Transition of time-management to Kronos for all non-exempt staff

̽̽ has begun implementing the Kronos Time Management Tool for all non-exempt staff.

To better align all non-exempt hourly staff, all ̽̽ Staff United (̽̽SU) and non-union staff are transitioning from a semi-monthly to a bi-weekly pay schedule (pay cycle will change to 26 installments opposed to 24). Kronos is a timekeeping tool used for payroll purposes that allows the university to capture and record all non-exempt classified staff hours accurately, collect and confirm payroll information, and communicate it to Payroll Services for accurate and prompt processing.

Departments will be transitioned in four implementation groups starting in April through September 2024.

  • Staff and their supervisors will be notified approximately 3 weeks before their group's implementation date.
  • Required training sessions for both staff and supervisors will occur prior to each group's scheduled implementation date.
  • Implementation and training schedules will be posted here.

FAQs are listed below, and this page will be updated as the project progresses.

MOA with ̽̽SU Re: Implementation of Kronos (PDF)

"So what does all of this really mean for me?"

Trainings will go over this type of information in depth and it is required for all employees who are transitioning to Kronos to attend. Many of your questions can be answered then but in the meantime . . .

  1. You will no longer use Peoplesoft to enter your time and will use Kronos instead.
  2. You will record your hours of work at the beginning of your day and end of your day. Many departments will opt to use a computer interface to record time. Departments may elect to purchase timeclocks and in certain situations the use of a mobile app or supervisor manual entry may be used. Supervisors in consultation with staff members will determine which entry methods are optimal for their work and the business needs of their unit.
  3. You will not be required to record time in and time out for paid breaks or unpaid meal breaks. The length of the unpaid meal breaks of either 30 or 60 minutes will be determined by the employee and their supervisor. If there is an agreement between employee and supervisor, the length of the unpaid meal break can be changed periodically.
  4. Rather than being paid semi-monthly (about the 15th and 30th of each month), you will now be paid bi-weekly on Friday (if payday Friday is a holiday, you will be paid on Thursday). This means that you will now receive 26 paychecks per year instead of 24 paychecks so you will see a slightly different amount in each paycheck but your yearly earnings stays the same!
  5. ̽̽ is offering a voluntary, 0% interest loan of up to $750 to help transition from semi-monthly to bi-weekly payroll. More information on the loan can be found below.
  6. Payroll Services is migrating all your accruals over to the new system and you will not lose any time off.
  7. Schedules will be required in Kronos. Employees may request non-standard or flexible schedules. Supervisors, in consultation with their staff, will determine a work schedule for the business needs of the unit.

Training Sessions and Important Dates

Groups 1 - 3

Employee and supervisor training completed
  • Group 1
    • Last employee semi-monthly check dated May 30, 2024
    • First employee bi-weekly check dated June 14, 2024
  • Group 2
    • Last employee semi-monthly check dated June 14, 2024
      First employee bi-weekly check dated June 28, 2024
  • Group 3
    • Last employee semi-monthly check dated July 15, 2024
      First employee bi-weekly check dated July 26, 2024

Group 4

  • Employee training: week of August 12
  • Supervisor training: week of August 19
  • Last employee semi-monthly check will be dated September 13, 2024
  • First employee bi-weekly partial check will be dated September 20, 2024
  • First employee bi-weekly check will be dated October 4, 2024

Less than 12 Month Employees

Less than 12-month employees and their supervisors, training dates will be the first working day of your new contract in fiscal year 2025. Emails and Teams invites will be going out the week of April 8th.

Which group is my department?

