ࡱ> 5@ Abjbj22 +XXAxxxxxxx ````````}$RFZx;``;;xx``999;x`x`}9;}9$9]xx]`T 03c1]}0]R]xxxxx] `hJ9<N```/ [] Dendrochronology Program Library Run HB6_H Program COF 13:41 Wed 19 Apr 2006 Page 1 [] [] P R O G R A M C O F E C H A Version 6.06P 26043 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUALITY CONTROL AND DATING CHECK OF TREE-RING MEASUREMENTS Title of run: HBWS6 High Corrected 50-1 File of DATED series: hbws6_compact_151_160_corr1.dta CONTENTS: Part 1: Title page, options selected, summary, absent rings by series Part 2: Histogram of time spans Part 3: Master series with sample depth and absent rings by year Part 4: Bar plot of Master Dating Series Part 5: Correlation by segment of each series with Master Part 6: Potential problems: low correlation, divergent year-to-year changes, absent rings, outliers Part 7: Descriptive statistics RUN CONTROL OPTIONS SELECTED VALUE 1 Cubic smoothing spline 50% wavelength cutoff for filtering 32 years 2 Segments examined are 50 years lagged successively by 25 years 3 Autoregressive model applied A Residuals are used in master dating series and testing 4 Series transformed to logarithms Y Each series log-transformed for master dating series and testing 5 CORRELATION is Pearson (parametric, quantitative) Critical correlation, 99% confidence level .3281 6 Master dating series saved N 7 Ring measurements listed Y 8 Parts printed 1234567 9 Absent rings are omitted from master series and segment correlations (Y) Time span of Master dating series is 1893 to 2005 113 years Continuous time span is 1893 to 2005 113 years Portion with two or more series is 1895 to 2005 111 years >> 154a 1971 absent in 2 of 20 series, but is not usually narrow: master index is .401 >> 154a 1972 absent in 2 of 20 series, but is not usually narrow: master index is -.159 >> 154b 1971 absent in 2 of 20 series, but is not usually narrow: master index is .401 >> 154b 1972 absent in 2 of 20 series, but is not usually narrow: master index is -.159 >> 160a 1927 absent in 1 of 14 series, but is not usually narrow: master index is 1.455 ABSENT RINGS listed by SERIES: (See Master Dating Series for absent rings listed by year) 154a 3 absent rings: 1971 1972 1982 154b 3 absent rings: 1971 1972 1982 158a 1 absent rings: 2003 158b 1 absent rings: 2003 159a 3 absent rings: 1968 1969 1970 160a 1 absent rings: 1927 1900 .541 4 1950 -.008 20 2000 -1.396 20 1901 .338 4 1951 1.251 20 2001 -.080 20 1902 -.834 4 1952 -.190 20 2002 1.140 20 1903 .691 4 1953 -1.803 20 2003 -1.800 20 2 1904 .446 4 1954 .828 20 2004 -.899 20 1905 .073 4 1955 .526 20 2005 .614 20 1906 -1.234 5 1956 .385 20 1907 -1.923 5 1957 1.543 20 1908 -1.936 5 1958 1.859 20 1909 -1.489 5 1959 .963 20 1910 -1.249 5 1960 -.191 20 1911 -2.601 5 1961 1.113 20 1912 -.754 5 1962 -.436 20 1913 .622 5 1963 .364 20 1914 -.171 5 1964 -.167 20 1915 1.447 5 1965 .368 20 1916 .971 5 1966 -.737 20 1917 .030 6 1967 -1.338 20 1918 .914 6 1968 -2.259 20 1 1919 -.161 7 1969 -1.839 20 1 1920 .638 8 1970 -1.077 20 1 1921 .974 9 1971 .401 20 2<< 1922 -.084 10 1972 -.159 20 2<< 1923 -.960 10 1973 -.028 20 1924 1.018 12 1974 .022 20 1925 .934 13 1975 .869 20 1926 .830 14 1976 1.681 20 1927 1.455 14 1<< 1977 .653 20 1928 .860 14 1978 -.982 20 1929 -.203 14 1979 -.383 20 1930 .100 15 1980 .542 20 1931 -.228 15 1981 -1.045 20 1932 .128 16 1982 -1.383 20 2 1933 -1.199 16 1983 -1.186 20 1934 -1.016 16 1984 -1.479 20 1935 -.932 16 1985 -.192 20 1936 .035 16 1986 -.707 20 1937 -1.159 17 1987 -.224 20 1938 .330 17 1988 .581 20 1939 -.899 17 1989 -.436 20 1940 -.829 17 1990 .594 20 1941 -.452 18 1991 .574 20 1942 -.650 18 1992 