Basal Area of Trees and New RecruitsForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America(802) Nature Conservancy partnerBasal area of trees and new recruits 1998-2002 (sq meter per hectare) from the Shaw Mountain Ice Storm Study. Elevation 190-215m.Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeShaw Mountain Ice Storm Study 1998-2002JamesGravesprincipalInvestigatorThis study tracks forest response to an ice storm. The forest inventory plots, established in 1998 are located at the Nature Conservancy's Shaw Mountain Natural Area in Benson, VT. Used to study the impacts of this disturbance on forest structure and composition. Response variables include abiotic conditions, soil, downed woody material, canopy cover and light penetration, canopy composition, tree recruitment, tree vitality analysis, seedling density by species and height, tree diameter analysis, basal area of trees, and herbaceous layer after an ice storm.
Four 20x20m plots were located at 190-215 m elevation, two in heavily ice-damaged forest and two in lightly damaged forest (controls).Basal Area of Trees and New RecruitsBasal area of trees and new recruits 1998-2002 (sq meter per hectare) from the Shaw Mountain Ice Storm Study. Elevation 190-215m.VMC.1341.2736mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/shaw_mountain_ice_storm_study/dataset/basal-area-new-recruits-1998-20021998-07-142002-07-15ba_1998Basal Area, 1998Basal area in 1998 of trees present before the ice storm (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalba_1999Basal Area, 1999Basal area in 1999 of trees present before the ice storm (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalba_2000Basal Area, 2000Basal area in 2000 of trees present before the ice storm (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalba_2001Basal Area, 2001Basal area in 2001 of trees present before the ice storm (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalba_2002Basal Area, 2002Basal area in 1998 of trees present before the ice storm (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalPercChange_00to01Annual Percent Change, 2000-2001Annual percent change of basal area between 2000 and 2001decimalmeternaturalPercChange_01to02Annual Percent Change, 2001-2002Annual percent change of basal area between 2001 and 2002decimalmeternaturalPercChange_98to99Annual Percent Change, 1998-1999Annual percent change of basal area between 1998 and 1999decimalmeternaturalPercChange_99to00Annual Percent Change, 1999-2000Annual percent change of basal area between 1999 and 2000decimalmeternaturalPlotPlotPlots 1 and 2= heavy ice damage, plots 3 and 4=control (light ice damage)intmeternaturalRecruit_00Basal Area of New Recruits, 2000Basal area in 2000 of new recruits (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalRecruit_01Basal Area of New Recruits, 2001Basal area in 2001 of new recruits (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalRecruit_02Basal Area of New Recruits, 2002Basal area in 2002 of new recruits (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalRecruit_98Basal Area of New Recruits, 1998Basal area in 1998 of new recruits (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalRecruit_99Basal Area of New Recruits, 1999Basal area in 1999 of new recruits (sq meter/ha)decimalmeternaturalSpeciesSpeciesNo description for this attributeintACSA
ITIS #28731, sugar maple (Acer saccharum)BELE
ITIS #19487, sweet birch (Betula lenta)BEPA
ITIS #19489, paper birch (Betula papyrifera)CACA
ITIS #19504, American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)CACO
ITIS #19227, bitternut hickory; pignut (Carya cordiformis)CAOV
ITIS #19242, shagbark hickory (Carya ovata)FRAM
ITIS #32931, white ash (Fraxinus americana)OSVI
ITIS #19511, eastern hophornbeam; hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)