Winooski Urban Forest Inventory Tree DataForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America(802) on surveyed trees including species, canopy condition, physiology, land use context and building interactionsForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeWinooski Urban Forest InventoryAlexandraKosibacontentProviderJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorLauraDlugoleckiprincipalInvestigatorInventory of the urban forest in Winooski, VT, in three land use classes - residential, commercial/industrial, and public. In partnership with the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District, 70 randomly-located plots were identified. Data collected and analyzed by i-Tree Eco provide information on the relative abundance and importance of different tree species, air pollution benefits, net carbon sequestration, stormwater mitigation and other information useful for valuing and managing Winooski's urban forest.Winooski Urban Forest Inventory Tree DataData on surveyed trees including species, canopy condition, physiology, land use context and building interactionsVMC.341.455mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/winooski-urban-forest-inventory/dataset/winooski-urban-forest-tree-data2014-07-01LocationNameLocation NameName of sample/inventory location (e.g., city name)textSeriesProject SeriesProject series nametextYearYearYear of data collectiondatetimeYYYYPlotIDPlot ID NumberPlot numberintSubPlotIDSubplot NumberSubplot numberintTreeIDTree NumberTree identification numberintFieldLandUseField land useField land useintA
Golf CourseI
Multi-family ResidentialO
Water/wetlandDirectionfromCenterDirection to TreeDirection from plot center (or offset point) to treeintmeterinteger0360DistancefromCenterDistance to TreeDistance from plot center (or offset point) to treedecimalmeterrealTreeStatusTree StatusTree statustextP
Planted—the tree was planted intentionallyI
Ingrowth—the tree self-seededU
Unknown—planted vs. ingrowth can not be determinedN
No change in status—this tree was present in a previous inventory and is present todayH
Removed for hazard/health problem—the tree has been removed since the previous inventory for health or safety reasonsC
Removed but healthy—a healthy tree was removed by the property ownerL
Removed owing to land use change—the tree was removed due to land use change (e.g., development of site)R
Removed, unknown—tree removed for unknown reasonSpeciesTree SpeciesTree speciestextHeighttoCrownBaseHeight to Base of CrownHeight to base of crowndecimalmeterrealTreeHeightLiveTopTree Height ot top of live crownTree height to top of live crowndecimalmeterrealTreeHeightTotalTotal tree heightTree height to top of treedecimalmeterrealCrownWidth1Crown Width North-SouthNorth-south crown width, or widest point if using FIA protocoldecimalmeterrealCrownWidth2Crown Width East-WestEast-west crown width, or at 90 degrees to other width measurement if using FIA protocoldecimalmeterrealCrownLightExposureCrown Light ExposureRanking of amount of light exposure the crown receivesint-1
Dead trees0
This tree receives no full light because it is shaded by trees, vines or other vegetation. 1
This tree receives light from the top or 1 side. 2
This tree receives light from the top and 1 side (or 2 sides without the top).3
The tree receives full light from the top and 2 sides (or 3 sides without the top).4
The tree receives full light from the top and 3 sides.5
The tree receives full light from the top and 4 sides.5
The tree receives full light from the top and 4 sides.PercentCrownMissingPercent of Crown MissingPercent of crown missingintmeterinteger0100CrownDiebackPercent DiebackPercent of crown showing diebackintmeterinteger0100PercentImperviousBelowPercent Impevious BelowPercent of impervious surface below crownintmeterinteger0100PercentShrubBelowPercent shrub belowPercent shrub cover below crownintmeterinteger0100TreeSiteTree LocationLocation of the tree (e.g., street, front yard, back yard)textS
Street treeN
Not a street treeCommentsCommentsComments on treetext