  • Group 1 - April - May
  • Group 2 - May - June
  • Group 3 - June - July
  • Group 4 - August - September
  • Group 5 - Less than 12 month employees will move at the beginning of their contract terms

A - C

  • Admin Business Service Ctr - Group 3
  • Admissions - Group 1
  • Animal and Veterinary Sciences - Group 3
  • Animal Care Management - Group 1
  • Athletics -Group 1
  • Audit Services - Group 1
  • Biology -Group 2
  • Biochemistry - Group 4
  • Biomedical and Health Science -Group 3
  • CALS Dean's Office -Group 3
  • Career Center -Group 1
  • CAS College Admin Services - Group 2
  • CAS Dean's Office- Group 2
  • CatCard Service Center - Group 2
  • CEM Dean's Office -Group 1
  • Center for Academic Success -Group 1
  • Center on Disability & Community -Group 2
  • Center for Health & Wellbeing -Group 3
  • Center for Student Conduct - Group 3
  • Center for Teaching & Learning -Group 1
  • CESS Dean's Office -Group 2
  • Chemistry -Group 2
  • CNHS Dean's Office -Group 3
  • CNHS Student Services -Group 3
  • COM Admissions -Group 4
  • COM Executive Office -Group 4
  • COM Finance and HR -Group 4
  • COM Microbio & Molec Genetics -Group 4
  • COM Ofc of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Group 4
  • COM Ofc of Med Ed -Group 4
  • COM Ofc of Primary Care -Group 4
  • COM Public Relations -Group 4
  • COM Support Serv Vet Families - Group 4
  • COM Technology Services - Group 4
  • Com Dev & Applied Economics -Group 3
  • Communication Science & Disorders -Group 3
  • Consulting Archaeology Program -Group 3
  • Cont Medical & Interprof Ed -Group 4
  • Controllers Office -Group 3
  • Counseling, Human Dev, Family Science -Group 2

D - G

  • Dana Health Sciences Library -Group 3
  • Davis Center Ops & Events - Group 3
  • Disbursement Center -Group 3
  • ܳپDz- Group 2
  • Elec & Biomed Engineering -Group 1
  • Emergency Medicine -Group 4
  • English -Group 2
  • Environmental Health & Safety -Group 2
  • EPSCoR -Group 1
  • ETS Client Services -Group 1
  • Ext - Administration -Group 2
  • Ext - Community Nutrition Educ - Group 2
  • Ext - Migrant Hlth & Education -Group 2
  • Ext - Operations & Staff Sup -Group 2
  • Ext - Programming & Fac Sup -Group 2
  • Ext - SARE -Group 2
  • Ext - Sustainable Agricltr Ctr- Group 2
  • Family Medicine -Group 4
  • Finance and Facilities Admin -Group 2
  • Fin Rptng & Acct Svcs -Group 3
  • Fleming Museum -Group 1
  • Geography & Geosciences -Group 2
  • Graduate College -Group 1
  • Grossman School of Business -Group 3
  • Gund Institute for Environment -Group 1

H - N

  • History-Group 2
  • Honors College -Group 3
  • Howe-Access & Tech Services -Group 3
  • Howe-Collection Mgmt Services -Group 3
  • Human Resources -Group 2
  • Institute for Agroecology - Group 3
  • Instrumentation & Tech Service -Group 1
  • International Educ Svcs Admin -Group 1
  • Libraries - Deans Office -Group 3
  • Med - Cardiology -Group 4
  • Med - Dermatology- Group 4
  • Med - Endocrinology -Group 4
  • Med - General -Group 4
  • Med - Hematology Oncology -Group 4
  • Medicine -Group 4
  • Med - Immunobiology -Group 4
  • Med - Infectious Disease -Group 4
  • Med - Public Health - Group 4
  • Med - Pulmonary -Group 4
  • Military Studies -Group 1
  • Molecular Physigy & Biophysics -Group 4
  • Mosaic Ctr Students of Color - Group 1
  • Neurological Sciences -Group 4
  • Non Credit Registration Office - Group 3
  • Nursing -Group 3
  • Nutrition & Food Sciences -Group 3