1.620 20 1893 .236 1 1943 -.992 18 1993 1.895 20 1894 2.087 1 1944 -.908 18 1994 .486 20 1895 .777 2 1945 1.327 18 1995 .872 20 1896 .751 3 1946 .268 18 1996 .108 20 1897 1.833 3 1947 1.338 20 1997 .481 20 1898 .749 3 1948 -.987 20 1998 .252 20 1899 .422 3 1949 .562 20 1999 -.037 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .3281 but highest as dated; B = correlation higher at other than dated position Seq Series Time_span 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 1924 1949 1974 1999 2024 --- -------- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1 151a 1920 2005 .39 .39 .36 .18A 2 151b 1921 2005 .60 .46 .38 .41 3 152a 1947 2005 .50 .51 .60 4 152b 1941 2005 .52 .60 .65 5 153a 1896 2005 .32A .46 .58 .52 .49 6 153b 1900 2005 .61 .71 .61 .44 7 154a 1893 2005 .52 .67 .73 .79 .80 8 154b 1895 2005 .49 .57 .75 .64 .69 9 155a 1922 2005 .69 .66 .69 .75 10 155b 1919 2005 .56 .58 .64 .65 11 156a 1947 2005 .73 .69 .71 12 156b 1926 2005 .34 .64 .63 13 157a 1937 2005 .55 .60 .71 14 157b 1932 2005 .61 .64 .55 15 158a 1925 2005 .59 .61 .52 16 158b 1930 2005 .56 .52 .54 17 159a 1924 2005 .64 .64 .58 .63 18 159b 1906 2005 .42 .54 .52 .66 19 160a 1924 2005 .69 .68 .66 .75 20 160b 1917 2005 .51 .66 .62 .68 Av segment correlation .44 .57 .59 .59 .60 PART 6: POTENTIAL PROBLEMS: HBWS6 High Corrected 50-1 13:41 Wed 19 Apr 2006 Page 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For each series with potential problems the following diagnostics may appear: [A] Correlations with master dating series of flagged 50-year segments of series filtered with 32-year spline, at every point from ten years earlier (-10) to ten years later (+10) than dated [B] Effect of those data values which most lower or raise correlation with master series Symbol following year indicates value in series is greater (>) or lesser (<) than master series value [C] Year-to-year changes very different from the mean change in other series [D] Absent rings (zero values) [E] Values which are statistical outliers from mean for the year ==================================================================================================================================== 151a 1920 to 2005 86 years Series 1 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1956 2005 0 .12 -.23 .04 .05 .11 .07 .09 -.05 .06 .08 .18* - - - - - - - - - - [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .289) is: Lower 1939> -.054 2000> -.027 1990< -.016 1988< -.015 1962> -.013 1920< -.011 Higher 1953 .051 1951 .020 1956 to 2005 segment: Lower 2000> -.053 1990< -.033 1988< -.031 1962> -.025 1991< -.022 1958< -.018 Higher 2003 .057 1976 .041 [E] Outliers 2 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1939 +3.7 SD; 2000 +3.4 SD 151a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1920 51 83 80 42 62 98 94 61 50 36 1930 29 20 24 19 23 35 47 39 43 100 1940 45 45 46 73 42 90 70 85 70 79 1950 96 181 124 47 103 142 95 117 91 92 1960 78 83 100 99 75 137 69 57 62 75 1970 60 76 67 96 135 159 187 135 97 94 1980 112 106 124 92 104 168 175 175 107 112 1990 83 75 114 143 164 180 164 179 449 404 2000 399 226 233 148 155 182 ==================================================================================================================================== 151b 1921 to 2005 85 years Series 2 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .489) is: Lower 1971< -.062 1988< -.041 2000> -.019 1938< -.013 2001< -.013 1948> -.012 Higher 2003 .086 1953 .026 151b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1921 58 68 38 73 78 79 71 67 38 1930 35 22 21 20 15 17 25 24 20 17 1940 27 39 39 49 32 76 49 63 