1930's.(5) Since that time it has been put to a variety of urban uses from office space to apartments.(6)


1 W. S. Rann, History of Chittenden County, Vermont (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason & Co., 1886), 410,421.
2 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Burlington, VT, 1869, 1890.
3 Historic Sites and Structures Survey, Burlington, VT.
4 Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Burlington, VT, 1942,1960.
5 C. Wainwright, 1862 Map of Burlington, VT: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Burlington, VT, 1869-1942.
6 Burlington City Directories, Burlington, VT.

To St. Paul Street

Introduction | 1830 Young map | 1830-1988 overlay maps | Street index | Surviving 1830 buildings |