public read Winooski Urban Forest Inventory Plot InformationForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Winooski urban forest inventory plot locations and informationForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeWinooski Urban Forest InventoryAlexandraKosibacontentProviderJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorLauraDlugoleckiprincipalInvestigatorInventory of the urban forest in Winooski, VT, in three land use classes - residential, commercial/industrial, and public. In partnership with the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District, 70 randomly-located plots were identified. Data collected and analyzed by i-Tree Eco provide information on the relative abundance and importance of different tree species, air pollution benefits, net carbon sequestration, stormwater mitigation and other information useful for valuing and managing Winooski's urban forest.Winooski Urban Forest Inventory Plot InformationWinooski urban forest inventory plot locations and informationVMC.341.456mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/winooski-urban-forest-inventory/dataset/winooski-urban-forest-plot-info2014-07-01LocationNameLocation NameName of sample/inventory location (e.g., city name)textSeriesProject SeriesDescription of projecttextYearYearYear of data collectionintYYYYPlotIDPlot ID NumberPlot numberintPlotAddressAddress of plotAddress of Plot center or other information detailing location (e.g., Prospect Park)textXCoordinateGPS Coordinate (X)GIS coordinate Xdecimalmeterreal-180180YCoordinateGPS Coordinate (Y)GIS coordinates Ydecimalmeterreal-9090MapLandUseTypeIDLand Use on Map IDLand use on mapint1Single StrataDateDatedatedatetimeCrewCrewCrew IDtextCommentsPlot CommentsCommentstextDirectionsDirections to plotDescription of how to get to the plottextContactInfocontact informationContact InformationtextRevisionPlot revision numberThe revision number for the plot.text