Aboveground and coarse roots carbon storage estimates based on varying forest type specificity for northwestern Vermont and northeastern New York forests: Northeastern NY & northwestern VT carbon storage estimates
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► Metadata Provider
- Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
- Address:
705 Spear Street
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
United States of America
Phone: (802) 391-4135
Email: femc@uvm.edu
Website: www.uvm.edu/femc
► Abstract
This dataset includes six maps of aboveground and coarse roots carbon storage in northwestern Vermont forests. Maps were generated from forest cover maps of varying specificity along with look-up tables of carbon storage values based on Smith et al. (2006) and IPCC (2006) tables, and stand age data based on Pan et al. (2012). Models A and B were the most accurate when compared to field validation plots, but still contained substantial error. If Model D, based on the IPCC (2006) carbon storage tables is used, the D-high model is the most accurate. These data are most suitable for assessing regional-scale carbon storage, and should not be used to assess carbon storage at a local scale. For complete methods information, see Adams, A., Pontius, J., Galford, G, Merrill, S., & Gudex-Cross, D, "Modeling carbon storage across a heterogeneous mixed temperate forest: the influence of forest type specificity on regional-scale carbon storage estimates," currently in press for Landscape Ecology.
► People
- Jennifer Pontius: Content Provider
- Alison Adams: Principal Investigator
► Geographic Coverage
- Coordinates
► Data Table
- Title: Northeastern NY & northwestern VT carbon storage estimates
- Start Date: 2014-11-01
- Description: Aboveground and coarse roots carbon storage for forests in northeastern New York State and northwestern Vermont. Six models based on forest cover of varying specificity; Smith et al. (2006) carbon storage tables (Models A, B, C) or IPCC (2006) carbon storage tables (Models D-high, -mid, and -low); and stand age (Pan et al. 2012). Pixel size is 30m. Forest cover data from 2014. See the following publication for further information regarding methods, significance, etc: Adams, A. B., Pontius, J., Galford, G. L., Merrill, S. C., & Gudex-Cross, D. (2018). Modeling carbon storage across a heterogeneous mixed temperate forest: the influence of forest type specificity on regional-scale carbon storage estimates. Landscape Ecology, 33(4), 641-658
- Purpose: Comparing the effects of forest type specificity on regional-scale carbon storage estimates in heterogeneous forests like those found in the northeastern U.S.
- Condensed Title: 20180209163933_Adams2018_CarbonStorage.zip
- Object Name: VMC.1228.2457
- Data Type: mySQL
- Citation: Adams, A., Pontius, J., Galford, G., Merrill, S., & Gudex-Cross, D. (2018) Northwestern VT carbon storage estimates. FEMC. Available online at: /femc/data/archive/project/vtcarbon/dataset/northwestern-vt-carbon-storage-estimates
- Online Distribution: /femc/data/archive/project/vtcarbon/dataset/northwestern-vt-carbon-storage-estimates
► Attribute List
- Attribute Name: Pixel
- Label: Mg carbon per hectare
- Description: Each 30mx30m pixel contains a value representing the Mg of carbon stored per hectare
- Storage Type: decimal
- Measurment Type: ratio
- String Format: D-M-YY
- Unit: Mg carbon/hectare
- Number Type: -1
► Methods
- No methods recorded for this dataset
► Sampling Equipment
- No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
► Site Characteristics
- No site characteristics recorded for this dataset