O - R

  • Obstetrics Gynecology & Reprod -Group 4
  • Office of Engagement -Group 1
  • Office of Health Promo Research -Group 4
  • Office of Institutional Research & Assessment- Group 1
  • Office of Strategic Communications - Group 1
  • Office of VP Div Equity and Inclu -Group 1
  • Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation -Group 4
  • Osher Ctr Integrative Health -Group 1
  • PACE - Administration -Group 2
  • Pathology & Laboratory Medicine -Group 4
  • Payroll and Tax Services -Group 3
  • Pediatrics -Group 4
  • Peds-Hematology Oncology -Group 4
  • Pharmacology -Group 4
  • Physical Plant Dept -Group 2
  • Planning Design & Construction -Group 2
  • Plant & Animal Biology Fclty -Group 3
  • Plant Biology -Group 3
  • Plant & Soil Science - Group 3
  • Police Services -Group 1
  • Political Science -Group 2
  • President's Office -Group 1
  • Print & Mail Center -Group 2
  • Prism Center- Group 1
  • Psychiatry -Group 4
  • Psychological Science -Group 2
  • Radiology -Group 4
  • Registrar -Group 1
  • Rehab & Movement Science -Group 3
  • Residential Life -Group 3
  • Risk Management -Group 2
  • Rubenstein Sch Env & Nat Res -Group 3

S - Z

  • Safety & Compliance -Group 2
  • Social Work -Group 2
  • Social Work Outreach -Group 2
  • Sociology -Group 2
  • Sponsored Project Admin -Group 1
  • Student Financial Svcs Admin -Group 1
  • Student Govt Association -Group 3
  • Student Life -Group 3
  • Surgery -Group 4
  • Surg-Oncology -Group 4
  • Telecomm & Network Services -Group 1
  • Transportation & Parking Admin -Group 2
  • Treasury Services -Group 3
  • University Event Svcs -Group 3
  • ̽̽ Bookstore -Group 2
  • ̽̽ Environmental Program - Group 1
  • ̽̽ Go -Group 1
  • ̽̽ Innovations - Group 1
  • Vermont Biomedical Rsrch Netwk -Group 1
  • Vermont Cancer Center -Group 4
  • VP Acad Affairs & Student Succ -Group 1
  • VP of Enrollment Management - Group 1
  • VP Faculty Affairs -Group 1
  • VP Finance & Administration-Group 3
  • VP Legal Affairs & Gen Counsel- Group 1
  • VP Research Admin Office- Group 1
  • VPSA & Dean of Students Ofc -Group 3
  • Writing in Disciplines -Group 1

Less than 12 month employees

  • All employees who work less than 12 months for one of the below departments will transitionJuly - September at the start of contract term in Group 5.
    • Admissions
    • Biology
    • CAS College Admin Services
    • Center for Academic Success
    • Center for Health & Wellbeing
    • Chemistry
    • Com Dev & Applied Economics
    • Counseling, Human Dev, Fam Sci
    • Education
    • English
    • Faculty Senate
    • Grossman School of Business
    • History
    • Howe-Access & Tech Svcs
    • Nursing
    • Philosophy
    • Plant Biology
    • Residential Life
    • Rubenstein Sch Env & Nat Res
    • Student Govt Association
    • University Event Services

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ

Why are staff moving from the Semi-monthly payroll to the Kronos biweekly payroll?

To ensure compliance with federal and state compensation requirements and applicable collective bargaining agreements.

When will I be moving to Kronos?

12-month non-exempt staff will be moving to Kronos in groups according to the schedule found above. Less than 12-month staff will be moved at the onset of their new contract term throughout the summer.

How do I access the Kronos computer interface?

You will use your ̽̽ credentials (Net ID/password) when logging into Kronos. If you are not already logged into ̽̽ systems, DUO Security may be required before accessing Kronos. You can find Kronos login locations in the following access points:
̽̽ home page via
̽̽ A to Z by clicking on K
Payroll home page
Systems Access and Support Page

Can I access Kronos from home?

Yes, you can access Kronos from home at the access points listed above. When logging in off campus DUO Security will be necessary.

How will staff enter their time?

You will record your hours of work at the beginning of your day and end of your day. Many departments will opt to use a computer interface to record time. Departments may elect to purchase timeclocks and in certain situations the use of a mobile app or supervisor manual entry may be used. Supervisors in consultation with staff members will determine which entry methods are optimal for their work and the business needs of their unit.

