Viewing a version of dataset "Northeast Growing Season SPEI"
Version name: NY_SW spei for indicators 20200930
This page provides information about a version of dataset "Northeast Growing Season SPEI" that was created. This version information can be used to accurately cite the dataset at a particular point in time, and to define dynamic subsets of data as they were used in publications or reports.
This approach to creating versions is built upon the of the
- Purpose
While mild, short-term droughts are not an uncommon event in Vermont, with higher temperatures resulting from continued climate change, we may see more severe or longer-duration droughts. Lack of water, particularly during the growing season, can result in short-term changes in our forests, for example, a tree will halt photosynthesis and growth until there is sufficient water. But droughts can also result in more serious consequences to forests, like lack of a viable seed crop or large die-offs of vulnerable species, locations, or age classes. Seedlings are particularly vulnerable to drought due to their shallow root systems. Further, droughts can increase the chance of forest fire -- to which many of our tree species are not adapted. Insect pest outbreaks can also be more destructive when they occur with or following drought.
- Version Name
- NY_SW spei for indicators 20200930
- Version ID
- 6
- Version Type
- Subset
- Created Date
- 2020-09-30 13:17:52
- Creator
- Matthias Sirch
- No DOI Assigned
- Download
Available for download
- Data License
- Linked - Third party determines data license
- Parent Version
- Go to Parent Version