152 Battery- Emile Dupont Building
by Doug Porter
The Emile Dupont Roofing Company building at 152 Battery is a two-story brick-veneered block with flat roof and Italianate bracketed cornice. The street-level storefront features transomed entrances and large display windows situated beneath a decorative horizontal band that imitates the building cornice. This structure quite possibly includes pre-1830 fabric. The current façade is certainly from a later date,1 but a building of approximately this size and shape has occupied this location since 1830, and appears on the Walling and Birds Eye View maps. The National Register nomination gives an approximate construction date of 1875, though this attribution is apparently style-based. Earlier in the century, the building served as a granary. During a recent site visit, early hand-hewn beams were discovered in the cellar, supporting a newer floor frame. These beams indicate a construction date prior to 1875, and it is possible that some of the pre-1830 building survives in the form of foundation stonework and building frame.
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1 This building appears on the Stoner Bird's Eye View Map of Burlington (1877) as a gable-fronted structure.