49 55 1950 63 78 55 31 87 61 65 84 80 63 1960 37 56 52 76 83 144 69 59 74 98 1970 100 36 39 74 127 119 197 145 110 104 1980 132 121 128 88 119 139 165 182 104 124 1990 247 248 280 295 258 202 228 191 240 186 2000 194 135 170 86 112 133 ==================================================================================================================================== 152a 1947 to 2005 59 years Series 3 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .562) is: Lower 1967> -.039 1953> -.039 1994< -.015 2000> -.014 1947< -.013 1949< -.011 Higher 2003 .060 1981 .017 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1967 +3.5 SD 152a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1947 249 211 240 1950 232 382 273 308 395 369 284 315 285 270 1960 195 249 212 312 228 205 222 286 165 190 1970 164 222 209 193 138 178 175 139 111 110 1980 101 70 73 62 58 105 96 110 108 65 1990 121 94 121 122 74 112 120 151 139 123 2000 138 204 222 102 150 217 ==================================================================================================================================== 152b 1941 to 2005 65 years Series 4 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .577) is: Lower 1948> -.043 1953> -.023 1958< -.023 1941< -.012 1962< -.008 1966> -.008 Higher 2003 .029 1951 .011 152b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1941 95 114 158 144 255 200 241 268 303 1950 299 399 321 329 395 439 404 412 323 292 1960 312 389 232 370 340 354 301 251 202 212 1970 284 378 224 180 164 189 228 166 116 121 1980 111 52 52 62 67 123 103 98 97 72 1990 130 85 108 127 86 143 89 86 91 82 2000 83 137 161 64 82 161 ==================================================================================================================================== 153a 1896 to 2005 110 years Series 5 [A] Segment High -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 --------- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1896 1945 0 - - - - - - - .19 .23 -.26 .32* .01 -.13 .05 .17 .04 .15 .00 -.22 .18 -.06 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .467) is: Lower 1923> -.024 1925< -.022 1899> -.015 2003> -.012 1987< -.011 1900> -.010 Higher 1948 .030 1978 .015 1896 to 1945 segment: Lower 1925< -.059 1923> -.055 1899> -.035 1916< -.027 1900> -.023 1917> -.021 Higher 1945 .046 1906 .027 153a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1896 169 191 162 192 1900 220 165 90 123 127 113 69 61 36 47 1910 42 39 60 97 83 98 58 82 89 78 1920 149 167 110 121 101 35 25 39 46 37 1930 36 31 45 37 37 44 47 48 86 61 1940 66 65 45 33 68 133 101 112 55 102 1950 82 99 57 49 134 115 126 218 315 263 1960 179 264 142 194 179 144 155 149 94 72 1970 75 99 72 60 54 65 82 81 45 53 1980 50 43 33 34 36 35 34 26 27 27 1990 26 25 36 44 38 38 47 47 44 29 2000 24 40 78 60 58 51 ==================================================================================================================================== 153b 1900 to 2005 106 years Series 6 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .544) is: Lower 2003> -.051 2004< -.033 1984> -.020 1905> -.010 1901> -.008 1960> -.007 Higher 1948 .026 1978 .015 [E] Outliers 2 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1911 -4.7 SD; 2003 +3.2 SD 153b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1900 111 145 119 157 150 170 131 122 98 95 1910 81 54 110 153 110 177 180 189 220 219 1920 195 191 146 145 236 345 455 402 279 261 1930 279 207 240 161 174 143 194 109 207 84 1940 48 42 34 48 59 107 90 131 58 110 1950 92 182 114 65 183 172 176 338 386 416 1960 385 379 299 281 251 211 191 193 104 95 1970 114 119 97 87 67 114 106 93 