public read Concentration of Mercury in Precipitation for New York and VermontForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Vermont Monitoring Cooperative University of Vermont Proctor Maple Research CenterEcosystems Research Group, Ltd. National Atmospheric Deposition Program National Trends NetworkUniversity of Vermont Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural ResourcespartnerWeekly assessment of the concentration and deposition of mercury in precipitation at Proctor Maple Research Center. Precipitation is collected in weekly composites year-round as part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program's Mercury Deposition Network, which analyzes the contents of the samples.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeWet Deposition of Mercury at Proctor Maple Research Center (Mercury Deposition Network-MDN)CarlWaitecontentProviderJudyRosovskycontentProviderEricMillercontentProviderMiriamPendletoncontentProviderJamesDuncancontentProviderMeasure the concentration and deposition of mercury in precipitation as part of the mercury deposition network (MDN).Concentration of Mercury in Precipitation for New York and VermontWeekly assessment of the concentration and deposition of mercury in precipitation at Proctor Maple Research Center. Precipitation is collected in weekly composites year-round as part of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program's Mercury Deposition Network, which analyzes the contents of the samples.VMC.319.2818mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/wet-deposition-mercury-proctor-maple-research/dataset/concentration-mercury-precipitation2005-01-01datemoddatemodNo description for this attributedatetimeM/D/YYYY hh:mmdateoffdateoffNo description for this attributedatetimeM/D/YYYY hh:mmdateONdateONNo description for this attributedatetimeM/D/YYYY hh:mmHgConcHgConcNo description for this attributedecimalno dataHgDepHgDepNo description for this attributedecimalno datanotesnotesNo description for this attributetextqrqrNo description for this attributetextrgPptrgPptNo description for this attributedecimalno datasampletypesampletypeNo description for this attributetextsiteIDsiteIDNo description for this attributetextsubpptsubpptNo description for this attributedecimalno datasVolsVolNo description for this attributedecimalno datayrmonthyrmonthNo description for this attributeintno data