

Maple Syrup Production

Latest Score:


in 2020

Weight: 8%
score trend is up over time

The total yearly production of maple syrup provides a sense of the health and economic value of the state's sugarbushes. Vermont's maple industry contributes over $300 million in total sales to the state's economy each year1, yet it is heavily dependent on favorable climate conditions and the health of sugar maple trees. Here, we assessed the condition of the maple syrup industry as the yearly value of the total maple syrup production in Vermont. A high score means that total maple syrup revenue is high.

Maple syrup production not only benefits the state's economy but also the state's forest as a whole, especially when it comes to private forest lands. With the majority of private landowners tapping into this resource, they are not only giving value to the state’s most predominant tree2 but through the active harvest of this resource, private forests are managed and maintained as an active forest with many maple syrup producers participating in the state's current use3 program. It should be noted that these estimates come from surveys sent to maple syrup producers by the USDA. These results represent the portion of the producers that respond to the surveys and are a representation of the numbers that they report back.

Interpretation provided by:

Mark Isselhardt, Maple Specialist; University of Vermont Extension's Maple Program (2020)


The score is calculated using a target value and the historical range of the the entire long-term dataset. The higher the score, the closer this year's value is to the target.

Once the score is computed for each year, the trend in scores over time is calculated. If the trend is significantly positive or negative, the long-term trend is marked as increasing or decreasing respectively.

Component Description
Scored as

Distance between 0 and target (scaled 1-5)

Target value

Data maximum + 10% of range

Directionality of scores

Higher values in the data are better.

Minimum value used in scoring

Data minimum - 10% of range or 0, whichever is greater

Maximum value used in scoring

Data maximum + 10% of range

We used the total annual maple syrup revenue (in dollars) reported by the USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service1. We set the dataset target as the maximum value in the dataset plus 10% of range. The annual score was then computed as the distance between the lower scoring bounds (either the minimum value in the data minus 10% of range or 0, whichever was greater) and the target, scaled between 1 and 5.

1 USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service. 2019. Available at: