̽̽ Purchasing Services negotiates contracts with suppliers in order to secure the best pricing, terms, and service to all users within the University. Beyond pricing, the University has negotiated many other benefits, including guaranteed performance levels, no-hassle return policies, free delivery, volume incentives, and liability and insurance protection.

How do I purchase goods and services?

See the .

By purchasing from ̽̽'s contracted suppliers, you take maximum advantage of ̽̽'s purchasing power and support our ability to negotiate improved pricing and terms in the future. Use of mandated suppliers is required and Purchasing Services strongly encourages the patronage of our preferred suppliers and pricing agreement partners.

includes pricing agreements, and approved, mandated and preferred contracts that have been competitively bid by ̽̽, the State of Vermont (SOV), or one of our member consortia (E&I, MHEC).
If you don't see what you are looking for or have questions about specific commodities and/or services, please contact the applicable Purchasing & Contracting Specialist who can help you choose a supplier.

Diverse Suppliers and Small Business Enterprises
The University encourages doing business with diverse suppliers and small business enterprises whenever possible. We continue to identify these suppliers and businesses in our supplier files. ̽̽ departments can reach out to Purchasing Services for a recent list of these suppliers already doing business with ̽̽. The State of Vermont's is also available.

Sustainable Purchasing Initiatives

“Sustainable purchasing” means making decisions about purchases and services based not only on quality and cost, but also on environmental and social aspects. These aspects include reducing waste, recycling, having organic or recycled content, fair trade, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Below are summaries of several campus-wide programs and systems incorporating principles of sustainable purchasing.

Printer and Toner Cartridges

̽̽’s average spend on desktop toner cartridges each year was over $100,000 before Covid-19! Now, we are averaging about $55,000 each year, and that spend continues to decline. We have made great strides in lowering our printing since going remote in 2020. We hope to see our desktop toner usage continue to decline, both from printing less and from having less desktop printers.

Purchasing Services strongly discourages desktop printers and recommends using only the multi-function printers (MFPs) leased by your department. MFPs use less toner, less electricity, are better for the environment, and are more secure than a desktop printer. They will also save your department money, as toner is already included in your Kyocera lease. There are impacts to the machines we use, you can make a difference with your choices. MFPs are the sustainable choice!

You can recharge your empty printer toner cartridge for less than buying a new one. will pick up your empty toner cartridge and deliver you a new one. Not all models apply.

The contract for leased Kyocera departmental multi-function copiers requires the vendor to accept and recycle all Kyocera multi-function printer cartridges. Customers can request recycling boxes from our . The boxes are approximately 14”x14”x32” and include a prepaid UPS shipping label. Fill the boxes with depleted Kyocera toner containers, seal, and send to their recycling facility partner, Close the Loop.

Staples accepts all used empty cartridges and toner for recycling, regardless of brand. These can be given to the Staples delivery person the next time a delivery is made, or they can be shipped for free to Staples.

Used empty cartridges and toner bottles can be sent via campus mail to the recycling office, in original packaging if possible. Small items can be placed in campus Techno Trash bins. For larger toner items or that ditched desk-top printer, enter a for pickup. See.


Purchasing Services has developed Sustainable T-Shirt Purchasing Guidelines for departments. Please look over our guidelines and incorporate them into your next purchase of t-shirts or clothing for campus. Our goal is to convince departments (you!) to switch to sustainable clothing over the next year or two.

Fleet Vehicles

If your department is looking to purchase a new or used vehicle, your starting point is ̽̽’s fleet vehicle procurement procedure. This procedure ensures that vehicles are only purchased when needed, are rightsized for the job, and that selection decisions take into account the short- and longer-term environmental impacts. Learn more about ̽̽’s efforts to green the fleet and what highly efficient or alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) will meet your department’s or school’s needs.

More campus-wide sustainable initiatives

Copier and print paper

̽̽ is committed to purchasing recycled copier paper in support of our campus sustainability goals. We try to stay green by purchasing 100% recycled paper through our Staples Advantage office supplies contract.

Cleaning Products

Custodial Services requires that custodial supplies be Green Seal Certified. Additionally, Custodial Services has changed its cleaning methods to eliminate the use of cleaning chemicals and the generation of waste where possible, such as using odorless ozonated water for most routine cleaning.

Food services

emphasizes foods and beverages that are both good for one’s health and socially and environmentally responsible. Examples include purchasing local, organic, and fair trade food and decreasing packaging and food waste on campus using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to guide its waste reduction initiatives on campus.

Information technology (IT) and equipment

All the computers, laptops and iPads available through the conform to the EPA’s EPEAT program that promotes sustainable purchasing for electronic equipment. EPEAT provides lifecycle accounting on energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, solid waste generation and toxic materials. All laptops and monitors from the TechStore are EPEAT gold certified.