44 53 1980 53 36 27 26 48 46 36 30 45 39 1990 28 24 35 52 36 29 21 28 19 31 2000 16 21 43 37 15 24 ==================================================================================================================================== 154a 1893 to 2005 113 years Series 7 [*] Early part of series cannot be checked from 1893 to 1894 -- not matched by another series [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .697) is: Lower 1899< -.025 1971< -.022 1962> -.018 1905< -.015 1940< -.014 1901< -.012 Higher 2003 .034 1948 .017 [D] 3 Absent rings: Year Master N series Absent 1971 .401 20 2 >> WARNING: Ring is not usually narrow 1972 -.159 20 2 >> WARNING: Ring is not usually narrow 1982 -1.383 20 2 154a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1893 147 211 152 165 175 128 74 1900 109 69 62 97 84 53 46 46 55 71 1910 108 97 128 213 174 348 297 252 271 216 1920 346 328 195 163 254 272 273 347 351 254 1930 292 232 295 200 181 247 232 224 271 145 1940 67 79 73 95 114 206 151 229 112 153 1950 131 166 125 87 158 147 151 174 228 145 1960 95 152 151 89 103 114 83 46 21 14 1970 22 0 0 20 32 47 70 60 24 45 1980 58 32 0 21 18 32 40 60 93 90 1990 143 104 189 210 116 120 92 88 94 102 2000 93 98 158 82 96 141 ==================================================================================================================================== 154b 1895 to 2005 111 years Series 8 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .638) is: Lower 1900< -.027 1919> -.015 2004> -.012 1971< -.010 1976< -.008 1963< -.007 Higher 2003 .042 1948 .024 [D] 3 Absent rings: Year Master N series Absent 1971 .401 20 2 >> WARNING: Ring is not usually narrow 1972 -.159 20 2 >> WARNING: Ring is not usually narrow 1982 -1.383 20 2 154b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1895 109 127 180 107 89 1900 43 51 48 53 43 44 34 25 33 28 1910 40 38 47 79 109 196 167 182 236 300 1920 302 300 173 182 252 210 250 506 360 281 1930 268 233 222 172 139 132 138 92 188 118 1940 85 91 62 53 40 87 60 99 46 107 1950 129 167 163 114 189 204 180 257 291 223 1960 143 212 153 86 81 89 86 53 32 17 1970 12 0 0 10 16 86 55 67 34 49 1980 54 36 0 34 20 27 40 47 94 98 1990 157 180 320 259 127 129 157 156 156 149 2000 128 123 204 112 217 269 ==================================================================================================================================== 155a 1922 to 2005 84 years Series 9 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .717) is: Lower 1948> -.040 1996< -.021 1998< -.013 2000> -.012 1974< -.010 1939> -.008 Higher 2003 .042 1945 .008 155a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1922 186 190 307 274 257 275 222 150 1930 169 193 257 155 161 155 198 164 303 243 1940 217 240 206 181 211 424 392 494 381 411 1950 296 370 275 261 367 313 295 390 459 442 1960 342 352 197 268 201 202 163 121 144 136 1970 222 282 198 193 102 193 166 109 63 65 1980 100 57 46 45 32 47 39 42 63 37 1990 46 62 91 102 70 96 64 91 77 111 2000 114 136 196 117 154 199 ==================================================================================================================================== 155b 1919 to 2005 87 years Series 10 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .605) is: Lower 1948> -.040 1994< -.028 1923> -.014 1951< -.012 1929> -.010 1920< -.010 Higher 1978 .013 1992 .012 155b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1919 128 1920 132 190 154 181 258 223 236 283 205 214 1930 212 175 202 110 136 106 133 132 224 130 1940 120 163 153 153 167 247 209 274 260 322 1950 254 221 187 168 253 237 205 247 422 469 1960 301 311 197 255 131 147 142 121 