public read Maple Syrup ProductionForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Data on yearly maple syrup production measured in price per gallon, total gallons produced annually, and total sales from the USDA.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeMaple Syrup ProductionThis project contains data on the annual production of maple syrup from Agriculture Statistics database by the USDA.Maple Syrup ProductionData on yearly maple syrup production measured in price per gallon, total gallons produced annually, and total sales from the USDA.VMC.1151.2815mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/sugarmaple_production/dataset/maple-syrup-production1992-01-01CommodityCommodityNo description for this attributetextGeo_LevelGeo_LevelNo description for this attributetextPriceReceivedDollarsPerGallonPriceReceivedDollarsPerGallonNo description for this attributedecimalno dataProductionInDollarsProductionInDollarsNo description for this attributeintno dataProductionInGallonsProductionInGallonsNo description for this attributeintno dataProgramProgramNo description for this attributetextStateStateNo description for this attributetextState_ANSIState_ANSINo description for this attributeintno dataYearYearNo description for this attributeintno data