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Tags: composition
- Project Holt Research Forest Understory Releve, 1m2 plots (Score: 1)
- Dataset Vegetative Sampling Plot Data (Score: 1)
- Dataset Tree recruitment data for the Hubbard Brook Valley Plots, baseline data collected 1995 - 1998 (Score: 0.88)
- Project Lichens and Air Quality in the Lye Brook Wilderness Area (Score: 0.88)
- Project Natural Community Classification of the Stevensville Brook Parcel on Mount Mansfield (Score: 0.88)
- Project Natural Community Mapping on Mount Mansfield: Forest Examination Inventory (FOREX) (Score: 0.88)
- Project Natural Community Mapping on Mount Mansfield: Quantitative community characterization (Score: 0.88)
- Project Drivers and projections of forest fragmentation in Vermont and the Northeast (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Small Mammal Species Data (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Stream Macroinvertebrate Monitoring (Stevensville Brook and Browns River) (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Species Frequency of Tall Shrubs in Frames (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Species Frequency of Short Shrubs in Frames (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Vegetative Community Acreage (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Canopy Composition (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Northeastern Forest Percent Basal Area Rasters by Species (Score: 0.88)
- Dataset Geneva Phytoplankton Species List (Score: 0.88)
- Project Vegetation Analysis: Vegetation Survey (Score: 0.75)
- Project Small Mammal Inventory and Monitoring (Score: 0.75)
- Project Long-term Water Quality and Biological Monitoring Project for Lake Champlain (Score: 0.75)
- Project Processes Affecting Climatic Disequilibrium in the Green Mountains: A Seedling Pilot Study (Score: 0.75)
- Project Catskill Mountains Vegetation Sampling (Score: 0.75)
- Project Catskill Mountains Vegetation Cover Maps (Score: 0.75)
- Project Mapping forest species mixes across the Northeast from Landsat imagery (Score: 0.75)
- Project Hardwood Regeneration in Connecticut ("Old-Series") (Score: 0.75)
- Project Hardwood Regeneration in Connecticut ("New-Series") (Score: 0.75)
- Project Connecticut Cutting Method Study (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Macroinvertebrates 1990-2015 (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Long Term Vegetation Species Data (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Tree species growing at their elevational limits: old (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Tree species growing at their elevational limits: 1993 (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Young of the Year - All (1991-2006) (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Calcium Amended Northern Hardwood Forest 1996-2011: Watershed 1, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Inventory of Hubbard Brook Valley Plots (Score: 0.75)
- Dataset Cheshire, Connecticut Street Tree Inventory Data (Score: 0.75)
- Project An Evaluation of the Chemical, Physical, and Biological Characteristics of Seasonal Pools and Northern White Cedar Swamps (Score: 0.63)
- Project Global Change Fingerprints in Protected Montane Forests of Northeastern US (Score: 0.63)
- Project Wind Disturbance in Temperate Forests (Score: 0.63)
- Project Holt Research Forest Timber Inventory (Score: 0.63)
- Project New York City Watershed Lands Forest Inventory (Score: 0.63)
- Project New York City Watershed Lands Forest Stand Delination (Score: 0.63)
- Project Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Ranch Brook Macroinvertebrate Community Assessments (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Permanent Plots at Pisgah State Forest in Winchester NH since 1984 (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Hurricane Recovery Plots at Harvard Forest since 1937 (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Timber Harvesting Field Study in Western Massachusetts 2004-2005 (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Plantation Biodiversity Plots at Harvard Forest since 2007 (Score: 0.63)
- Dataset Forest Inventory of a Northern Hardwood Forest 1965-2017: Watershed 6, Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (Score: 0.63)
- Project Vermont Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.5)
- Project Green Mountain National Forests Long-term Ecosystem Monitoring Project (LEMP) (Score: 0.5)
- Project Continuous Forest Inventory on the state forests in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont (Score: 0.5)
- Project Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area - Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.5)
- Project Massachusetts State Lands Continuous Forest Inventory (Score: 0.5)
- Project Massachusetts Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.5)
- Project Regional Forest Health Monitoring (Score: 0.5)