102 101 1970 139 176 178 202 184 272 214 187 102 124 1980 252 182 94 106 109 137 107 140 231 198 1990 222 240 395 437 193 247 200 182 174 195 2000 144 146 262 191 230 264 ==================================================================================================================================== 156a 1947 to 2005 59 years Series 11 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .693) is: Lower 1953> -.022 1966> -.014 2005< -.014 1959< -.010 2003> -.008 1982> -.007 Higher 1957 .013 1958 .008 156a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1947 512 336 432 1950 427 410 339 349 363 347 351 413 395 299 1960 291 330 235 257 221 251 234 178 161 147 1970 136 191 180 179 182 175 169 121 100 94 1980 123 89 110 94 82 103 102 146 208 162 1990 245 286 275 285 164 251 229 197 153 163 2000 143 252 281 129 73 85 ==================================================================================================================================== 156b 1926 to 2005 80 years Series 12 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .440) is: Lower 1932< -.068 1931> -.030 1934> -.016 1943> -.012 1938< -.008 1989> -.008 Higher 1958 .017 1957 .015 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1931 +3.4 SD 156b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1926 70 99 117 63 1930 54 450 45 55 302 42 55 38 75 118 1940 164 230 262 316 307 267 273 357 267 344 1950 292 353 296 259 281 289 263 309 346 259 1960 209 274 187 186 184 173 173 148 127 132 1970 147 165 162 125 114 99 103 80 71 65 1980 84 67 78 73 57 109 93 110 137 138 1990 170 176 178 191 151 143 101 98 98 73 2000 58 70 86 61 50 68 ==================================================================================================================================== 157a 1937 to 2005 69 years Series 13 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .589) is: Lower 1953< -.057 1981> -.017 1939> -.013 1938< -.011 1944> -.010 1976< -.009 Higher 1978 .018 2003 .016 [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1953 -4.9 SD 157a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1937 212 226 272 1940 316 337 404 377 447 440 412 475 332 438 1950 486 411 374 140 292 319 286 323 354 292 1960 191 238 190 167 146 120 57 46 34 45 1970 37 42 38 50 76 77 58 53 21 45 1980 73 67 34 48 47 62 41 54 53 51 1990 81 120 130 143 88 85 79 72 59 65 2000 33 49 43 17 8 15 ==================================================================================================================================== 157b 1932 to 2005 74 years Series 14 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .577) is: Lower 2003> -.029 1981> -.021 1938< -.018 1932< -.016 1940> -.013 1975< -.012 Higher 1948 .038 1953 .023 157b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1932 123 144 149 200 222 200 198 222 1940 302 289 328 326 335 427 329 452 288 334 1950 334 392 281 194 222 210 217 252 250 184 1960 157 132 94 107 85 74 31 34 16 23 1970 28 27 21 18 18 12 28 26 11 21 1980 24 24 15 16 15 25 22 42 54 24 1990 34 43 43 68 62 78 70 61 35 34 2000 14 23 25 18 13 12 ==================================================================================================================================== 158a 1925 to 2005 81 years Series 15 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .607) is: Lower 1943< -.018 1940> -.012 1989> -.012 2000> -.011 2005< -.011 1942> -.010 Higher 2003 .078 1939 .011 [D] 1 Absent rings: Year Master N series Absent 2003 -1.800 20 2 158a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1925 27 36 46 46 47 1930 72 36 63 45 59 60 72 78 128 77 1940 164 245 262 127 154 199 215 226 177 240 