
Graduate Student Ombudsperson | The Graduate College | ̽̽(title)

About the Ombudsperson


The Graduate Student Ombudsperson (“Ombuds”) offers independent, confidential*, informal, and impartial assistance to graduate students on matters affecting their graduate education. The Ombuds addresses issues and challenges students may face in their academic careers at ̽̽. The Ombuds thus supports the University’s commitment to excellence in graduate education.

What to Expect of the Ombuds?

The Ombuds listens to your concerns, clarifies procedures, and discusses options. The Ombuds does not advocate for any individual but rather for a fair process.

The Ombudsperson provides a safe place to voice your concerns, talk through and evaluate your circumstances, organize your thoughts and identify your options, or get a second opinion. Meeting with the Ombuds can be a good first step in considering a situation if you are not sure how to proceed or where to turn to for advice.

The Ombuds provides assistance through informal means only. Their services do not duplicate formal University processes and procedures. However, they may provide information about and referrals to other appropriate offices or services.

* Please note that there are limits to the confidentiality of the Ombudsperson. (see Standards of Practice section)

Common issues and concerns that might be brought to the Ombudsperson (Note that this is not a comprehensive list)

  • miscommunication between advisors, faculty, and/or students
  • conflict with advisors or peers
  • interpersonal, intercultural, and group conflicts
  • confusion around university policies and/or procedures
  • perceived ethical dilemmas
  • perceived unfair treatment, including bullying and harassment
  • quest for additional university resources to support you in handling an issue

Contact the Ombudsperson


To contact Ombudsperson Ralph Swenson, please email grad.ombuds@uvm.edu

Ombudsperson Ralph Swenson handled admissions and student affairs at ̽̽ for many years before retiring in 2014. During that time he worked with students, faculty, and others across campus to address and resolve student concerns. He also served the University as Chair of the Staff Grievance Hearing Panel and by conducting investigations in matters of harassment and discrimination. Swenson holds AB and JD degrees.

Standards of Practice



The identity of those seeking assistance from the Ombudsperson, as well as communications and information specifically relating to them, is confidential information.

The Ombudsperson holds communications with graduate students seeking assistance in strict confidence and does not disclose confidential communications unless:

  1. the Ombudsperson is a witness to a crime or learns of a Clery-reportable crime;
  2. the Ombudsperson learns of discriminatory harassment or sexual misconduct involving a ̽̽-affiliate;
  3. there appears to be imminent threat of serious harm;
  4. the Ombudsperson is required to release information by law, including legal subpoena (valid court order); or
  5. the student gives the Ombudsperson permission to do so.

The Ombudsperson maintains no formal case files and takes all reasonable steps to protect records from inspection by all other persons. Informal notes taken in the course of consideration of a matter are destroyed at its conclusion, unless preservation is required by law. In addition, the Ombudsperson will not disclose whether or not you contacted them without your permission to do so. This promise of confidentiality ensures that you are safe in contacting the Ombudsperson. If a problem is eventually taken to a formal grievance process, the Ombudsperson will not testify for or against anyone in that process, aside from the limits on confidentiality listed above.


The Graduate Student Ombudsperson is a designated neutral and impartial resource and approaches each case without prejudice. The Ombudsperson is committed to fairness and equity. They do not take sides or serve as an advocate for any person or entity. Instead, they advocate for a fair process.


As an informal and off-the-record resource, the Ombudsperson does not make policy decisions, adjudicate issues, or conduct formal investigation for the University.


The Graduate Student Ombudsperson operates outside the usual administrative structure of the University. While funded by the Graduate College, they act independently of that office. The Ombudsperson reports summary information about their role’s activities that is not individually identifiable to the Dean of the Graduate, e.g., numbers of contacts and types of situations considered. They might provide upward feedback on patterns of problems and complaints and general suggestions regarding policies and procedures.

Code of Ethics


The Graduate Student Ombudsperson conducts themselves in accordance with ̽̽’s Our Common Ground and the core values espoused by the :

  • Act with honesty and integrity;
  • Promote fairness and support fair process;
  • Remain non-judgmental, with empathy and respect for individual differences;
  • Promote dignity, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging;
  • Communicate accurate understanding through active listening;
  • Promote individual empowerment, self-determination, and collaborative problem-solving; and
  • Endeavor to be an accessible, trusted, and respected informal resource.

What the Ombuds Will and Won't Do


The Ombuds will

  • listen to you without judgment, discuss your concerns, explore options in resolving problems, and help you obtain information
  • work, as a neutral third party, to achieve fair and equitable solutions to problems
  • suggest approaches for addressing and managing conflict in a constructive way
  • offer guidance on communicating effectively and handling difficult conversations
  • make referrals to appropriate University resources and individuals who can best address your concerns
  • clarify University policies and procedures that apply to your issue
  • assist you in navigating your way through university systems
  • help you advocate for the mentoring you desire
  • deliver information or ask questions on your behalf confidentially
  • refer you to the appropriate office should you wish to file a formal complaint
  • analyze and report trends in complaints and concerns, and provide recommendations for institutional improvements
  • promote a supportive, ethical and healthy organizational culture

The Ombuds does not

  • advocate for an individual’s personal position
  • make decisions for the graduate student
  • take action without consent
  • keep identifying records or records of conversations
  • provide legal advice or psychological counsel
  • conduct formal investigations
  • act as a witness in a formal grievance
  • participate in any formal hearings, processes, procedures or testify in any judicial proceeding