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Tags: tree growth
- Project Holt Research Forest Tree Heights, Estimated and Measured (Score: 1)
- Project Updating Red Spruce Growth Trends (Score: 0.88)
- Project Integrating Effects of Climate Change, Acidic Deposition and Insect Defoliation on Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) Growth and Yield in the Northern Forest (Score: 0.88)
- Project Comparing performance of low-cost dendrometers to traditional dendrometers in tracking tree growth in a changing climate (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Branch Data (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Tree species growing at their elevational limits: Variables (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Red spruce understory growth 97-98 (Score: 0.88)
- Project Structure and Development of Northern Hardwood Stands (Score: 0.75)
- Project Growth and environmental change for key tree species within the Northern Forest (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Anions March 2000 (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Tree species growing at their elevational limits: old (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset QAQC Visit Data from 2001 Ground Survey (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Tree species growing at their elevational limits: 1993 (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Tree Data for Intensive Sampling Forest Health Measurement (Phase 3) Plots (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Overstory Tree Inventory (Score: 0.75)
- Project Tree species growing at their elevational limits: bioindicator of climate or atmospheric change (Score: 0.63)
- Project Causes and Implications of Surprising Growth Resurgence of Red Spruce in the Northern Forest (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Anions and Cations (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Birch Productivity Data (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Effects of elevation on the productivity of white birch: Tree data (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Cations data (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Tree Health and Physiology Measurements (Score: 0.63)
- Project Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area - Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.5)