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Tags: long-term monitoring
- Project Stream Macroinvertebrate Monitoring (Score: 1)
- Project Proctor Maple Research Center Meteorological Monitoring: (399 m) (Score: 1)
- Project Vegetation Analysis: Long-term Vegetation Monitoring (Score: 1)
- Project Soil Temperature Gradients in a Northern Hardwood Forest (Score: 1)
- Project Sentinel Stream Monitoring (Score: 1)
- Project Tree Foliage Chemistry Database to Monitor Forest Health (Score: 1)
- Dataset Transparency Photo Identifying Information (Score: 1)
- Dataset Quadrat Vegetation Visit Data (Score: 1)
- Dataset Plot Identifying Information (Score: 1)
- Project Vermont Acid Precipitation Monitoring Program (Score: 0.86)
- Project Long-term Monitoring of Acid Sensitive Lakes (Score: 0.86)
- Project Forest Environmental Monitoring (Canopy Tower) (Score: 0.86)
- Project UV-B Monitoring Station in USDA National Monitoring Network (Score: 0.86)
- Project Long-term Water Quality and Biological Monitoring Project for Lake Champlain (Score: 0.86)
- Project CAMNET HazeCam, Burlington Station (Score: 0.86)
- Project Wild Brook Trout Monitoring in the West Branch of the Little River and Ranch Brook (Score: 0.86)
- Project Tree species, diameter, and canopy class records for 4-paired plots in Black Rock Forest, NY, since 1931. (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Macroinvertebrates 1990-2015 (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Tree Phenology 92-07 (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Vermont Acid Precipitation Monitoring Program (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Vermont Acid Precipitation Monitoring Program: Mt. Mansfield Summit Site (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Variable Information for Long Term Monitoring of Water Chemistry at Branch and Bourn Ponds (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Young of the Year - All (1991-2006) (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Seedling Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset 1984 to Current NTN Annual Data for Vermont (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Microplot Sapling Data (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Plot Identifying Information (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Subplot Identifying Information (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Plot Visit Information (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Sampling Schedule (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Ozone Concentration in Bennington and Underhill, Vermont (8-hour average) (Score: 0.86)
- Dataset Regeneration (Score: 0.86)
- Project Canopy Health Monitoring (Score: 0.71)
- Project Forest Bird Surveys (Score: 0.71)
- Project National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network (NADP/NTN) (Score: 0.71)
- Project Forest Health Monitoring: North American Maple Project (Score: 0.71)
- Project Fine Particle Monitoring: Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) (Score: 0.71)
- Project Fine Aerosol Monitoring: Ambient air monitoring for particulate matter 2.5 micrometers and smaller (PM2.5) using the federal reference method (Score: 0.71)
- Project Paired Watershed Study on the East Slope of Mount Mansfield: Hydrologic Monitoring (Score: 0.71)
- Project Montane Bird Habitat and Demographics (Score: 0.71)
- Project Long-term Managed Forest Soil Monitoring for Carbon and Nutrients (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset NAMP Tree Data (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Long Term Monitoring of Water Chemistry at Branch and Bourn Ponds (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Tree-level Data Gathered Through the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Baseline Tree Nutrition Data for Long-Term Soil Monitoring Plots (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Sapling Measurements on Subplots (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Subplot Vegetation data (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Quadrat Vegetation Data (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Hazardous Air Pollutants (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Baxter State Park - CFI Sample Units (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Long-Term Ecosystem Monitoring Project Database (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Core Soil Chemistry (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Site Identifying Information (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Understory Herbaceous Cover (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Understory Herbaceous Plant List (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Plot Vegetation Visit Information (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Quarterly Reservoir Sampling (Score: 0.71)
- Dataset Long term bird monitoring in low elevation boreal habitats of the Adirondack Park (Score: 0.71)
- Project Vermont Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.57)
- Project Vermont Long-Term Soil Monitoring Program (Score: 0.57)
- Project Green Mountain National Forests Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring Project (LEMP) (Score: 0.57)
- Project Massachusetts State Lands Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.57)
- Project Massachusetts Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.57)
- Project Regional Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.57)
- Dataset Coarse Woody Debris data (Score: 0.57)