1950 210 204 164 138 205 188 207 209 221 163 1960 130 154 117 125 157 173 95 68 57 52 1970 58 101 120 94 93 84 74 45 37 30 1980 36 31 32 31 28 27 16 57 79 99 1990 146 130 126 99 86 81 86 90 81 68 2000 64 81 94 0 23 19 ==================================================================================================================================== 158b 1930 to 2005 76 years Series 16 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .607) is: Lower 1939> -.020 1975< -.018 1993< -.015 1978> -.014 1982> -.013 1984> -.012 Higher 2003 .068 1933 .012 [D] 1 Absent rings: Year Master N series Absent 2003 -1.800 20 2 158b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1930 58 62 82 69 71 80 113 115 140 137 1940 135 134 163 127 148 166 167 234 151 175 1950 124 200 132 145 221 218 201 202 229 193 1960 150 181 113 93 115 115 78 57 54 41 1970 49 68 58 62 57 46 84 65 55 45 1980 56 35 54 59 63 64 47 59 84 71 1990 83 70 71 49 45 56 33 44 43 48 2000 9 25 20 0 12 15 ==================================================================================================================================== 159a 1924 to 2005 82 years Series 17 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .640) is: Lower 1937< -.020 1946> -.017 1978> -.016 1994> -.014 1962> -.011 1940> -.010 Higher 1948 .025 2000 .012 [D] 3 Absent rings: Year Master N series Absent 1968 -2.259 20 1 1969 -1.839 20 1 1970 -1.077 20 1 159a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1924 101 119 89 108 101 76 1930 86 75 88 56 70 57 88 35 64 60 1940 127 147 142 167 166 246 314 391 176 186 1950 158 242 228 177 243 194 214 269 280 229 1960 187 211 182 188 143 117 84 30 0 0 1970 0 22 8 12 15 21 19 20 20 20 1980 28 16 26 33 24 49 57 58 100 70 1990 122 148 144 132 155 167 126 147 163 113 2000 34 112 110 50 60 178 ==================================================================================================================================== 159b 1906 to 2005 100 years Series 18 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .539) is: Lower 1918< -.031 1953> -.021 1982> -.014 1958< -.013 1916> -.012 1922> -.011 Higher 1948 .025 2003 .022 159b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1906 17 10 25 46 1910 59 42 62 75 60 82 119 86 49 32 1920 40 53 53 27 32 23 20 24 27 17 1930 14 13 10 8 11 7 20 12 14 11 1940 34 45 59 59 100 205 133 135 85 115 1950 114 127 156 160 166 133 189 242 180 157 1960 163 175 128 102 58 109 80 35 13 18 1970 14 49 46 51 44 52 53 31 20 17 1980 19 13 31 33 28 34 35 36 76 75 1990 93 124 160 187 144 136 148 157 114 88 2000 25 93 103 42 65 211 ==================================================================================================================================== 160a 1924 to 2005 82 years Series 19 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .495) is: Lower 1927< -.212 1933> -.011 1937> -.009 1990< -.009 1983> -.009 1994> -.009 Higher 2003 .067 1948 .018 [C] Year-to-year changes diverging by over 4.0 std deviations: 1926 1927 -4.7 SD [D] 1 Absent rings: Year Master N series Absent 1927 1.455 14 1 >> WARNING: Ring is not usually narrow [E] Outliers 1 3.0 SD above or -4.5 SD below mean for year 1927 -7.2 SD 160a Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1924 340 272 260 0 170 142 1930 204 233 266 211 187 223 209 183 229 81 1940 71 104 86 33 61 166 93 113 59 129 1950 144 209 203 164 264 222 227 290 311 247 1960 187 209 169 181 125 107 69 55 61 63 1970 70 94 78 62 57 55 76 54 40 64 1980 75 49 21 44 32 32 28 44 50 31 1990 28 44 60 73 63 55 39 56 47 40 2000 22 39 41 16 36 48 ==================================================================================================================================== 160b 1917 to 2005 89 years Series 20 [B] Entire series, effect on correlation ( .575) is: Lower 1917< -.074 1933> -.018 1994> -.016 1977< -.014 1978> -.013 1935> -.013 Higher 2003 .047 1939 .011 160b Ring measurements Annual values Date 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1917 162 224 188 1920 240 203 191 157 196 194 181 203 171 129 1930 138 147 161 153 117 171 156 130 182 59 1940 41 47 47 61 54 111 107 204 113 206 1950 146 274 248 165 260 188 219 257 315 237 1960 190 251 183 157 118 106 66 73 64 58 1970 69 84 66 76 69 61 76 41 41 53 1980 53 34 26 32 23 26 27 21 38 24 1990 25 32 60 69 66 45 32 56 55 36 2000 34 39 40 22 40 57 ==================================================================================================================================== PART 7: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: HBWS6 High Corrected 50-1 13:41 Wed 19 Apr 2006 Page 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corr //-------- Unfiltered --------\\ //---- Filtered -----\\ No. No. No. with Mean Max Std Auto Mean Max Std Auto AR Seq Series Interval Years Segmt Flags Master msmt msmt dev corr sens value dev corr () --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- 1 151a 1920 2005 86 4 1 .289 1.08 4.49 .764 .809 .275 2.77 .404 -.028 1 2 151b 1921 2005 85 4 0 .489 .97 2.95 .678 .876 .275 2.64 .419 -.007 1 3 152a 1947 2005 59 3 0 .562 1.83 3.95 .844 .811 .223 2.62 .641 -.010 1 4 152b 1941 2005 65 3 0 .577 1.99 4.39 1.128 .874 .235 2.71 .538 .054 1 5 153a 1896 2005 110 5 1 .467 .85 3.15 .587 .835 .251 2.67 .451 -.061 2 6 153b 1900 2005 106 4 0 .544 1.34 4.55 1.028 .899 .285 2.73 .552 -.046 1 7 154a 1893 2005 113 5 0 .697 1.35 3.51 .872 .834 .355 2.63 .435 -.003 1 8 154b 1895 2005 111 5 0 .638 1.27 5.06 .925 .832 .364 2.87 .425 -.113 1 9 155a 1922 2005 84 4 0 .717 1.96 4.94 1.141 .857 .252 2.68 .488 -.100 1 10 155b 1919 2005 87 4 0 .605 2.00 4.69 .751 .623 .230 2.69 .519 -.093 1 11 156a 1947 2005 59 3 0 .693 2.24 5.12 1.068 .866 .185 2.56 .411 -.117 1 12 156b 1926 2005 80 3 0 .440 1.62 4.50 .975 .633 .254 2.94 .503 -.047 1 13 157a 1937 2005 69 3 0 .589 1.64 4.86 1.450 .936 .267 2.33 .344 -.053 1 14 157b 1932 2005 74 3 0 .577 1.25 4.52 1.235 .948 .247 2.76 .594 -.099 1 15 158a 1925 2005 81 3 0 .607 1.04 2.62 .654 .860 .271 2.39 .343 -.053 1 16 158b 1930 2005 76 3 0 .607 .95 2.34 .591 .888 .275 2.67 .516 -.029 1 17 159a 1924 2005 82 4 0 .640 1.13 3.91 .822 .857 .333 2.51 .415 -.120 1 18 159b 1906 2005 100 4 0 .539 .73 2.42 .576 .843 .334 2.95 .575 .036 1 19 160a 1924 2005 82 4 0 .495 1.15 3.40 .849 .810 .340 2.37 .376 -.040 1 20 160b 1917 2005 89 4 0 .575 1.13 3.15 .766 .860 .254 2.60 .485 -.057 1 --- -------- --------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- Total or mean: 1698 75 2 .566 1.33 5.12 .869 .836 .281 2.95 .470 -.049 - = [ COFECHA HB6_HCOF ] = - ""+#,#####]$^$$$)%*%%%%%[&\&@AhWvhJCJaJhWvCJaJhWvhWvCJaJ   L M X Y  = | J K = 5sgdJAs0pIU$TxDCgdJ)g ^VTYQ IgdJD<z4r, j -!!!!!a""""",#.#`##gdJ#####,$^$`$$$$$*%,%^%%%%%%*&\&^&&'''''](gdJ]((( )x)y)))))+***6+7++3,,,,l-- . .M.r.s....gdJ.*/d///0L0000k1l111)222222+3e3334M4444!5gdJ!555,6-6d666*7>7?77777088889>999:::;;;";";;;;;1<k<<<===>>> ????F@a@@@@A*AcAAABgdJBKBBBB3CmCCCDDDEEJEEEF5F6FRFzFFF'GaGGGHIHgdJIHHHHIII(J)JJJJCKDK|KK?@\1kߊgdJߊSNjr|}_ЎA#vXɒ:oQgdJQ–3AgdJ)1h0:pWv= /!"#-$-%@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListDZ@D J Plain TextCJOJQJ^JaJANs#](.!5";BIHNT-[a=gm s7y ߊQAOQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefAPto 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