
111 - 113 Church Street

            The Abraham’s building at 111-113 Church Street was built circa 1830.The building has a unique design, with “the flat roof (being) pitched at the south end to a third story molded cornice with returns, and capped along the east and west ends with parapets that create a Federal style silhouette”[1]. The building has undergone significant remodeling, including a 1933 facelift that added a black glass and aluminum storefront that was removed in the 1960s.The current Art Deco faŤade, the result of a 1946 remodeling, makes the building “ one of the finest examples of the Moderne Style in the State”[1].Extensive remodeling occurred again in 1950 when the recently acquired corner section was resurfaced and the interior was completely redone. The building now houses a camera store and restaurant.[1]



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[i] State of Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. Vermont Historic Structures and Sites Survey. 111 Church Street. (Montpelier, Vermont: Division for Historic Preservation, n.d.)