public read Chloroform in Soil GasForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
A soil probe was used to measure on-site soil gas which was analyzed later using gas chromatographyForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeSources & Sinks of Chloroform and its PrecursorsMichaelAucottprincipalInvestigatorInvestigate hypothesis that chloroacetic acids may be involved in forest decline by attempting to replicate findings from Europe of high levels of chloroform enrichment in soil-air from conifer forests.Chloroform in Soil GasA soil probe was used to measure on-site soil gas which was analyzed later using gas chromatographyVMC.18.220mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/sources-sinks-chloroform-its-precursors/dataset/chloroform-soil-gas1995-06-092005-06-11elevelevationElevation (feet)intmeternaturalPKIDPKIDPKIDintTubeTubeTubeintLocation TypeLocation Type''away'' means not directly under overhang of trees, ''under'' means directly under substantial tree canopy, ''ambient'' was air pulled directly from atmosphere at g [sic]textLowest Chloroform CoLowest Chloroform ConcentrationLowest Chloroform Concentrationdecimalmeter-1Highest Chloroform CoHighest Chloroform ConcentrationHighest Chloroform Concentrationdecimalmeter-1