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Annual xylem growth and age estimates of red maple, paper birch and American beech growing in the Bartlett Experimental Forest (NH)

Objectives: The cores archived here were part of a larger study to investigate the seasonal dynamics of stemwood nonstructural carbohydrates in temperate forest trees.

Principal Investigator: Andrew Richardson, Moriah Carbone, Trevor Keenan, Claudia Czimczik, Dave Hollinger, Paula Murakami, Paul Schaberg, and Xiaomei Xu.

Laboratory: Unknown

Recommended Citation: Richardson AD, Carbone MS, Keenan TF, Czimczik CI, Hollinger DY, Murakami PF, Schaberg PG, Xu X. 2010. Red maple, paper birch and American beech cores from the Bartlett Experiment Forest (NH).

Project Contents: Data for 1 Plot, 38 Trees, 0 Cores

Project Period: 2007-01-01 to 2011-12-31


Acer rubrum
Betula papyrifera
Fagus grandifolia

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What's this?

Description: In the larger study, cores were collected from the Howland Forest (ME), Bartlett Experimental Forest (NH) and Harvard Forest (MA) to assess the age of sugars and starch reserves in several temperate forest species including red maple, red spruce, eastern hemlock, paper birch and American beech. An additional subset of increment cores was collected at Bartlett Experimental Forest due to the high rate of mortality among paper birch trees found there. These included 20 paper birch, 10 red maple and 10 American beech trees.

Related Publications:

  1. Richardson, A.D., Carbone, M.S., Keenan, T.F., Czimczik, C.I., Hollinger, D.Y., Murakami, P.F., Schaberg, P.G., and Xu, X. 2013. Seasonal dynamics and age of stemwood nonstructural carbohydrates in te View

Project Metadata

Taxonomic standard used: USDA Plants Database

How plots were selected: In transects within the AmeriFlux tower footprint.

How trees were selected: Healthy, dominant and codominant trees were selected.

Exclusion of trees (if any): Yes, trees deemed not healthy or that were not dominant/codominant were excluded.

How cores were collected: Increment cores were extracted at breast height (1.3 m) from trees greater than or equal to 25 cm DBH.

How cores were processed: Increment cores were dried, mounted and sanded using standard methods. Tree rings were visually crossdated using the list method, microscopically measured using a Velmex sliding stage unit and MeasureJ2X software (0.001 mm resolution) followed by the use of COFECHA to detect and correct crossdating errors.

Exclusion of cores (if any): A small number of cores were discarded since they were poorly correlated with the master chronology (i.e., below Pearson critical correlation 99% confidence levels) due to unusual growth trends that were not representative of overall growth at the site.

Added to the database: 11/07/2022

Last modified: 11/07/2022

Sample of Plot Data

Up to 10 rows of data are shown below.

Plot ID Latitude Longitude Site Description Crew
BAR44.056750-71.297510Not ProvidedRichardson crew

Sample of Tree Data

Up to 10 rows of data are shown below.

Plot ID Tree ID Species Status Diameter Diameter Units Crown Position Vigor Dieback
BAR1 -127BEPA35.6centimeterCD/D

Sample of Raw Core Data

Up to 10 rows of data are shown below.

Plot ID Tree ID DBH Vigor Sample ID Species First Year Last Year Estimated Age 0
BAR1 -12735.6BEPA

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Site Description:

Tree ID:




Crown Position:




Series Intercorrelation:

Average Mean Sensitivity:

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