Do I need to timestamp in and out for my lunchbreak?

You will not be required to record time in and time out for paid breaks or unpaid meal breaks. The length of the unpaid meal breaks of either 30 or 60 minutes will be determined by the employee and their supervisor. If there is an agreement between employee and supervisor, the length of the unpaid meal break can be changed periodically.

What if I do not take my lunch break?

Because your lunch break is automatically deducted in Kronos, you will need to communicate to your supervisor that you did not take your lunch break. Supervisors will cancel the auto-lunch deduction to give you back the time you worked through your lunch period.

How will I be trained in using Kronos?

  • Payroll Services will be scheduling Kronos training sessions for staff and supervisors.
  • These sessions will provide information such as timestamping, viewing your accruals, adding leave, and navigating Kronos. Payroll Services has user guides and videos for staff to review and use as needed. These resources will be available on the Payroll Services home page as well as on the Kronos web page.
  • Payroll Services will offer drop-in training sessions each week during the initial rollout phase and will also be available by appointment via Teams. Payroll is also available to answer questions sent to After you have attended the training, you will have access to a “practice environment” where you will be able to replicate timestamping, adding leave, and navigating Kronos before your actual move to Kronos.

Who do I contact if I am having issues with Kronos?

After the implementation period is complete, your first contact should be your supervisor. If they are unable to answer your questions, they will contact Payroll Services or direct you to do so at

FAQ for Staff

How will my hours be recorded/entered in Kronos?

You will record your hours of work at the beginning of your day and end of your day. Many departments will opt to use a computer interface to record time. Departments may elect to purchase timeclocks and in certain situations the use of a mobile app or supervisor manual entry may be used. Supervisors in consultation with staff members will determine which entry methods are optimal for their work and the business needs of their unit.

What if I have an appointment in the middle of the day?

Who will enter my leave or exception time in Kronos?

Staff have access to enter their own leave in Kronos, the process for doing this will be covered in training. If, for example you are unable to add your leave due to a medical absence, your supervisor can do it for you.

What if I forget or am unable to timestamp in and/or out?

You will communicate with your supervisor who will then manually enter any missing timestamps for you. Staff do not have access to manually enter timestamps.

When will get I paid?

Staff recording their hours in Kronos will be paid on a bi-weekly pay schedule. Bi-weekly staff are paid every other Friday. This means you will be paid 26 times per year instead of 24 times per year. Please go to the Payroll Services home page to view the biweekly payroll schedule.

How will my move to the bi-weekly payroll cycle (Kronos) affect the cost of my ̽̽ benefits?

For 12-month staff, the cost of your benefits will now be deducted over 26 paychecks instead of 24.

Will my existing accruals move to Kronos?

Yes, Payroll will migrate your current accruals in PeopleSoft to Kronos. You will continue to accrue your paid time off on the 15th of the month in Kronos.

What is I am a little early or a little late?

The total time worked within a week, for the purposes of payroll, will be calculated based on timestamps. Employees will be paid for all time worked to the minute. When employees work less than their standard work week, they have the choice to use PTO to make up the additional time or to accept straight pay for actual hours worked. When employees work more than their standard work week, they have a choice of overtime pay (1.5 times base wage) or compensatory time at x1.5 hours. Minor deviations of up to +/- 30 minutes per week will not be subject to any disciplinary action provided it does not have negative effects on the business needs of the unit. All time beyond 30 minutes per week will be addressed at the unit level according to current practice.

How do I enter compensatory time earned in Kronos?

If you elect to use compensatory time instead of being paid overtime you will need to ask your supervisor to convert your overtime to comp time earned. This will be covered in our manuals and in supervisor training.

How does shift differential work with Kronos?

If shift differential is applicable Kronos will auto detect and calculate shift based upon an employee’s schedule.

FAQ for Supervisors

As a supervisor will I be entering time/leave for my staff?

