
The Vermont Monitoring Cooperative would like to thank everyone who participated in the compilation, analysis and communication of this data. This includes invaluable input from the project leaders and principal investigators listed below who helped ensure the quality of the data and provided expert interpretation of an overwhelming amount of data. We are also thankful to external reviews by David Gay of the National Atmospheric Deposition Network, Jamie Shanley of the United States Geological Survey and Heather Pembrook of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources. This report would not be possible without the continued support from the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, the US Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, and ¶¶Òõ̽̽. This work was made possible by long-term funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Area - State & Private Forestry.

Preferred Citation

  • Duncan, J., J. Pontius, J. Rosovsky, and M. Pendleton (Eds.) 2016. The Vermont Monitoring Cooperative Long-Term Monitoring Update – 2015. DOI: .

The Vermont Monitoring Cooperative Editorial Staff

  • Jennifer Pontius – Principal Investigator
  • James Duncan – Director
  • Judy Rosovsky – Field and Data Assistant
  • Miriam Pendleton – Site Operator and Outreach Assistant

Project Leaders and Supporters Contributing to this Report:

  • James S. Andrews, Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas Project
  • Steve Fiske, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • David Gay, National Atmospheric Deposition Program
  • Joshua Halman, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • Bennet Leon, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • Jim Kellogg, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • Rich Kirn, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • Aaron Moore, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • Chris Rimmer, Kent McFarland & Steve Faccio, Vermont Center for Ecostudies
  • Barbara Schultz, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources
  • Jamie Shanley, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Sandra Wilmot, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

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