The expectation is that staff are responsible for recording their time and leaves. If an employee is unable to timestamp in or out, supervisors will enter an employee’s time.

What are my Kronos responsibilities as supervisor?

On a weekly basis review and approve timecards for accuracy and completeness. Coach new staff on how to use Kronos for time and leave entries with Payroll assistance.

Will I be responsible for adding or updating staff schedules in Kronos?

No, Payroll Services will enter and update schedules for you during the initial phase. Supervisors have access to the schedule workspace in Kronos and will eventually enter and update schedules for their staff. Schedules will be required in Kronos. Employees may request non-standard or flexible schedules. Supervisors, in consultation with their staff, will determine a work schedule for the business needs of the unit. Supervisors of non-exempt ̽̽SU staff should refer to Article 20 of the CBA regarding flexible schedules.

Can staff edit a timecard already approved?

No, once the time has been entered by the staff member only the supervisor can make any adjustments to the timecard. Once the timecard is approved by the supervisor no further edits can be made to a timecard.

Can I edit a timecard already signed off by Payroll Services?

Payroll Services is responsible for signing off the timecards in preparation for payroll production. No further edits can be made to a timecard once it’s signed off by Payroll Services. The sign-off will need to be removed to allow any editing, this can only be done by Payroll Services.

What if I am unavailable to approve timecards?

In the case of a supervisor’s absence an appropriate delegate should be selected to approve timecards. The delegate should be granted Kronos access and be trained by Payroll Services. When delegate approval is required timely communication between supervisor and delegate should occur to ensure accurate and prompt approval of an employee’s timecard.

What if my staff want comp earned instead of overtime?

It is always an employee’s right to choose to be paid overtime rather than to elect comp time earned. Overtime (OT) can be converted to comp earned (CE) in Kronos, the process must be done by the supervisor. Moving OT to CE will be covered in training.

What if my employee's weekly hours are over or under their scheduled work week?

The total time worked within a week, for the purposes of payroll, will be calculated based on timestamps. Employees will be paid for all time worked to the minute. When employees work less than their standard work week, they have the choice to use PTO to make up the additional time or to accept straight pay for actual hours worked. When employees work more than their standard work week, they have a choice of overtime pay (1.5 times base wage) or compensatory time at x1.5 hours. minor deviations of up to +/- 30 minutes per week will not be subject to any disciplinary action provided it does not have negative effects on the business needs of the unit. All time beyond 30 minutes per week will be addressed at the unit level according to current practice.

Zero Percent Interest Loan Program and Other Resources

Zero Percent Interest Loan Program

Payroll Services is administering a voluntary, one-time, 0% interest loan program to eligible staff to soften the financial transition from a semi-monthly (24 paychecks a year) to a bi-weekly (26 paychecks a year) schedule.

To request a loan, Payroll must receive your form by August 15, 2024.
Please note:

  • Once this form is remitted changes cannot be made.
  • Should you terminate employment prior to the completion of the payback terms you authorize Payroll Services to deduct any remaining unpaid balance from any final paycheck.
  • The loan request may be in any amount from $1 - $750.

Policies & UOPs


  • Additional Pay Form (Excel) (Good through June 15, 2019)
  • - PeopleSoft HR>Manager Self-Service
  • - PeopleSoft HR>Manager Self-Service
  • - PeopleSoft HR >Payroll & Tax >Direct Deposit
  • Direct Deposit OFAC Compliance Form (PDF)
  • (for new employees only)
  • Form I-9 (PDF)
  • Federal W-4 - PeopleSoft HR>̽̽ Employee >Payroll & Tax>Tax Withholding
  • State of VT W-4 - PeopleSoft HR>̽̽ Employee >Payroll & Tax>Tax Withholding
    • and
    • and
  • Overtime Voucher - see
  • Salary Payment Schedule (9- & 10-Month Fac)* Available for updates in August only
  • Termination Form

More Finance Forms


Contact Payroll

237 Waterman Building
85 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405